10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. who want to bring that vision into the world

      Or who share the same set of values/ideals which can be even more foundational.

    2. Idea machines are different from movements, which are focused on achieving a specific outcome and are therefore self-limiting (if they succeed, the movement winds down). For example, YIMBYism and climate change are movements that attract operators with shared values, but on the basis of wanting to address a specific problem, rather than a philosophy that transcends the problem itself. Movements can be fed into an idea machine, however, to accelerate their impact.

      Said differently: "Idea Machines" are open-ended and conceivably infinite whereas "movements" are closed-ended and finite.

    3. One can imagine a robust “menu” of action items for a prospective EA, from tithing their salary (low-touch) to working for, or starting, an organization that tackles one of its cause areas (high-touch).

      A spectrum of onboarding points

    4. the values and best practices of the idea machine.

      "Idea Machines" need values and best practices, not just an ideologies

    5. it will never become the dominant narrative because it’s so morally opinionated

      Said differently: If a thing is to grow, it must be adequately flexible to different implementations.

    6. high retention of existing members, but limited acquisition of new members, like a hobbyist club

      The culture of "Web3" is a great example of this

    7. then there is no single school of thought that can “solve” complex social questions, because everyone has a different vision for the world

      And a different understand of the world, different goals, different ideals, different incentives.

      The culture we live in is very steeped in a kind of colonialist savior complex.

    8. Tech as a system of values, and not just an industry, is heavily driven by its subcultures and their ideologies. Where do these ideologies come from, and how do they influence what’s accomplished?

      Tech always has values imbued within it that were (consciously or unconsciously) put there by its creators and informed by the context in which they live.

      I often wonder about how different blockchain tech would be if it were conceptualized and created in a different cultural substrate than the hyper-capitalist one we are entrenched in.

  2. Dec 2023
    1. barriers to understanding the information exist.Such barriers are associated with the ability of a person to understand the informationthat reaches them, such as language, literacy, culture, and expertise. To overcomesuch barriers, this work utilizes the renarration method, the process of forming analternative version for a pre-existing web document to reach alternative audience.

      The goal of Social Renarration is to overcome barriers to understanding information.

      Social Renarration is defined as "the process of forming an alternative version for a pre-existing web document to reach alternative audience."

      I think of this as "remixing" content.

      What is the purpose of remixing content?

      In short, to create a plurality of representations of the content with the goal of conveying the information within (and without) the content to as many people as would benefit from it.

      Social Annotation can serve as a systems-level tool for leveraging the most value and benefit for the most people and contexts from the vast network of informational commons' that we share.

      Each piece of content online can be thought of as a shell that encapsulates information. The encapsulated information has a subjective quality to it. This can be potentially evaluated by asking the question "What is the value of the information contained within this piece of content?"

      The shells can potentially shroud, conceal, or obfuscate the valuable information within them due to their nature, structure, and form.

      Examples of this obfuscation are the content's language, vernacular, surrounding ecosystem, linguistic complexity, length of content, biased or misleading framing, layout accessibility, hidden assumptions, irrelevant distractions, outdated formats, lack of contextual framing, or ambiguous terminology.

      Through this lens, Social Renarration (Annotation) can be seen as a semantic morphism, a semantic transformation, a semantic conversion from its initial rep

      This could either be intentional or unintentional,

      If that piece of content contains within it valuable information, then


      What are "social renarrations"?
