64 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. we who use the Web have an oppor-tunity to wield the architecture of participation to defend our freedom to create and consume digital media according to our own agendas.

      I am not sure that I fully agree here. I did not look to see when this book was written, or how old it is today, but I think I can safely say that we have already crossed into this and it has been happening for some time. We are not fully in control of what we are influenced by now when it comes to social media/new media. With ads being directed toward you and supposedly "what you like" or fake accounts that are made to steer you in a different way... I think that definitely plays a part in how we as consumers can NOT be in control. This is why digital literacies and learning the ways of the web is so important, and like the author stated before, not everybody has that "lore". We don't all come out computer literate, ready and able to take on the web and participate intelligently and its more important now than it ever has been about the dangers of navigating such technologically advanced resources.

  2. Apr 2017
    1. But the students are restless y'all. These upon whose shoulders our futures will be built are staring down an apocalypse—of government, of environment, of justice, and of common sense.

      I don't know if I have any words in me, but to keep scrolling through this article saying "Wow" and "this is absolutely true". Nothing else seems to be able to come out of my mouth.

    2. Your students have fought, your students have hidden from bullies, your students have been hungry, they have passed for straight, they have held their tongues, and they have been broken.


    3. They are taking risks

      point blank.

    4. The Student is the weak link in the academy, the wild horse that needs breaking, or the lazy scissorbill who must be taught discipline and integrity...and more recently, the privileged Millennial whose character can only be built through an unforgiving exposure to adversity.

      It hurts to even read these words, but it is definitely the reality we are living in.

    5. Hate crime, domestic abuse, fears about the stability and reliability of health care, concerns about the environment—all the things that plague working adults with advanced degrees also plague students.

      This is absolutely true, and it sucks that there are people who think students are "saved" from these things and that we really don't understand them yet, or go through them. A lot of what students encounter and have to work through isn't always acknowledged.

  3. Mar 2017
    1. if people just do not like to write, we have an entirely different battle to wage.

      What do you know!?

    2. It has been posited by some that the abilities to analyze, synthesize, and integrate knowledge transfer across genres, thus making it less important to teach the genres of the workplace in the academy.

      No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

    3. pward of 70% of salaried employees have writing responsibilities. Indeed, 96–100% of the students and faculty at each school in our survey think writing will be somewhat important or very im-portant to their future success, and 93–100% believe they will write often or very often after graduation.

      These numbers surprise me

    4. ‘Accountability’ has turned to test-cramming and bean-counting, often limited to basic reading and math skills” (Dillon)

      I've experience this in my classes and have been challenging what I am gaining in the long run

    5. Applebee and Langer conclude that students are simply not writing enough to prepare them for the demands of postsecondary education. They highlight the fact that “some 40% of twelfth-grade students . . . report never or hardly ever being asked to write a paper of three pages or more”

      What is sad is that I still hear this in 2017. 2017!!!!

    6. Melzer’s research confirms our own results that college faculty provide little opportunity for exploratory writing or workplace-based genres. As we reflect on the types of writing being assigned we need to consider not only whether they promote deep learning but also whether the writing submitted by students evidences the deep learning intended as well as ways in which we may or may not be preparing students for life beyond the academy.3

      Sorely lacking from most curriculums even today, and further extends that imposter syndrome

    7. We hypothesize that the setting of clear expectations specifically for writing does not occur that often across the curriculum, thus leading to the disparity between faculty and student rankings.

      It is important to note that there are a lot of professors and teachers who assume student's abilities

    8. 23

      It is interesting that high schools faculty have their students always discuss their writing with others more. You would think that the stigma of being a student themselves and not knowing much would be more prevalent

    9. 47

      because this service doesn't exist for some high schools or because students just aren't referred?

    10. 18

      too low

    11. Have Students Read/Respond to Other Students’ Work

      The numbers here for "always" should be WAY higher

    12. 36

      should this be higher?

    13. 32

      way too high

    14. During their first year, students reported being assigned to do eighteen different kinds of writing


    15. Explained in advance the grading criteria he or she would use

      Oh of course explaining the grading would be in the 90s. Makes me worry that this is the bulk of the concern when we should be past this. Working too much for the grade and for "what the professor wants" in order to get that grade than anything else.

    16. In particular we are referring to the Harvard Study of Writing (begun in 1997), the Stanford Study of Writing (begun in 2001) and the Longitudinal Study of Writing at the University of Denver (begun 2007).

      These studies sound great! But look at where they originated. One ivy league and two private institutions (one of which is the oldest independent private university in the Rocky Mountain Region of the US). By the looks of where we are today, what have we really taken from them to improve what WE do?

    17. quality of writing must be improved if students are to succeed in college and in life.

      The college board does note that the quality of writing needs to improve, but how are they actually going about it? Asking those 27 questions over and over again?

    18. our research includes three high schools (one suburban public high school in a relatively affluent neighborhood [27% free/reduced lunch and 7% drop-out rate], one urban high school in a relatively poor neighborhood [63% free/reduced lunch and 26% drop-out rate], and one private, all-girls Catholic high school), as well as two community colleges, two four-year public institutions, one four-year private institution, one public MA-granting institution, and one doctorate-granting, flagship institution

      I would say that most of the bases are being covered here, but then only a very small number of faculty and students actually participated in the on-going study soooo...

  4. Feb 2017
    1. That Murray presents the computer itself as a liminal object (99) further supports why students’ online research activities are sometimes viewed with suspicion: they are not quite real, at least in the context of the first-year composition classroom.

      BOOOOOOOOOO thumbs down


    2. 34PedagogyPurdy and WalkerLiminal Spaces and Research Identity35This goal can be achieved, however, without forcing students to abandon the useful knowledge and skills that form their existing research identities. Students need to be able to make their own investigations into these practices and to understand the complexities and contradictions in the ways that aca-demic research practices create knowledge. We need to assist students in this learning by sharing with them examples of academic research processes as messy, tentative, and even contested

    3. ut presents initial research as “exploratory,” as aiding in the formulation of a research question


    4. allowed—and encouraged

      love these two words

    5. Applying such an approach to introductory composition will bring students, at the beginning of their academic experience, into the fluid and complex practices through which individuals and disciplines shape and create academic knowledge.

      I think so too!

    6. Positioning students as “unskilled” or “illiterate” researchers not only reflects outdated theoretical views and is inaccurate but also may actually damage students’ ability to create a “healthy” academic identity. When positioned as wholly ignorant, students are invited neither to critique the processes they are engaging in nor to situate their own practices within the model they are taught.

      I agree, and I think this is the very reason why Kean is so lucky to have staff like Dr. Zamora. Thank you!

    7. they can certainly be anxiety ridden as students are seen as polluting agents

      which is why I find the term polluting agents to be horrid

    8. Vincent A. Anfara (1998: 3) notes that a position of liminality in high school settings can be perceived as either a location where students try on adult identities or a space where authority figures attempt to control the transition from childhood to adulthood in ways that emphasize students’ lack of power, freedom, or even ability to make the choices that will be required of them in the adult world

    9. the initiand’s lack of status can also serve, as Mark Dressman (1997: 309) contends, to “hold a mirror up to the social order,” and initiands can have the potential to “appropriate resources and make a space for themselves within society on their own terms.” A


    10. The concept of knowledge making as an act engaged in by professionals through practices such as creating experiments, conducting ethnographies, or visiting archives is deemphasized, and the idea of students as engaged in such knowledge-making is even further deempha-sized. It is only later, when students enter their disciplines, that they may begin to use these activities of research to produce new knowledge.

    11. But do not we have a different starting point in our acquired knowledge and capacity to handle it and are our obligations not quite different?Students, in other words, must necessarily lack “expertise and technique” (Trimbur 1989: 611) so that academia can impart it to them. They can have “life experiences,” but we as academics have “knowledge and intellectual skills”

    12. and although it is through the introductory composition course that students are seen as entering this institutional space, they are nevertheless identified as arriving in this space with a lack of ability to participate from a position of equality—or even at all

      as if students don't have the authority

      Thought: "On Students' Rights to Their Own Texts"... one of the main concepts stressed in this article was that students were treated as if they couldn't possibly be capable of having the kind of knowledge that a professor/teacher does and that they don't have any kind of authority to make decision about their work.

    13. one of the functions of the professions and the modern university has been to specialize and to remove knowledge from public discourse and decision-making, to reduce it to a matter of expertise and technique. . . . [W]e must acknowledge that . . . the prevailing configuration of knowledge and its institutions prevents the formation of consensus by shrinking the public sphere and excluding the majority of the population from the conversation.

      Elitist thinking if you ask me. Isn't this alluding to a notion that there's a "special" group who can engage/do this kind of work?

    14. Higher educa-tion claims that it engages in a different kind of knowledge making that is more rigorous, or at least more rooted in critical use of sources and source materials

      That it does. Everything is made to seem really scary

    15. Our analysis reveals that the idea of introductory university students as “knowledge makers” and active practitioners of research activities is mark-edly absent from almost all the websites and textbooks we investigated.

    16. Stu-dents are instructed to brainstorm ideas before they do research and beforethey write their papers. The implications are that these processes can be easily distinguished and separated and that students finish deciding on their topic idea before doing research and need not revise or adapt this topic based upon what they fin

      Some of my best work has come from NOT having a set topic before I dove into the work. This is similar to how it is not necessary to always write an introduction first.

    17. proclaiming writing processes as universal is ultimately inaccurate and sti-fling

      What I just mentioned

    18. However, the idea that researchers move through them once in this order oversimplifies and misrepresents research writing

      This makes me think of how some learn about the writing process. It is often presented as a series of linear steps visually. However, is then emphasized in a way that is fluid. Students sometimes have difficulty, then, understanding that each step does not have to be done in order once.

    19. “Move from an Assignment to a Topic. Do Exploratory Research and Formulate a Research Question. Assemble a Working Bibliog-raphy. Develop a Tentative Thesis. Do Focused Research. Take Notes. Fine-tune Your Thesis. Outline Your Paper. Draft Your Paper. Revise Your Paper. Prepare Your Final Draft”

      I am overwhelmed just by looking at this list

    20. Purdy and WalkerLiminal Spaces and Research Identity19We want to be clear that the academic library is a valuable resource

      No really?

    21. Instructional materials present research as a step-by-step con-trolled process, much like early stage models of writing.

      This is very much like how I learned.

    22. cautions like Tensen’s are seemingly based on the underlying anxiety that the academic library may become less necessary or less relevant if reliable knowledge is accessible in other nonacademic forums

      I can agree that non-academic forums can have an effect on how students view the library to a certain extent, but it does not make the library as a whole and as a resources "less necessary"

    23. e do disagree, however, that these skill sets must be wholly separate from the skill sets students use in nonacademic research.

      cue angel soundtrack

    24. she admits that student researchers are very proficient at certain kinds of searching on the web but then goes on to explain that this proficiency does not make them good aca-demic researchers

      Okay, but students also do not have to throw away what they know. How about presenting it as reframing their mindset around "good research", or just adding onto what they know already. Instead of getting rid of their previous knowledge, show them how to apply what they already know to what they are learning.

    25. The intimation here is that students cannot be “wise” to the ways of the World Wide Web without replacing their existing practices—even prac-tices used for previous school work

      I tried to make my own version so that the profanity was not displayed, but yolo, right?

    26. The results of Internet searches, how-ever, can sometimes provide an overwhelming flood of sources, many of them of questionable legitimacy” (207). Students are cautioned against continuing to rely on this space

      Dually noted, but students can learn about how to check if a source is credible. There is something that can be done, so I don't agree with discouraging use of the space completely

    27. When students conduct academic research, in other words, the skills and strategies they bring with them need to be retooled or abandoned for fear that they will pollute their academic work.

      No wonder there is such a stigma about research

    28. Such texts, we believe, substantiate our claim as they draw attention to the need to change how we as a discipline think about undergraduate students as researchers.

      oh the accuracy

    29. polluting outside influences. These influences are taken to be those practices and sources students bring with them from their work in nonacademic online spaces.

      I don't appreciate the terminology here.

    30. We therefore contend that academic research practices need to be connected to students’ existing practices rather than set up as wholly separate from (and better than) them.

      Students may know more than they think they do... let's change that. Student DO know more than they think they do.

    31. “to cross the threshold,” that is, to literally or figuratively pass through a liminal space, “is to unite oneself with a new world” (20).Introductory composition classes serve as such a threshold into the “new world” of the academy.

      So would this be like bringing the world of research into our everyday lives? So much so that it is not just something one does at school, but a much more unifying and constant thing?

    32. prevailing approaches to research instruction in introductory composition courses, as represented in print and digital instruc-tional materials, reflect outdated theoretical views and may damage students’ researcher identity. Teaching research as a closed, linear, universal process prevents students from leaving the liminal space.

    33. flexible researcher identities can be significantly damaged if our instructions, methods, and tools ignore, disregard, or even suppress the knowledge on which their existing identities are based

      I can see how this can cause confusion for a student more than anything else

    34. abandon their current practices and admit that they do not know how to do research.

      Interesting. Maybe not so much as admitting defeat on this, but rather admitting that they can/should know more and that they are willing to learn?

    35. new research identities constructed for students through these texts are often based on a linear, print-based model of research, in which a “good” student researcher is one who is efficient and follows only prescribed pathways—pathways that frequently denigrate or deny the experiences of using nonacademic and online research spaces that students bring to aca-demic writing tasks.

      I agree with this statement, and it is sad to me that it took me as long as it did to learn this.

    36. disciplines. Research instruction for introductory students, in particular, is usually the responsibility of first-year composition teachers. Introductory composition courses often include a research component in which the mental and physical activities of doing research are discussed and practiced.

      However, there is no way that a first-year comp course discussing these concepts for a semester is sufficient time to ensure that students will have a firm understanding of the brilliance and sometimes heaviness that is research. This concept should be implemented from here throughout the rest of their college journey, and just from what I see in the writing center and my own personal experiences, there is still a bit of work to do in this area of introduction with research.

    1. bots

    2. What about bookstores?

      The act of someone actually walking into a bookstore and sitting down to read, or even spending hours there has definitely died down a little in my opinion. However, bookstores are not gone! It is such a beautiful experience to me, and I don't think I can ever let bookstores go. I am probably most alive whenever I am surrounded by books! So much is accessible in a digital context, but there are still people out there with old souls that long for that sort of tangible experience

    3. twitter bots

      No E-grets!

    4. Electronic Literature Collection

      This collection is gold! I am so happy to know about it and be able to experience and navigate through all of the works of art. The community around Electronic Literature is growing, and I feel I am a part of it, which is really cool!