7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. One way to aid establishment of slow‐growing plant species is through adding soil amendments to prairie restorations before planting. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form mutualisms with the roots of most terrestrial plants and are particularly important for the growth of slow‐growing prairie plant species.

      AMF is an excellent soil amendment. Soil amendments speed up growth of slow growing plants.

    1. Sneed experimental plots treated with fire, grazing and fire+grazing as restoration methods shows significantly higher hyphal colonization at the plots grazed by cattle (38.14±4.87%) compared to control plots (23.44±0.94%) and plots treated with fire+grazing combined (27.78±2.01%).

      Adding cattle increased the prevalence of fungal hypha (long branching filaments of fungi indicative of healthy fungi growth).

    2. Clinton and Edith Sneed Environmental Research Area

      Full name of the ERA (Environmental Research Area) of the Sneed Prairie where Austin College, led by Dr. Peter Schulze, conduct their annual research.

  2. Oct 2023
    1. Despite disagreement about the role of fly-ways in limiting viral spread among wild birds (17,18), therapid spatial diffusion and transmission of HPAIV in wildand domestic birds highlight the need to further investigatethe processes involved in viral emergence and spread.
    2. The timing and direction of this virus’sdissemination, which coincided with waterfowl migra-tion patterns, together with phylogenetic and geospatialdata (3,4) support the hypothesis that Gs/GD H5N8 clade2.3.4.4 was introduced into North America through theBeringian Crucible via intercontinental movement ofmigratory waterfowl (5,6).

      Beringian Crucible

    3. Analysis of globallycirculating Gs/GD-lineage H5Nx clade virusesshowed a widespread distribution and confirmed that thelineage causing the outbreak in North America probablyresulted from a single introduction (online Technical Ap-pendix Table 2, Figure 1).

      The current strain of HPAIV H5N1 likely resulted from a single transcontinental migration of just one bird.

    4. bird banding

      Bird banding is one technique used to monitor migratory flock patterns and given the infection rate of HPAIV A/H5N1 is near 100% the virus can be understood as endemic in all migratory waterfowl so tracking their movements is an effective method for tracking the transmission dynamics of the virus itself.