72 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Nov 2023
    1. Through these skills, we all learned how to manage our groups and respectfully and creatively communicate all of our concerns, intentions, and ideas, and these are skills that I know I will use for many years to come.

      (through PRACTICING these skills). otherwise, great conclusion

    2. “Happy Days.

      What was this project? it states later that its an art piece, but it's not evident from the getgo

    3. This class and this assignment in particular displays my ability to creatively collaborate and it is a great example of my ability to communicate effectively and respectfully across differences.

      love this but move it down so you end on a strong note

    4. It has taught me that through communication, critical reflection and creative collaboration, working with others can help generate and refine ideas like never before. Additionally, I have been able to hone my skills in communicating and in leading, ensuring all group members are feeling heard and contributing equitably and with a feeling of having leverage in creating our work together.

      love this

    5. But


    6. I and my group members

      my group members and I

  3. Oct 2023
    1. Surveillance capitalism hinges on the appropriation and commercialisation of personal data for profit-making. This chapter spotlights three cases connected to surveillance capitalism: data appropriation, monetisation of health data and the unfair commercial practice when “free” isn’t “free”. It discusses related ethical concerns of power inequality, privacy and data protection, and lack of transparency and explainability. The chapter identifies responses to address concerns about surveillance capitalism and discusses three key responses put forward in policy and academic literature and advocated for their impact and implementation potential in the current socio-economic system: antitrust regulation, data sharing and access, and strengthening of data ownership claims of consumers/individuals. A combination of active, working governance measures is required to stem the growth and ill-effects of surveillance capitalism and protect democracy.

      This text is about surveillance capitalism, which is when companies use your personal data to make money. It talks about three main issues related to this: taking your data without permission, making money from your health data, and how "free" services are not really free. It also mentions ethical concerns like unequal power, privacy, and lack of transparency.

      The text suggests three ways to deal with these problems: making rules to prevent big companies from having too much power (antitrust regulation), letting people have more control over their data (data sharing and ownership), and making sure people own their data. To really tackle surveillance capitalism and protect democracy, a combination of these measures is needed.

  4. May 2023
    1. Ram ventilation

      saves energy

    2. quatic respiratory function

      left (concurrent: blood & water moving in the same direction) not good because not all the O2 is drawn from the water. countercurrent is good bc much more O2 is drawn from the water into the blood

    3. Aquatic respiratory function

      important image

    4. Most fishes have a two-phase pumpn Oral cavityn Opercular cavity

      allow for both unidirectional AND continuous flow

    5. Lamellae very thin

      small deltax in fick equation, allows for quick diffusion

    6. Respiratory structures

      for aquatic invertebrates

    7. Diffusion distances shortn Full of holes - Poriferan Septate - Cnidarian Flat - Platyhelminthesn Diffusion fine for uptakeand distributionn No specialized respiratory orcirculatory organs

      animals w/ no specialized respiratory organs


    1. Tracheole volume larger toaccommodate needsLARGE INSECT20

      for large buggies

    2. Not in text



    1. Baroreceptor

      too high blood pressure, then baroreceptors respond by stimulating sympathetic output and decreasing parasympathetic output so that the heart rate can be decreased

    2. Control of Cardiac Output

      end diastolic volume and end systolic volume

    3. Inward leakage of Na+n Reduced outward leakage of K +n Inward leakage of Ca ++

      leaky-ness important

    4. SA node starts usout

      not cell-to-cell communication

    5. Do NOT need external stimulus

      intrinsic control

    6. Desmosomesn Stress

      contraction/stretching communicates with other cells through gap junctions/cell-to-cell communication

    7. Differences – the basics10

      ions involved in action potentials skeletal vs cardiac

    8. H

      11 is the isovolumetric portion


    1. 1.

      because if the rate (V/t) of the flow in the systemic is equal to the pulmonary, but also, the systemic has a higher pressure than the pulmonary, then the resistance of the systemic must be higher so that the rate in the systemic is not higher than the pulmonary from the high systemic pressure

    2. 1.

      pressure must be higher in systemic to travel such a great distance

    3. Sharks

      fish circulation

    4. Auxiliary

      extra hearts

    5. divided circulation

      divided circulation (humans have this)

    6. Doublen Systemic: Heart -> body -> heartn Pulmonary: Heart -> lungs -> hea

      double circulation in reptiles

    7. At A

      pressure higher here because to move blood, you need a pressure gradient so it is high near the heart

    8. Heart -> arteries -> capillaries -> veins -> heart

      vertebrate circulation (basic)

    9. Diffusion and Bulk Flow

      fick equation

    10. Why pumps?



    1. e?2929Can you drink seawater tosurvive?3030

      no bc we would remove more water than salt, which forces us not to retain water. we would become dehydrated


    1. Table 1.

      important table

    2. The mean age of late-onset OCD was 59.88 years, with an age range of 39–78 years. Ten of the 18 reported patients were male (55.55%). The most commonly reported obsessions were obsession of dirt and contamination (44.44%) followed by obsession of need to know (11.11%) and obsessive sexual images (11.11%). The uncommon obsessions reported were obsessive doubts regarding blood sugar levels, blasphemous obsessions, aggressive obsessions, somatic obsessions, obsession of making mistakes, obsession of something terrible will happen, and obsession of falling ill.

      common geriatric ocd obsessions

    1. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is the fourth most prevalent psychiatric disorder, having an onset in the second or third decade of life.

      include in the young adults/older adults section

    1. Films, as productsof cultural struggles in this historical, social, economic, and political context, offer asignificant site for representing tensions and contradictions within a country that straddles theline between the modern and traditional, Western and Eastern, secular and religious.


    2. it critiquestraditional gender politics through its feminist discours

      Much like another film the primary reading describes, this film "critiques traditional gender politics through its feminist discourse".

    3. In these films, violence against women and women’s empowerment coexist aspowerful female characters subvert or critique that violence.


    4. it is reductive and therefore problematic to imply that these issuesaffect Muslim women and Muslim societies onl

      the film does not present this as a SOLELY Muslim problem

    5. women’s status in Islam; the concept of violenceagainst women that resonates across multiple layers of reference (physical, emotional,political, economic, sexual, military); and, rather contradictory to that, the use of powerfulfemale characters. “Honor” killings, women’s chastity, adultery, virginity, and forced marriageare topics which have a considerable impact upon women’s lives and experiences in countriesand communities where Islamic patriarchal regimes exist.

      physical, emotional, political, economic, sexual, military

    6. discussions around and critiques of films from within the Middle East are invaluablecontributions to the “texture” of understanding of these films that travel abroad. Indeed, it isthrough these debates that films can begin to “convey more explicit meanings and resonatebeyond the appeal of the exotic”

      the film discusses politics

    7. At times, they, indeed, do reinforce negative images of Islam in highlighting issuesaround women’s oppression, yet these are typically used to critique the conditions that areconsequences of cultural and religious values

      this is how the film presents women's oppression

    8. Hollywood films are inclined to show Islam as intrinsically oppressive towards womenthrough the use of veiling and gender segregation to reinforce the so-called “backwardness” ofIslamic societies.

      oppression was pointed out (like with the "men's bars", men's constant attempts to "protect" Farah, and men's general expectation that they deserve or can earn sex/sexual contact) but not from a perspective of difference and opposition as many Western approaches to Muslim representation


    1. Ion Regulating, Osmoconforming

      image helps answer q about shark osmoconforming


  5. Apr 2023
    1. (age range: 20 to 64; M = 31.2, SD = 10.22).


    2. Participants were students that responded to an advertisement sent via email to all female students at the University of Iceland. In total, 61 females participated. Their mean age was 32.44 years (SD = 11.54; ranging from 20 to 61) year.


    1. Ion conforming

      hagfish is the only vertebrate that does this


    1. Foregut vs. Hindgut Fermentation

      pros and cons of foregut & hindgut fermentation

    2. Enzyme Secretion and digestion


    3. Enzyme Secretion and digestion

      feedback loop

    4. Not in text

      look at picture

    5. ntra”cellular



    1. In contrast, the fi-brocartilaginous surfaces of the femoral neck and antitrochanterlikely resisted translational shear loading during femoral axial ro-tation, as in extant birds (Kambic et al. 2014). The antitrochantersof nonavian theropods tended to maintain an open synchondro-sis, rather than being ossified as in extant birds. The open syn-chondrosis morphology allows a substantial volume of hyalinecartilage core, deep to the superficial layer of fibrocartilage span-ning the ilial and ischial peduncles. Although this morphologyis present in nonavian theropods across the body size spectrum,the presence of an extensive hyaline cartilage core in the an-titrochanter may have provided additional load-bearing abilitiesin large theropods, serving as a pliant articular pad of constantvolume against the femoral neck.

      for in class discussion

    2. Sauropodomorphs retained the basal dinosauriform mor-phology of an expanded metaphyseal collar, indicative of awell-developed bony attachment for the fibrocartilage sleeve.Fibrocartilage is more resistant to tensile and translational shearloads than hyaline cartilage (Schinagl et al. 1997; Freemontand Hoyland 2006); thus the presence of fibrocartilage on theperiphery of the femoral head provided additional mechanicalsupport against avulsion of the thick epiphyseal hyaline cartilagelayer during femoral excursion

      for in-class discussion

    3. B)

      everything in color is soft tissue.

      hyaline cartilage (also called articular cartilage) is slippery and smooth to help your bone move smoothly past each other in joints

      **acetabular labrum ** is tough cartilage and connective tissue that lines the perimeter of the hip socket. it cushions the hip bone, preventing bones from rubbing directly against each other. it also increases joint stability and helps keep the leg bone in place.

      the fibrocartilage sleeve spreads the pressure across the joint

      the acetabular hyaline cartilage helps bones move smoothly past each other in joints. flexible but strong enough to help joints hold their shape

      the acetabular membrane ensures that the synovial fluid lubricating the hip joint is kept in place and doesn't leak out


  6. Feb 2022
    1. And when we speak of illness, we must include the patient's judgments about how best to cope with the distress and with the practical problems in daily living it creates.

      Maybe ask question about how they cope with the distress and everyday problems illness creates


  7. Jul 2021
    1. Reactionnorm(A)andPMRNWP50(B)estimatesfromthecommongardenexperiment (PartII).

      Results for this figure can be found at the bottom of p. 17 under the heading "Odds of maturation and PMRN Wp50*".

      This also corresponds with S5 Table (see p. 28).

    2. Acrossgeneration examinationofage-2minijackrateandPMRNWP50estimates.(A-D)

      Results for this figure can be found in the last paragraph on p. 14 under the heading "Cohort specific trends in age-2 minijack rate and PMRN Wp50*".

      More results for this figure can be found in the first paragraph on p. 16.

      This also corresponds with S4 Table (see p. 27).

    3. Reactionnorm(A)andPMRNWP50(B)estimates,PartI. (A)

      Results about this figure are in the middle paragraph on p. 14.

      This also corresponds to S3 Table and S4 Table (see p. 27).

    4. Comparison ofage-2minijackrateandPMRNWP50estimatesfromPartI andPartII.

      Discussion of this figure can be found on the second to last paragraph of p. 22.

    5. Earlymalematurationratesofbroodlinetreatmentsinthecommongardenexperiment(PartII)

      Results for this figure can be found at the bottom of p. 16, in the last paragraph, under the heading "Age01 microjack maturation".

    6. Growthprofilecomparisonbybroodlineforcommongardenexperiment (PartII)

      Results for this figure can be found near the bottom of p. 16 under the heading "Body weight and growth".

    7. Age-3jackreturnratesandcontributiontohatcherybroodstock

      Results for this figure can be found in the second paragraph of p. 16.

    8. Year-to-yearvariationinbodyweightatreleaseandage-2minijackrateatClarkFlatacclimationsite.

      Results about this figure are on p. 13 under the heading "Body Weight and age-2 minijack rate".

      More results about this figure can be seen at the top of p. 14 in the first paragraph after Fig. 5.

    9. Seasonalrelationshipsbetweenmeanfishweightandage-2minijackrate(percentamongmales).(A)Septembervs.(B)March.FNDRandINTbroodlines fromBYs1998–2011wereusedforthelinearregressionanalyses.

      Methods about this figure are in the middle of the page on p. 11 under the heading "Differences in weight/growth and assessing age-2 minijack rate and PMRN.".

    10. 11-KTandGSIfrequencydistributions ofimmature andmaturingyearlingYakimaRiverspringChinooksalmonmales.(A)log1011-KTvaluesformalefishrearedatClarkFlatacclimationsiteacrossBYs1998–2011(PartI);and(B)log10GSIvaluesformalefishfromthecommon gardenexperiment(PartII).Dashedlinesrepresentthecutoffvalueusedtoidentifyimmaturemalesfromthosematuringatage2

      Methods about this figure are at the bottom of p. 6 right before the bolded section reading "Part II".

      More methods about this are at the bottom of p. 9 under the heading "Age-2 minijack rate determination".

    11. LocationofstudysitesintheYakimaRiverbasin(dashedboxininset),WA,USA

      Methods about this Figure are at the top of p. 4

      More methods about this figure are at the top of p. 10 under the heading "Age-3 jack contribution to broodstock vs. age-2 minijack rate".
