- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
<img src=
you can also add the image class to the front of the line which can be easier to read sometimes
>Learn More
this bottom button should be "get in touch"
<!DOCTYPE html>
missing head and closing head before the body tag
github.com github.com
button1 {
you could round the edges of the buttons also to match the example
github.com github.com
<!--can't seem to get these to float correctly-->
I did mine the same, this part was really tricky! Cause using the heading and then p didn't make each line close enough to one another, and in reality one of them is probably a link that you can click.
My other thought was to try a list to see if that would work better because then you can have a bit more control over how each list item looks
I love using the comments now! makes it so much easier to remember what each section is
this can go back one space to line up with the start div
github.com github.com
you can take out some extra spaces between lines once you're done
github.com github.com
<section class="heading-four"> <h2> Overall</h2> </section>
I'm not sure if there's an easier way to style different headings instead of putting them in a section class? I've been using h1, h2, h3, and so on if I need the heading to be styled differently?
github.com github.com
.header {
great job keeping everything organized & aligned properly!!
.section-two {
remember to name different classes according to their content not their location on the page for ease of editing/rearranging !
github.com github.com
color: #1A5653;
I think if all the text is the same color anyways you can add the text color into one section under body
I like your use of comments for organization!
github.com github.com
<img src="Images/Figure-1.png" alt="Screen capture of home screen" style="width:500px;height:300px; padding:10px;"> <figcaption>Fig.1- Here you can see how the play icon on the video interferes with the logo.</figcaption>
I evaluated the same site & I didn't even catch that!
- Oct 2022
github.com github.com
.three1 {
These naming conventions should reference the content instead of the position on the page.
github.com github.com
body { background-image: url('images\article 3 lion.jpeg'), url('images\wolf article 3.jpeg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: right; }
I don't think these images should be here as they're not the background for the whole page, just specific cards
this is used for making comments so I'm not sure if this will load properly
Missing assignment name comment here
github.com github.com
These should be named something related to the content incase you have to move things around then their naming convention is still relevant
github.com github.com
Watch Now
this line of text was "Watch Video" in the example
github.com github.com
<h1 style="color:#E8A49B">Welcome to Hairpins Boutique Salon</h1>
I like how you used this to color only this text!
github.com github.com
(include image of team with caption:
should be removed
I think you should be able to shorten this to images/hairpins-salon-logo.png
<style> body { font-family: "Trirong", serif; font-weight:400; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Sofia"> <style> h1 { font-family: "Sofia", sans-serif; font-weight:600; } </style> <style> .myDiv { background-color: red; } </style>
Can all of the style sections be combined?
github.com github.com
<h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Michelle speaking.</p>.
could add a break here since one part is a heading, one part is a paragraph
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
Looks great! Cat has already mentioned quite a few things! I think the rules on using the strong element and things like that aren't really written in stone, but for stuff like within headings which are already bold I guess it just helps to keep everything clean & tidy
I also really want to live remotely or travel & do graphic design! Would love to own a van or tiny house near the beach
github.com github.com
Everything looks good, I didn't see where you used the HTML comment to explain your coding/highlight interesting code
github.com github.com
Everything looks good to me!