213 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
  2. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 20

    2. /100

      why 100?

    3. round(a * T + b, 6)

      do not round during computations - only for print

  3. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. e('Average daily cycle of soil temperature')

      daily cycle is hourly data

    2. %

      wrong unit

    3. /100

      Why 100? Where is the number of years? 65 m year is a lot of precip

  4. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 20

    2. 100

      why 100?

    3. np.allclose(df.iloc[:6].mean(), dfh.head(1))

      only works because RR and SO are 0 here

    4. >>> round(temperature_change_with_hysteresis(292, 100)[1],1) 288.0 >>> round(temperature_change_with_hysteresis(265, 100)[1],1) 233.0

      same - did you run them? Cant see the code

    5. >>> a = (0.7 - 0.3) / (250 - 280) >>> b = 0.7 - a * 250 >>> alpha_from_temperature(249) 0.7 >>> alpha_from_temperature(281) 0.3 >>> abs(alpha_from_temperature(265) - 0.5) <= 0.00001 True >>> abs(alpha_from_temperature(275) - 0.366666) <= 0.00001 True

      Did you run these tests?

  5. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 6 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 19

      Sometimes you think a bit too complicated! A lot of your code could be simplified. But good work

    2. 18 rain days.

      wrong as well - not sure why

    3. 13 rain days.


    4. 61368

      wrong as well I think

    5. 2015-01-01 00:00:00.

      this is wrong - I dont really understand your code.

    6. dfh["RR"]

      why not simply using this?

    7. annual_precip = pd.DataFrame() annual_precip["Average Precipitation"] = df["RR"].resample("7D").sum().resample("Y").mean() annual_precip.set_index(annual_precip.index.year) # As DataFrame for the looks!

      Not what was asked - you are computing weekly sums then yearly average of weekly sums, so the unit is mm / 7d which is wrong

    8. # Split the DataFram into 3 DataFrames either using sum or average and merge them back together # This is a design choice for the columns to stay in their current order. dfh = pd.concat([df.resample('H').mean()[['DD', 'FF', 'GSX', 'P', 'RF']], df[['RR', 'SO']].resample('H').sum(), df.resample('H').mean()[['TB1', 'TB2', 'TB3', 'TL', 'TP']]], axis = 1) dfh

      quite complicated! Columns can be replaced in pandas

  6. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. 1 hours

      depends on definition

    2. pr_99 = dfh['RR'].replace(0, np.NaN).quantile(0.99)

      matter of definition but I didn't specify to exclude 0 precip

    3. df['RR'].resample('H').sum()

      why resampling again?

    4. a = dfh.iloc[0, 0:9] b = df.iloc[0:6, [0,1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10]].mean() for i in range(len(a)): print(f'{a.index[i]} is close to? {np.isclose(a[i], b[i])}')

      more complex than necessary

    5. explore the dfh dataframe. Explain, in plain words, what the purpose of .resample('H') followed by mean() is. Explain what .resample('H').max() and .resample('H').sum() would do.


    6. i actually dont know exactli what its doing

      did you try?

    7. File "__main__", line 23, in __main__.temperature_change_with_hysteresis Failed example: np.isclose(t[100], 233, atol=10e-02) Expected: True Got: True

      small discrepancy in string I assume

  7. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 2 Originality (7 points) : 1 Total (20 points) : 13

      Not clear what happened with the project.

    2. TypeError


    3. KeyError Traceback


    4. 920.56 (m/year)

      920 meters?

    5. def asr(alpha=0.3): s = 1362 return (1 - alpha) * s / 4 def olr(t, tau=0.611): sigma = 5.67 10 ** (-8) return tau sigma * t ** 4 def temperature_change_with_hysteresis(t0, n_years, tau=0.611): """Temperature change scenario after change of transmissivity.


  8. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. def to_hourly(x): return x*6 dfh["RR"]=dfh["RR"].apply(to_hourly) dfh["SO"]=dfh["SO"].apply(to_hourly)

      Quite intricated but OK! (times 6 would have been enough, or resample('H').sum().

    2. >>> print(f'{alpha_from_temperature(0)}') 0.7 >>> print(f'{alpha_from_temperature(1000)}') 0.3

      you are not testing for the case in between the bounds

  9. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 2 Originality (7 points) : 6 Total (20 points) : 18

    2. .drop() with that command you you keep the Index station from appearing in the dataframe. axis=1 the axis 1 is the index column of the station thath you want to drop.

      Poorly formulated and/or incorrect

  10. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 20

    2. m


    3. dfmeta is the name of the Data Frame. The command .loc orders a group of columns or rows (here columns of df). It checks which names are in the first data frame and reads them out. So that you get a short describtion.

      more or less

    4. row label of the data frame

      Not as "row label", but as index

  11. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Names: Marcela Violeta Lauria

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 6 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 19

    2. axs.set_title('Soil temperatures 2020')

      Don't you think that the temperatures are a bit high?

    3. #I change your variable dfh dfh = df.resample('H').sum()

      This is changing all variables, not only precipitation

    4. so we can see all the Table of the DataFrame


    5. first column related to a number asociated with the station where the data is colected.

      why axis=1?

    6. alpha = alpha_from_temperature()

      This is wrong - it should be computed for the present temperature and explains the discontinuities between year 0 and year 1 in your plot below

  12. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. dfh_DJF


    2. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'


    3. def to_hourly(x): return x * 6 dfh["RR"] = dfh["RR"].apply(to_hourly) dfh["SO"] = dfh["SO"].apply(to_hourly)

      Quite intricated but OK! (times 6 would have been enough, or resample('H').sum().

    4. temperature_change_with_hysteresis


    5. >>> print(f'{alpha_from_temperature(0)}') 0.7 >>> print(f'{alpha_from_temperature(1000)}') 0.3

      not testing for in-between the bounds

  13. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 2 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 19

    2. winddirection varies a lot at Patscherkofel, t

      does the wind direction really vary though? What does it mean when the direction jumps between 359° and 1°?

    3. Seasonal cycle of snow height at Pitztaler Gletscher (2863m)

      Yellow is not the best title color!

    4. .sum()

      why sum?

    5. Instructions

      You did not execute your notebook before uploading as per the instructions so I had to exectute myself. Some of the code did not run for me.

  14. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Group 4:

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 6 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 2 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 18

    2. Bachelor Thesis where this study originates from.

      How much code did you copy paste from your thesis code and how much is new based on what you learnt?

    3. .sum()

      Why sum?

    4. 5:6

      complicated! Just pick 'RR'

    5. In our case (df.meta.loc[df.columns]), all columns are returned.

      no - all rows are returned

    6. (which would be axis=2)


    7. the stabilization temperature with t0 = 292 and default tau is approximately 288K the stabilization temperature with t0 = 265 and default tau is approximately 233K

      Where did you check this?

    8. round(alpha, 4)

      do not round in actual computations - only round when printing

  15. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 2 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 1 Originality (7 points) : 6 Total (20 points) : 12

      Many mistakes in the code for the guided exercises. Grade saved by the free coding project

    2. daily cycle

      daily cycle means hourly averages - with groupby

    3. dfh

      again - wrong variables because you forgot to replace the means with the sums

    4. <


    5. dfh["RR"]

      dfh is the average, not the sum....

    6. dfm= df.resample('M').mean()


    7. according to 'H'

      what does that mean?

    8. returns a series

      no - it returns a dataframe

    9. this inturn increases the speed of parsing them.


    10. defines the first column of the dataframe as 1.


    11. # Task 01-04

      Some comments about the differences you find compared to the solution I suggested?

    12. if temperatures[i] < 273.15:

      What is this supposed to do?

    13. return a * T + b

      This is incorrect - if T is < 250 or > 280 the solution should be different

  16. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 6 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 3 Originality (7 points) : 7 Total (20 points) : 19

  17. Jun 2023
  18. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Programming project

      Correct code / solutions (7 points) : 7 Correct plots (3 points) : 3 Clarity of code / document (3 points) : 1 Originality (7 points) : 2 Total (20 points) : 13

    2. dfTB1_20 = dfh.TB1[dfh.TB1.index.year == 2020] plt.plot(dfTB1_20, linewidth=0.5, label='10cm') dfTB2_20 = dfh.TB2[dfh.TB2.index.year == 2020] plt.plot(dfTB2_20, linewidth=0.5, label='20cm') dfTB3_20 = dfh.TB3[dfh.TB3.index.year == 2020] plt.plot(dfTB3_20, linewidth=0.5, label='50cm')

      Quite complicated! Why recreating a dataframe each time?

    3. Verify that the three soil temperatures have approximately the same average value over the entire period

      forgot this

    4. DJF_ave_RR_per_day = round(dfDJF.RR.mean(), 0) JJA_ave_RR_per_day = round(dfJJA.RR.mean(), 0)

      That's strong rounding

    5. bins=round(bs)

      you can give an array here

    6. 919.84

      slighlty wrong because not all years have 365 days

    7. (dfwRR*24*365).resample('Y').mean()

      could use sum() and not multiply

    8. ".resample('H')" reduces the dataframe to only the hourly data. ".mean()" returns the average of our data across a specified axis. In our cas the hourly data to the 10-min-data we had before. ".resample('H').max()" would take the 10-min data and display it as a dataframe with the maximums of the hourly values. ".resample('H').sum()" would take the sum and compute the hourly values from the 10-min data.

      Grammar and sentence structure....

    9. .loc[] is primarily label based, but may also be used with a boolean array and accesses a group of rows and columns by label(s) or a boolean array.

      no. This is not from you and does not explain what the code does.

    10. An integer index starting from 1 is assigned to the DataFrame by default.

      The default is to not read the column as index at all.

    11. print(temperature_change_with_hysteresis(292, 100, tau = 0.611)) print(temperature_change_with_hysteresis(265, 100, tau = 0.611))

      replace this with formal tests. Printing a bunch of numbers does not help me

    12. Examples >>> alpha_from_temperature(249) 0.7 >>> alpha_from_temperature(281) 0.3 """

      you are not testing for in between

    13. alpha : float, optional the planetary albedo

      this is a return not a parameter

  19. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. As we experience everyday, we see from the windrose that the strongest wind comes from the North (Nordkette) and blows southwoards.

      This is not how windroses work ;-) you read it exactly the opposite

    2. plt.xlabel('time')


    3. 'crimson'

      why these colors?

    4. 6

      same problem

    5. 6

      There was 7 years of data

    6. bins=120

      this is not the precise way to create bins of expected size

    7. for v in df.columns:

      "for" loop is not strictly necessary here - can be done for all columns in one line

    8. Bonus

      good job

    9. the stabilization temperature with t0 = 292 and default tau is approximately 288K the stabilization temperature with t0 = 265 and default tau is approximately 233K

      good job in adding this to the tests

  20. Jan 2023
  21. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Minimum required. Sources often missing, and a few mistakes. ENSO project well below average.

      Correctness 2 Quality 3 Originality 0 Total 5

    2. variability and ENSO (open research question)

      Anomalies? Why this choice of colorbar? Why not looking at SST?

    3. A very big volcano erruption . The eruptions must inject over 100,000 tons of SO 2 into the stratosphere are considered to be large enough to affect the Earth's climate on a scale of more than 1 year. This is due to the optical properties of SO 2 and sulfate aerosols, which strongly absorb or scatter solar radiation, creating a global layer of sulfuric acid haze. Another process that can influence temperature variability and change at the global scale is the the distance between earth and sun. These orbital changes modify the total amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by up to 25% at midlatitudes. This effect is called Milankovitch cycle. Solar radiation can also influence temperature variability at global scale. Every 11 years the number of sunspots changes from a maximum number to a minimum number. The sun emits slightly more radiation during active periods of sunspots. While more sunspots may contribute to warmer global climate, less sunspots appear to be associated with a cooler global climate.


    4. If every year the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere will increase, the global temperature will rise.


    5. The increase between 1980 and 1985 was from 339ppm to 346ppm. The increase between 2016 and 2021 was from 403ppm to 415ppm

      where did you compute this? And what about the annual increase?

    6. absorb more CO 2 from the atmosphere than in winter.

      What do the plants do in winter?

    7. tundra

      not only tundra

    8. ax1.plot(co2average, label = 'co2 concentration')

      To add the legend of both you could use pandas

    9. onal means "along a latitudinal circle" or in the west–east direction. Zonal flow is a meteorological term regarding atmospheric circulation following a general flow pattern along latitudinal lines. Meridional means "along a longitudinal circle" (a.k.a. meridian) or in the north–south direction. Meridional flow is a general air flow pattern from north to south, or from south to north, along the Earth's longitude lines (perpendicular to a zonal flow). Extratropical cyclones in this environment tend to be stronger and move slower

      I didn't ask to define zonal or meridional, but to explain the winds!

    10. In the north pole and south pole we find the polar highs system. Between 40° and 55° latitude we find the middle-latitude cyclonic storms. Areas of high pressure systems are about 30°, called the subtropical highs. In the zone of the equator we find the ITCZ, where several low pressure system are located.

      This is descriptive, yes, but why? what processes are at play?

    11. January and February t

      Sorry my mistake but I meant January and August, of course

    12. https://homework.study.com/explanation/why-does-siberia-have-such-a-large-annual-temperature-range.html

      Other sources?

    13. has a circular current.

      yes - but why?

    14. Instructions

      Who are the authors of this report?

  22. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Code is OK, many questions too sparsely answered and no sources Correctness 3 Quality 1 Originality 1 Total 5 / 10

    2. calculated in the next cel


    3. Questions


    4. no sea

      I would argue there is a sea nearby

    5. almost the same

      almost the same? Source?

    6. is less direct solar radiatio

      it depends on the season!!!

    7. north atlantic drift.

      What is this? Source?

      Why not pacific?

    8. cmap

      Avoid the "rainbow" colormap

    9. Instructions


  23. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      code ok, text not ok. Often no sources, some mistakes, and badly formatted / explained.

      Correctness 3 Quality 1 Originality 1 Total 5 / 10

    2. ax2.set_title('sea surface and 2m temperature - ERA5 1995-2005');

      would have been even better to plot only pacific data

    3. rising oscillating CO2

      very little effort

    4. Polar Jet and suptropical Jet


    5. The gulf stream has not only a bigger flow rate than the Kuroshio but also the geographic circumstances do not let the Kuroshio flow as far north as the gulf stream.

      Source??? That's not the reason

    6. Instructions


  24. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      OK Project - some errors and sometimes somewhat lazy writing. Sources are often missing!

      Correctness 3 Quality 2 Originality 2 Total 7/10

    2. print(co2_increase_1980_1985["average"]) print(co2_increase_2016_2021["average"])

      what about the average over the period, which was asked?

    3. [(co2_annual_avg.index.year >= 1980) & (co2_annual_avg.index.year <= 1985)

      .loc[] is much easier

    4. westwards wind


    5. blowing towards the ITCZ

      are they blowing westwards or towards the ITCZ?

    6. In the southern hemisphere between about -90° and -80° north the polar high is visible, in the south it still is lower than the global mean sea level pressure. Between -80° and about -45° the sup-polar low is visible causing precipitation year round. Between -45° and -15° there is the subtropical high and then between about -15° and 15° the equatorial low is visible, which causes year round precipitation. In the northern hemisphere the same pattern is visible (Ban 2022, Chapter 1, Slide 20)

      this is describing but not explaining!

    7. During the summer months the continents are warming faster than the ocean, which causes a low pressure area over the continent that induces a flow from the sea to the continent which transports a lot of moist air, that is responsible for the precipitation, this effect reverses during winter (Goosse et al., 2010, Chapter 1 p. 7).


    8. The temperature range is the largest in east russia and north canada. The cause for this is the tilt of the earth axis and the presence of land in this regions in comparison to the southern hemisphere. During winter this regions have the polar night and dont get any energy by the sunlight. In summertime this regeions are influenced by monthlong sun irradiance which is absorbed by the dark surface of the ground.

      doesn't explain why siberia in colder than greenland

    9. The tropics have a smaller temperature range than higher latitudes due to factors such as the distribution of heat by the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, the intensity of solar radiation, and atmospheric circulation patterns. In the tropics, the sun's rays are more directly overhead, causing the surface to heat up more quickly and be more effectively cooled by the warm, moist tropical air and the ocean. This heat stored in the ocean also helps maintain a stable temperature throughout the year. In contrast, higher latitudes have less direct sunlight, slower surface heating, less effective cooling, and more variable atmospheric circulation patterns, leading to greater seasonal temperature variation.


      You also forgot to mention seasonality of sun position

    10. why the Northern Pacific Ocean does not have a similar pattern

      reason was, no overturning circulation in pacific

    11. he topography of North America, being more rugged and mountainous, also disrupts the flow of warm air and causes colder temperatures in the Pacific Northwest.


    12. Aleutian Low

      Aleutian low is equivalent to Icelandic low in the Atlantic - no big difference there

    13. Northern Europe and the North Atlantic region have a relatively flat and low-lying topography which allows for the easy flow of warm air from the south, while North America and Russia have much more rugged and mountainous topography which can disrupt the flow of warm air and cause colder temperatures. Additionally, natural barriers such as the Scandinavian Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, and the British Isles block cold Arctic air from reaching Europe, keeping the region warmer.

      Source? Im not sure that this is correct.

    14. The North Atlantic Oscillation

      NAO does not affect the average - only variability

  25. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Very nice code and plots (with the exception of the poor choice of colormaps sometimes).

      However the explanations are below average, and no source is cited!!!

      Correctness 2 Quality 2 Originality 2 Total 6/10

    2. Anomaly

      Anomaly: diverging colormaps!

    3. An so called internal driver of climate change could be any form of ocean current change.

      be more specific.

    4. Rising CO2


    5. Answer No. 1

      goof answer - but source?

    6. get deviated

      by what?

    7. his is why we can see an accumulation of low-pressure systems between certain logitudes and high-pressure systems in others.

      but this is precisely my question - I'm asking to to explain these and why they are located there.

    8. Singular pressure systems can't (hardly can) overcome such a cellborde

      where did you read that?

    9. Both precipitation mixima are called monsoon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


    10. with continental climate


    11. heating capacit


    12. ¶(Maps below) The temperature range is way higher in higher latitudes, beacuase there are cold (low temperatures) and warm seasons (high temperatures). As a comparison, in the temperature differences in the Tropics between the seasonal changes (rain- and dry-periods) are not that high, therefore the total range is not that big.

      that is describing, not explaining.

    13. Answers for No. 1


    14. positioning of the continents how they are

      what does the continents have to do with thermohaline circulation?

    15. 'bwr'

      Maybe use a non-diverging colormap for values which are all above 0

    16. Instructions


  26. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. 6

      why 6?

    2. Answer:


    3. by anthropogenic sources

      not only - respiration!

    4. hese form due to the air from the polar cells moving to the equator

      this would create easterlies

    5. orm these strong lows.

      why is it so low the pressure then?

    6. As the ITCZ approaches these locations, it brings strong precipitation due to the lifting of the moist air in the convergence in the ITCZ.

      not only that.

    7. Over the eastern pacific it is just slightly north of the equator. Over south America it diverges further south due to the land. Over the Atlantic it is again closer to the equator before going drastically to the south over Africa to almost 20 deg. Over the Indian ocean and Australia, it stays in that range with the same tendencies land vs sea.

      this is describing not explaining

    8. Answer:


    9. big body of water nearby

      I see water nearby.

    10. is bigger in the higher latitudes

      always bigger?

    11. The gulf stream brings heat from the tropics to these latitudes whereas in the Pacific or east Russia there is no such ocean current. In the Pacific the current transporting heat from the tropics exist east of Japan but due to the huge extent of the Pacific that heat doesn’t reach Alaska for example but is distributed in the water before (see slide 26, Lecture 01).

      This is not entirely correct. There is no overturning circulation in the pacific

    12. cmap= 'seismic'

      One can discuss the colormap choice here

  27. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Good project. Sometimes you write more than necessary!

      Correctness 3 Quality 5 Originality 1 Total 9/10

    2. ds.t2m.mean(dim='time'))

      You are comparing winter temperatures to all year temperature - this is not comparable

    3. ator by the Coriolis force,

      finally - but also at northern latitudes the same holds true.

    4. Between 75°N - 90°N are the cold highs. There the weak zonal wind (ZW) blows to the east and the weak meridional wind (MW) to the north. In the southern hemisphere 75°S - 90°S the outlets of the low pressure areas can be seen. In this area, ZW blows mostly to the west and MW to the north. At the poles, the strength of the two winds is fairly balanced.

      This describes but does not explain!

    5. Thus, certain latitude zones are characterized by different air pressure and wind conditions depending on the season.

      It would have been better to mention the cells (Hadley, Ferrel, Polar)

    6. Inner


    7. Siberia, where the effect of low heat capacity over land is amplified by the strong Siberian High during winter, allowing for net energy loss because of the missing cloud cover due to subsidence. (Britannica) Also, there can be strong temperature inversions in winter, leading to stable conditions, therefore strong cooling and very cold temperatures.

      yes, + continentality

    8. balancing each other

      Yes - but why is there to overturning circulation in the Pacific?

    9. North Atlantic Oscillation / Gulf stream

      These two are very different things

  28. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      OK project. Sometimes the text is too qualitative and some errors / simplificiations.

      Correctness 2 Quality 3 Originality 2 Total 7/10

    2. Regarding to this source, we chose the time range 1995 to 2003. Firstly we plotted the gloabl average to get an overview of our data and the global impact of ENSO. Thereby we found it striking, how clearly a temperature and percipitation rise can be seen during the winter of 1997/98. Based on this plot, we decided to pick the month November to April for the anamoly map for El Niño. On the other hand the effect of La Niña cannot be seen so clearly in a global average map. After some research, we also didn't find any particular months, which are very typical or representive for La Niña. That's why we decided to choose the entire 3 years (1999-2001) for the anomaly map.

      A bit more of explanation would have been nice!

    3. sst_a = weighted_sst_c sst_a.sel(time = slice('1995', '2002')).plot(color = 'deepskyblue') sst_a.sel(time = slice('1997-11', '1998-04')).plot(color = 'red', label = 'Wintermonate El Niño' ) sst_a.sel(time = slice('1999', '2001')).plot(color = 'darkblue', label = 'La Niña Jahre' ) #peaks.sel(time = slice('1995', '2002')).plot() plt.title('Global mean sea surface temperature') plt.ylabel('degrees in °C') plt.legend();

      Interesting idea but why looking global? ENSO in primalrily a pacific phenomenon (with global consequences yes, but)

    4. 6

      why 6?

    5. All the cells of the general atmospheric circulation and the deflection of the winds due to coriolis can be seen in the plot.

      this is very qualitative and you dont explain it really

    6. the right of their heading.

      ah yes?

    7. and moister


    8. January and Febuary

      OK sorry my mistake I mean January and August of course...

    9. In the polar region the temperature range is the largest. During the polar night there is no solar radiation up to half of a year resulting in low temperatures. That's why the temperature anaomlies can get very big, as solar radiation in the summer can lead to melting of ice, seasonal snow covers and in general higher temperatures.

      yes - but also in polar regions there are differences - continentality.

    10. more exposed to solar radiation.

      more exposed or "less change"?

    11. it is closely related to the Arcitc oscillation, which also takes place over the Pacific ocean


    12. Due to the Thermohaline circulation, the northern Atlcatnic ocean is much warmer than at comparable latitudes in the northern Pacific

      Why is there no thermohaline circulation in the pacific?

    13. . Due to the fact that the Arctic Circle had a much greater warming (factor 4) than the surroundings (Rantanen et al. 2022), the range in temperature is much greater

      yes the warming at high latitudes is stronger but I'm not sure how this could lead to zonal differences?

    14. Due to the North atlantic oscilation there is a higher air pressure above the Azores than to the surroundings (Azores high), near Greenland and Icleand we can find lower air pressure than to surrounding regions (sub-polar low).

      No. The NAO does create a dipole (quadripole even) accross the atlantic, but it is sometimes positive sometimes negative. It does not create such climatological differences.

    15. t2m_annualcycle_max = dst2m.t2m.groupby('time.month').max() t2m_annualcycle_min = dst2m.t2m.groupby('time.month').min() t2m_annualcycle_range = (t2m_annualcycle_max - t2m_annualcycle_min).mean(dim = 'month')

      This is not exactly what was asked. I'm actually not sure what this is exactly ;-)

  29. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Very good project

      Correctness 3 Quality 5 Originality 2 Total 10/10

    2. probably global warming.

      maybe! but also not all El Nino events are the same

  30. notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.space
    1. Group project: the Climate System

      Excellent project, to the point. (sometimes too much to the point). Excellent code quality.

      Correctness 3 Quality 5 Originality 2 Total 10/10

    2. wind directions at ground level: due to cell circulation directions (two neighboring cells i.e. warm/cold air masses of two cells move in opposite direction)

      I don't really understand what you mean here. Could be more precise I think.

    3. This is due to the greater distance to the oceans (continental weather)

      But in distance Siberia is very close to oceans? You mean distance wrt the dominant winds

    4. stable air masses, persistent winds

      Also radiation