7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. What structure of crypto-institutional control network aligns with our imagined second future?

      I already think crypto wins in the end. What that looks like though is still undecided. You can participate in the alignment process.

    2. Nevertheless, for this future to be realized, the Uniswap DAO and others need more effective tooling. DAOs today lack the means to distribute ownership effectively — or at all, frankly. They have money to put to use — but little on-chain means to use it.

      Here is the DAO shovel manufacturer opportunity. If the world can change towards more socio-technical-complexity, it needs perceptual organs to do so.

    3. Few DAOs spin ownership — and significant financing — out of themselves into their local organizational neighborhood

      I think people generally fail to understand the TNC side of this -- there are so many inter-dependent tendrils of the later. The resulting control may be centralized, but the information processing is not exactly the pyramid that people mistakenly assume.

    1. These beliefs are the theory, if they can be given so glorified a name, that tradition works, that most innovation, especially rapid innovation, is dangerous, that human nature is consequential. Simple as that. But in our culture it takes a lot of thought to get to that point

      This is probably the most charitable interpretation of conservatism. It's the one I wish people would argue against, because I believe it would (naively) "elevate" the discourse.

    2. Scientists at least only ignore the parts of Reality that don’t fit their theories. Not ideologues. When in power, they dispose of the troublesome parts of Reality.

      This is applied "All models are wrong, some are useful." To ideologues in power, the palpable errors give rise to procrustean compulsions.

      Is this more leftist though? Or progressive? Certainly not for those cloaked in political power. That then is a generalized affliction.

      Although the author already cast that lot in with all politicians.

      Does it apply more to the best theories of progressivism compared to the best theories of conservatism?

    3. Prejudice produces results like drilling does in the military. You get so familiar with a task you can do it without thinking.

      Certainly true. And sometimes not bad!. Habits have almost non-existent engagement costs, and can pay serious dividends.

      The conservative conceit comes from asserting that the sensible default of assuming immutability is inviolate, at least in practice. "Modern prejudices exist because they were and have always been historically necessary, so they should keep on existing" is the eye-for-an-eye-logic that reproduces them needlessly. Boldly claiming everyone should (defect, defect) isn't all that bold. And valorizing prejudice without pointing that out is self-congratulatory.

    4. If you start thinking about politics in an intellectual way, you are likely to be on the left.

      Probably true.

      People on the right are more likely to have either the scaffolding or detritus of religion guiding their politics, even if the resulting expressions and actions are far removed from it. This doesn't require systems thinking, merely pattern matching. (Which isn't to say that it's wrong, just thought of a different mode.)