62 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
  2. Jan 2017
    1. The first wave of feminists fought for more than 70 years to win their biggest demand; S

      really great examples

    2. They have forgotten — again — that this great nation will endure and will prosper only if we all prosper together.

      this is so important

    3. Or — worse — Mr. Trump’s vow to end “political correctness” and make this, at least rhetorically, the same white man’s America it was in Jackson’s time?

      I don't think that will happen, too many people, civilians, will stand in his way; standing up for what they believe in

    4. I don’t buy it. Hillary Clinton’s campaign wasn’t that bad, and Mr. Trump was exposed enough for any thinking adult to see exactly what he is.

      I agree, people tend to get stuck on useless little issues rather than working on change

    5. a man who says he has never asked God for forgiveness, who refers to the Eucharist with characteristic humility (“I drink my little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and have my little cracker"), who mocks our military heroes, who lumbers about a stage proclaiming, “I alone can fix it!,” who dismissed a working man after the election with a tweet that read in part, “Spend more time working — less talking”

      definitely not in favor of donald trump - these are some new ones I haven't heard of

    6. I mean a greater, almost spiritual faith that I had in my fellow citizens and their better instincts,

      sounds like a disappointed facebook post

    7. It’s inescapable, considering what we are: the first republic of the modern age, a nation of immigrants, haven to so many peoples from around the world. We have, like no other country, for better and for ill, dominated the modern world through both our hard power and our soft, our weapons but also our ideas.

      This is a really a good sentence and idea/explanation

    8. “let America be America again/The land that never yet has been, and yet must be”

      That really is a statement I think most americans can relate to

    9. NO, I’m not over it.

      Powerful beginning

    1. “There is a real problem with the elite privates and flagship publics in not serving as many low-income students as they should,


    2. On several dozen of campuses, remarkably, fewer students hail from the entire bottom half of the income distribution than from the top 1 percent.

      That's so so crazy oh my goodness

    3. Lower-income students who attend elite colleges fare even better on average than low-income students elsewhere

      wow thats really interesting

    4. Pavia’s story is the classic story of the American dream.

      cool connection

    5. But the success stories are real, too, and they’re fairly common.

      I like how they show both sides

    6. Improving higher education should be a national priority.


    7. Dropout rates are high, saddling students with debt but no degree.


    8. These students entered college poor. They left on their way to the middle class and often the upper middle class.

      That's really cool wow

    9. encouraging

      good word choice

    10. The most comprehensive study of college graduates yet conducted, based on millions of anonymous tax filings and financial-aid records.


    1. the city fails to even investigate a majority of the misconduct cases that it is required by law to examine.

      Thats not really surprising

    1. with some like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter Bernice King praising it, and others, like Sen. John McCain's daughter Meghan McCain, arguing that it exemplifies why Trump won in November.

      what does it mean that t ended on this note?

    2. "I accept this award on behalf of psychopathic billionaires everywhere," he joked later.


    3. Jimmy Fallon, who has been dinged in the past for being too soft on the future president, took a few swipes at Trump

      talks about other people who did the same as meryl

    4. Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas appeared to come to Streep's defense early on Monday, tweeting: "Entertainment figures have the right to use their fame to express political opinions; we have the right not to patronize them."

      brings in other hwood figures defending meryl

    5. It was real life

      powerful words

    6. he was "not surprised" he'd been the subject of anger and butt of jokes by "liberal movie people."

      making trump sound like real victim

    1. Our writing is more relaxed than it used to be — that’s intentional. I actually think some newspaper writing of a generation ago was too stilted, was too hard to follow, too hard to understand

      Could it be because their audience has gained some younger members?

    2. I sat down with the executive editor, Dean Baquet

      He's obviously a man of power in the NYT, it makes the article worth reading - what we're hearing isn't passed down a chain of people

    3. cannot be edited in the same way

      I like that they're constantly trying to better themselves and acknowledging the changing world around them

    4. a continuing emphasis on video and multimedia online,

      I assume this is very effective in young audience members

    1. “It’s scary to say it, but maybe companies will have to be the standard-bearers for morals right now,”

      Call to action?

    2. Nicholas Reville, a board member of the Participatory Culture Foundation who has worked with the Sleeping Giants

      I like how he brings the Sleeping Giants back in, it ties the story together

    3. it’s about using corporations as shields to protect vulnerable people from bullying and hate crimes.

      I've read many articles about cyberbullying between individuals or a group. It's new to read about such large scale cyber hate.

    4. I expected that other companies would want to trumpet their own Breitbart departures. It seemed an easy win for corporate P.R. to distance itself from Klan-rally-like riffs like this one — “every tree, every rooftop, every picket fence, every telegraph pole in the South should be festooned with the Confederate battle flag.” (Telegraph poles!?)

      This article is interesting but difficult to follow.

    5. Programmatic ads can also follow individuals around the internet, based on their browsing history, as happened with Mr. Philips. A single targeted ad could cost just a fraction of a penny, but the pennies add up to a billion-dollar industry.

      It's very interesting to know how this all works.

    6. “We are trying to stop racist websites by stopping their ad dollars,”

      Outline of exactly what they're doing, clear and concise.

    7. Within hours, they received their first response, and they realized that they had stumbled across a potentially powerful tactic.

      It's interesting to think how anyone can make a change in the world. Just by creating a twitter account these people have started something powerful.

    8. gobsmacked

      interesting vocab that matches the authors tone

    9. “This has been the longest month of my life.”

      Because it was a difficult month or?

    10. ad dollars.

      Using "ad dollars" rather than marketing money or advertisement budget creates a youthful mood.

    11. earth and environmental science professor

      Adding credibility

    1. Mr. President-elect, are you listening?

      calling out President-elect

    2. In the short and medium term, we must step up assistance to climate refugees and sufferers, both to provide relief and to assist with new livelihoods that adjust to new climate realities

      call to action

    3. She broke off cactus pads, scraped off the thorns and boiled them briefly, and the boys ate them — even though they provide little nutrition. “My heart is breaking because I have nothing to give them,” Fideline said. “I have no choice.”

      He doesn't mention himself much, although it was his own story of when he was there he focuses on what will apply to readers emotions.

    4. The World Food Program

      outlining programs that help, how other people can help too

    5. Those of us in the rich world who have emitted most of the carbon bear a special responsibility to help people like these Madagascar villagers who are simultaneously least responsible for climate change and most vulnerable to it.

      I like this statement. It's clear and to the point. Not too wordy

    6. certainly not fretting about American politics — for she has never heard of either President Obama or Donald Trump.

      This shows how self-centered America truly is

    7. the United Nations says.

      credible sources

    8. Trump has repeatedly mocked climate change, once even calling it a hoax fabricated by China.

      This makes Trump look like the bad guy, making it seem like he's working against dying children

    9. overseas governments that don’t want to curb carbon emissions.

      He states "curb carbon emissions" like it's a very simple thing to solve. Is it? I'm not sure but usually a problem of such a large scale cannot be "curbed" with ease

    10. For the next half century or so, we will see students learning less in school and economies held back, because in 2017 we allowed more than a million kids to be malnourished just here in southern Africa, collateral damage from our carbon-intensive way of life.

      More new information

    11. Now they understand there is a far broader toll: When children in utero and in the first few years of life are malnourished, their brains don’t develop properly. As a result, they may suffer permanently impaired brain function

      He presents something new, we know children are starving in Africa. But this is different information readers haven't heard before

    12. Sonjona realizes that it is wrong to marry off a 10-year-old, but he also knows it is wrong to see his daughter starve.

      Such a sad struggle, a decision that a man should not have to make about his daughter.

    13. because no one can afford the bride price of about $32.

      Many people have $32 in their wallets at any given time. Again, we will never know what it's like to live in those conditions.

    14. Not one of the children in the village has ever had a bath.

      This shows the audience that even though they're reading about these impoverished people they will never know what it is actually like to experience these conditions.

    15. In America, climate change costs families beach homes; in poor countries, parents lose their children.

      If I had a beach house I'd feel guilty

    16. The immediate cause of the droughts

      Backstory makes it more credible

    17. a related drought has devastated East Africa and the Horn of Africa and is expected to continue this year. The U.N. World Food Program has urgently appealed for assistance, but only half the money needed has been donated.

      Translation: It's not going away and Americans are selfish, will you be like the rest of them and let these kids die on your watch?

      Reminds me of the "Arms of the Angel" dog commercials. I can't watch them without crying

    18. “I feel so powerless as a mother, because I know how much I love my child,” she said. “But whatever I do just doesn’t work.”

      I am not a mother and this still hits me hard, it must hurt mothers very deeply

    19. Trump should come and feel these children’s ribs and watch them struggle for life.

      Follows up Trump being a bad guy with emotional appeal to readers.