298 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
  2. Nov 2022
    1. The centroid ( x ¯ , y ¯ ) {\displaystyle ({\bar {x}},\;{\bar {y}})}

      y的 公式 利用中心

  3. Oct 2022
    1. equation case,

      求一次导 乘上一个 m 以此类推 故 m-> D 武忠祥讲义

    2. difference equation

      此处 f_N -> x^N

      y^N -> y的N阶导数

  4. Aug 2022
    1. mirror reflection of segment 1 around the real axis.

      利用 共轭性质 也可以推出

    1. since x∉{y:F(y)<ω}x∉{y:F(y)<ω}x\notin \{y:F(y)<\omega\}.

      or inverse function and self montonicity is same

    1. , x j − x i {\displaystyle x_{j}-x_{i}} is a divisor

      即 两者相等时 行列式为0

    1. magnitude

      见下面定义 即 每个点处的最大值(只能是投影到 circulation )

    2. deficiency

      高维也可以 只不过不是标准正交基罢了,没有几何意义

    3. R3

      because the whole space in just \(R^n\)(n=3)

    1. tangent space

      both are best linear approximation of corresponding manifold ,

      so \(d\varphi\) best approximate \(\varphi\)

    1. 0-form

      how 2->3 line why third line g disappear

    2. dα ∧ β + (−1)p (α ∧ dβ)

      here d can be visualized by boundary

    3. applied the properties of the exterior derivative.


    1. and ⋆ β = β 1 ⋆ ∧ ⋯ ∧ β n − k ⋆ {\displaystyle \star \beta =\beta _{1}^{\star }\wedge \cdots \wedge \beta _{n-k}^{\star }}


    2. the standard sesquilinear form
    1. equal to a binomial coefficient:

      即 基向量的个数

    2. that x ∧ x = 0 {\textstyle x\wedge x=0} fo

      similar to mod

    3. exterior product,

      此处定义 感觉是分了类 最好有数分基础

    4. by the ideal I generated by elements of the form x ⊗ x.

      可以通过几何意义 排除

    1. {(1,0,0,0)+U,(0,0,1,0)+U}{(1,0,0,0)+U,(0,0,1,0)+U}\{ (1,0,0,0)+U, (0,0,1,0)+U \} is a basis for R4/UR4/U\mathbb{R}^4/U.


    1. and

      可以 把 \(R\) 看做多个列向量计算

      此处 可以把列向量看成数字 计算~~(不过计算时不能忘记 他其实是列向量)~~

    1. similar

      if \(P^{-1}\) on the right , then output A

      on left , then something like A, so similar

  5. Jul 2022
    1. alone cannot determine whether ffff has a maximum, minimum or inflection point at aaaa.



    1. self-propagating system


    2. didn’t realize that a piece of glass is a material with an index, and that his calculation had applied to my question.


    1. he first nonzero derivative has an odd order implies that the sign of f'(x)


    1. Cauchy's mean value theorem

      use second condition

      also request that differentiable on I

    2. ξ {\displaystyle \xi } ranges over all values between x and c.

      so it must be differentiable on range I

    3. since the existence of the limit of f/g has not yet been established.

      why the above f(x)/g(x) can be directly written

    4. [e]

      或者 直接几何上理解

    1. converges if and only if the sequence

      by euler it must converge ?

    2. completes the proof


    3. all j {\displaystyle j} , | α + 1 j − 1 | ≥ 1 − Re ⁡ α + 1 j ≥ 1 {\textstyle \left|{\frac {\alpha +1}{j}}-1\right|\geq 1-{\frac {\operatorname {Re} \alpha +1}{j}}\geq 1}

      why last >=1

    1. when f is differentiable)

      here is why must need condition that function is differentiable

  6. Jun 2022
    1. Riemann integral instead of Lebesgue integral,


    2. are too strong


    3. Proof for Taylor's theorem in one real variable

      和 同济教材 一样 证明 余项极限为0

    4. Therefore, since it holds for k = 1, it must hold for every positive integer k.

      leads cauchy form

    5. leads to the same result than using the mean value theorem.


    6. pplies for the Riemann integral assuming that f(k) is continuous


    7. to absolute continuity of

      ? why use this

    1. Mean value theorems and functional equations

      also prove based on rolle

    2. Kirshna's Real Analysis: (General).

      prove based on rolle

    1. continuous

      needed by the extreme value theorem

    2. then the right- and left-hand derivatives exist at every inner point


    3. It is also the basis for the proof of Taylor's theorem.
    1. for every natural number n {\displaystyle n} , there exists an x n ∈ [ a , b ] {\displaystyle x_{n}\in [a,b]} such that f ( x n ) > n {\displaystyle f(x_{n})>n} .
    2. This defines a sequence {dn}.

      主要 利用 Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem

    3. Therefore, 1/(M − f(x)) is continuous on [a, b].

      主要 利用 continuous 性质 推导出矛盾

    4. first principles



    5. supremacy of M {\displaystyle M} and completes the proof.

      ? ~~应该是 f(s)~~

      ~~这句话表明 存在一个 supremum > f(s) 无限递归下去,f(s)=M~~

      supremacy indicate \(\forall \epsilon>0,\exist x,f(x)\le M - \epsilon\) so contradicts

    6. increases from f ( a ) {\displaystyle f(a)} to M {\displaystyle M} as x {\displaystyle x} increases from a {\displaystyle a} to b {\displaystyle b} .


    7. from the supremacy of s {\displaystyle s}

      relation with the following sentences ?

    8. Suppose the contrary

      always use this underlied thoughts

    9. Proof using the hyperreals

      说白了 就是 强行用 无穷小 证明

    10. for all real x

      based on infinitesimal

    11. overlaps


    12. then all points between a {\displaystyle a} and e {\displaystyle e} also belong to B {\displaystyle B} .

      通过 连续 的有限性性质

      不断迭代 证明 有界

    13. bounded on [ a , p ] {\displaystyle [a,p]} .


    14. supremum


    15. we know that f ( x n k ) {\displaystyle f(x_{{n}_{k}})} converges

      heine theorem

    1. standard part function,

      把无限小扔掉 可以理解为线性主部

    2. This put to rest the fear that any proof involving infinitesimals might be unsound,


    1. exists a number x ∈ A {\displaystyle x\in A} , such that x > s {\displaystyle x>s}


  7. May 2022
    1. converge to f (α)

      if not closed interval , the f(\(\alpha\)) value can be infinite

      if closed interval , f(\(\alpha\)) must not equals infinite based on this

    2. f attains its bounds

      this need the closed interval condition

    1. can be chosen smaller so that g is nonzero on I {\displaystyle {\mathcal {I}}} .[d]


    2. It is also the case that

      use fourth condition

    3. on this interval and g is continuous,

      since calculate the f'/g' function

      so must comply with this

      third condition

    4. become zero,

      use the first hypothesis

    1. apply Fermat's stationary point theorem directly.)

      similar to above proof

      一般化了 不需要endpoint 都等于0 直接得出 闭区间 必有derivative equals zero的点

  8. Apr 2022
    1. The map from t to (x, y) is differentiable, in fact of class C∞, with derivative 0 at the cusps.
    1. perhaps to you when you return to it

      真实 的确是的

      当时写 过几天就忘了....

  9. Feb 2022
    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet ... <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:openSearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/" xmlns:blogger="http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:feedburner="http://rssnamespace.org/feedburner/ext/1.0"> ...


    1. However, this condition is not essential for the method to work.

      po 不推荐 上面恒定为1 的情况

    2. With T = 0 {\displaystyle T=0}

      即 趋近于 的极端

    3. when e n e w {\displaystyle e_{\mathrm {new} }} is greater than e {\displaystyle e} .

      即 允许 往上走


    1. change in D will be: Δ D = f ( x 0 + 2 , y 0 + 3 2 ) − f ( x 0 + 1 , y 0 + 1 2 ) = A + B = Δ y − Δ x {\displaystyle {\begin{array}{lclcl}\Delta D&=&f(x_{0}+2,y_{0}+{\tfrac {3}{2}})-f(x_{0}+1,y_{0}+{\tfrac {1}{2}})&=&A+B&=&\Delta y-\Delta x\end{array}}}

      Pseudo-code algorithm

    2. = D - 2*dx

      这里应该是 +2*dy


    1. he complexity of the state space t


    2. etermine the number k of bins

      由 14 知 必须要知道 k

    3. hich yields

      都是由 自己假设的值 决定

    4. ̂p = n−1X.
    5. the triangle property.


    6. 2a

      这个是 基于地图的

      所以 可以在 门那里作高的 weight

      如果是 没有地图的 就不行

      此时就要 slam

    7. index j

      只在 相对大的 weight 作sampling

    8. apart from uni-modal posteriors).


    1. ultinomial distribution i

      n! 表示 总的排列情况

      x1! 表示其中x1交换后重复的排列

    1. where ⟨ e i , a i ⟩ = ‖ u i ‖ {\displaystyle \left\langle \mathbf {e} _{i},\mathbf {a} _{i}\right\rangle =\left\|\mathbf {u} _{i}\right\|}

      由上面投影的过程 可以推出

    2. computed orthonormal basis


      就是 迭代投影的过程

    1. needed

      此处省略 needed flush(可以通过in order to 推断 )

    1. then

      这个不需要 前面的 if吧

    2. determinant of amatrix equals the determinant of its transpose

      由 determnant 的计算公式


    3. = A†·A


      主要是因为 transpose 的原因 ,所以可以交换顺序

    1. ×.5 ×.9 ×.5 ×.9 ×.5

      第一个是第一次 state 为A的概率


      35 都是转移概率

    1. so

      此处由于 可能会多次 visit 一个node

      所以不用 P(visited)

      用 E(num) 其实是一个意思

  10. Jan 2022
    1. find . -name .git -execdir bash -c 'echo -en "\033[1;31m"repo: "\033[1;34m"; basename "`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`"; git status -s' \;

      可以使用下面的代码 显示路径

      find . -name .git -execdir bash -c 'echo -en "\033[1;31m"repo: ""; echo -en "\033[1;35m $(pwd)" ; echo -en "\n\033[1;37m$(basename " $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)")\n"; git status -s ' \;

    1. has no other poles, and so no other residues.


    2. thus it is analytic at zP

      分母上 没有 \(z-z_{p}\)