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  1. Oct 2024
    1. But that is exactly what theasymmetry of procreational duties states. It states that while we have a duty to avoidbringing into existence people who would lead miserable lives, we have no duty tobring into existence those who would lead happy lives.

      I have a problem with. Even if one accepts these statements, I find it disagreeable and simply wrong that we have no duty to bring in people who will lead happy lives. We have no idea of knowing that a baby who was born will live a happy life, but this does not mean that we should not procreate. We should encouraging procreating for the hope that amazing people who live inspirational and motivating lives exists. Also, even if the person is living a miserable life, should we not argue that they would have been better off if they were never born but instead argue that there is something wrong with our planet and society and try to address and fix that instead?


  2. Sep 2024
    1. own advantage. Now inorder to do this I assume that the parties are situated behind a veil ofignorance. They do not know how the

      veil of ignorance


  3. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. taking instead a comfortable twenty percent for himself.

      clearly using the usury rule discussed in class, promoting the stingy and money hungry stereotype of the Jews.

    2. Four months after taking over the reins of government he imprisoned allthe Jews in his lands and released them only after a heavy ransom had beenpaid

      Example of the mistreatment and unfair position the British royalty put the Jewish people in

    3. Whether he himself actually believed that Jews committed ritual murders isdifficult to determine. It is sufficient to say that, in taking drastic action againsthis Jewish subjects, he had recourse to such accusations.

      It is interesting to see that the Jewish people were mistreated by the king, with no sufficient proof that he even felt an extreme negative bias against them. This, to me, shows that he was feeding into the feelings at the time and was trying to cement his place as king instead of trying to deal with the social situations that were flooding around him.