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  1. Nov 2013
    1. There is an review article called "Ethnography in/of/as Open systems" by Kin Fortum, that might be a complementary approach for design thinkers. As ethnography is deeply involved with meanings, I found it very suitable for understanding deterrence construction in different locations, like Nuclear Borderlands, by Joseph Masco.

    1. I had to use google to translate what is deterrence in Spanish. It is no a common language word as, I think, it might be in English. The most related word was intimidation, but I guess that have more subtle meanings.

    1. Stein sees this approach as self-confirming and indeed self-justifying, and argues that as an alternative IR theorists should turn away from microeconomic paradigms to ones rooted in cognitive psychology and neuroscience--the latter which provide ample evidence that decision making is typically not a "rational" process in the way economists envision it (especially in moments of crisis) (62-70). She then, however, turns to systems theory--specifically complex systems theory as the "environment" or "context" in which decision makers operate (70)

      I've been reading on the emergence of international communication, and these shifts have also taken place in the context of development policies, specifically in communication. However, a more cultural approach was tied to anthropology, which also has lead me in the direction exposed by Nikki in other commentary. It will be interest to connect deterrence with other forms of global order during Cold war, where development for example, was a preventive strategy in poor countries to be part of communist block.

    1. Simulations did not here attempt to map reality; rather they substituted for reality, even as they produced new realitie

      I think that Meadows' work must be connected with their experiences on simulation, and how, although systems could be represented in simple schemes, they also work on large amounts of data.

    2. The idea of systems might not be well developed in diplomacy discourse at that particular moment. It is interesting to search for the historical emergence of systems thinking in the practical setting of constructing infrastructure projects. Also how systems started to colonize strategic thinking.