- Jan 2024
luc.digication.com luc.digication.com
Good luck on your deep sea transition!
No feedback! This is great! I love how you touched on so many abiotic factors in one post! If you wanted to expand on any of them, you certainly could, but you have plenty of information already!
If you’re anything like me, you’re sick and tired of hot summer days and the sun beating down on you. If that’s the case, I bet you’ll be wishing that you were born as a fish in the deep sea. Well, good news! By following these easy steps, you’ll become a deep sea fish in no time!
This introduction is so much fun! I love the unique way you chose to format this post.
luc.digication.com luc.digication.com
The images are great too, but it might be helpful to add captions with a brief explanation.
2 Diel vertical migration is extremely important because it helps to cycle carbon through the environment.3
Awesome explanation, very clear and informational!
Diel Vertical Migration
Even though I'm already excited to read this, it may be good to add a little hook/intro paragraph to illuminate why this is so interesting!
luc.digication.com luc.digication.com
To answer that question, we need to first look at the environment that facilitates such large organisms.
I love this introduction! You do a marvelous job of drawing in the reader, especially with these photographs!
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
But it is unlikely this would occur among healthy wild animals.
I wonder how warmer waters affect these same species. I know Orcas can thrive in both warm equatorial waters and arctic conditions, but what is considered an extreme, and will global warming every bring oceans to this point?