18 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. itor at Earnest

      Let's think over the whole article. Is there enough evidence to support the thoughts? Do we need more scientific evidence? More personal experiences?

    2. Related Articles

      What do these ads and related articles reveal about the purpose of this article? the purpose of this publication?

    3. Disclaimer: This blog post provides personal finance educational information, and it is not intended to provide legal, financial, or tax advice

      Is this important to know?

    4. There is also the stress of leaving home and the newfound independence of living on your own that can be disruptive for students.

      Where is the proof that it is stressful or disruptive? Wouldn't some think it is fabulous? Does this lessen the overall effectiveness of the article?

    5. lost in a large school

      Why did this point get left for the end? Is this valid? Do college freshman at large universities feel lost?

    6. gen ed courses

      Is this true for all majors? Will all programs at 4-year colleges want their students to take gen ed classes at another institution?

    7. a competitive high school GPA for applications

      Is it great for all students, even those who have 4.0 GPAs?

    8. community colleges are also helping students become better candidates for university admission requirements

      Is this true? Does this need support?

    9. One important thing to keep in mind if you are hoping to transition to a four-year school for your Bachelors—how your credits will transfer. You don’t want to pay for a class you already took at a higher price tag

      How easy is this to do? Is this an example that shows a negative? Is it good for an issue like this to show the negatives and positives? Are there more positives than negatives---if so, what does this show?

    10. Less Strict

      Is this correct grammar? Does it matter if it is?

    11. Smaller class size is a benefit for both the students and teachers

      This is an assumption being made. Is this always true? Is this common knowledge that all will accept? Does research need to be included to prove this?

    12. Let us do the math

      What does this ad along with the podcast title and concept to the left of this show us about our publisher? What impact will this have on the reliability of the article?

    13. Community Colleges

      This article has clear headings. They are repetitive. Is this strong writing? What bias do we see in the headings?

    14. large lecture hall freshman class

      What is the average size freshman class at the college I am interested in attending? How do I find this out?

    15. 5 Benefits

      Can I predict how this article will be organized? What does this title tell me about bias before I even start reading?

    16. By Carolyn Morris

      Let's find out more about the author. Also, what is earnest.com? The URL suggests maybe it is a blog. Does this adjust my thinking about this article?

    17. live at home

      Is the money saved worth living with Mom and Dad? Isn't part of the idea of college getting away? Is this a positive?

    18. 2018-19

      Is this information current enough? Do we need to discover if the cost for one over the other has changed since 2018-2019? Would there be a significant enough change to make a difference?