13 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Modelado de datos en TEI en proyectos de correspondencia digital en español TEI data modeling in Spanish-language digital correspondence projects

      Argument: successful use of TEI markup and TEITOK in digital projects for editing Spanish letters, taking into account the strong philological tradition, concerned with both fidelity to textual sources and the application of methodologies typical of corpus linguistics; linking different epistolary collections (reticular structure) is possible by the annotation of specific metadata for correspondence (in particular the TEI module <correspDesc>). Tools and projects referenced: TEI CAREXIL-FR TEI-Correspondence-SIG Model Editions Partnership: Historical Editions in the Digital Age (MEP) Digital Archive of Letters in Flanders (DALF) Post-Scriptum (CLUL 2014-2017) CARDS: Unknown Letters FLY: Forgotten Letters CORDE, CREA & CORPES XXI CODIAJE TEITOK Mapping the Republic of Letters An Intellectual Map of Science in the Spanish Empire, 1600-1810 Spanish Republic of Letters CoDiAJe – Ladino Interesting fact: the philological tradition and the linguistic profile of the Hispanic corpora can bring a more complete development to international epistolary projects that offer few possibilities for searching the texts, since, apart from indexing, the annotation generally covers, at best, a few keywords and does not reach the detail that has been shown in the Spanish corpora. Els Thant

    2. ¿Qué hacer con textos que no se pueden publicar? Datos derivados, criterios FAIR y TEI What to do with copyright restricted texts? Derived text formats, the FAIR criteria, and TEI

      Argument: TEI is proposed as the format for publishing text-related data when the original and complete data cannot be published because of ethical or legal reasons, as it allows modeling in a single document other types of data that are also relevant for analysis, such as textual structure, metadata, documentation or annotation (this also satisfies different points of the FAIR criteria); when modeling derived textual data in TEI altering the order in the TEI elements is probably the method that best balances the current legal framework, the amount of data and its usability. Tools and projects referenced: TEI International: digitale Bibliothek in TextGrid Repository, Drama Corpus (DraCor), European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC), Textbox Spanish: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, CORDE, CREA, CORPES, Canon 60, Biblioteca Digital Artelope, DISCO, ADSO, BETTE (DraCor), CoNSSA, CONHA, ELTeC Text+ (NFDI) Google Ngram Dataset HTRC Extracted Features Dataset: HathiTrust & JSON for Linking Data (JSON-LD), GitLab Voyant Tools xSample BNE, VIAF, Wikidata, Wikipedia Online Picasso Project Stanford POS tagger Interesting fact: For narrative segments in TEI that are structured using the

      , <seg> and <s> elements, it would be possible to model these tags in such a way that their frequencies are also collected in the bag of words, but as this would bring disadvantages such as the loss of the hierarchical structure, the proposal is to keep the tags as they are hanging from the <text> element, but to remove from them all lexical and typographic content. That is, to maintain a textual structure in TEI without text (p. 9). Els Thant

    3. Cómo crear ediciones digitales académicas entre La Habana y Berlín. El caso de Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD) How to Create Digital Scholarly Editions between Havana and Berlin. The Case of the Project Humboldt Digital (ProHD)

      Argument: The Cuban-German “Proyecto Humboldt Digital”, which aims at publishing a collection of texts related to Humboldt’s stay in Cuba, delivered positive first results thanks to a methodological model of data representation in TEI format, a jointly defined workflow and the use of VS Code to encode and publish editions. Tools referenced: TEI Publisher (ODD & ROMA) Oxygen XML Author Visual Studio Code (Spanish Language Pack, Scholarly XML, TEI-Publisher-VSCode) IIIF & OpenSeaDragon N.B.: free software, with a large community of users or sustainable in the long term Interesting fact: use of ediarum, an editing framework that can be adapted to the particularities of each project, proved to be useful despite restrictions due to the need for the commercial software Oxygen XML Author and the fact that it is only available in German and therefore more difficult to use for Spanish-speaking editors. Also, the company that markets the Oxygen XML software, Syncro Soft SRL, is subject to U.S. export laws arising from the embargo and therefore cannot export with Cuban entities. Els Thant

    4. La écfrasis en el Libro de Alexandre, un proyecto de edición digital para el estudio de la poesía clerical castellana del siglo XIII con minimal computing The Ekphrasis in the Libro de Alexandre, a Digital Edition Project for the Study of the Castilian Clerical Poetry of the 13th Century with Minimal Computing

      Argument: digital edition of fragments of the Castilian poem “Libro de Alexandre”, focusing on the use of ekphrasis, enriched with a layer of semantic information that allows the integration of the results of the philological research; description of the XML-TEI markup proposal adopted for the encoding of the text and of a methodology of digital publication with minimal computing tools, used to create a static site with the function of a test version for the visualization of the encoded texts. Leitmotiv: promotion of the development and use of free and open tools in Digital Humanities projects, especially for those developed in the Global South, not only because of financial concerns, but also based on the conviction that open access is an absolutely necessary quality for the development of a more effective, diverse and fair scientific community. Projects and tools referenced: The “Diálogo Medieval” project, dedicated to the codification of medieval Castilian poetry (a pioneering project for the use of TEI in Argentine academic publishing) The ReMetCa project (mother of the “Diálogo Medieval” project) The “Poesía Medieval” project (continuation of the “Diálogo Medieval” project) The “Poetriae” project (elaboration of digital editions from established critical texts) Digital Publishing with Minimal Computing course (Global Classrooms) “Tema Tres” free software: web application for managing formal linguistic representations of knowledge (controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesauri, lists of headings, etc.) Visual Studio Code & Scholarly XML extension Jekyll & GitLab Gatsby & GitHub Interesting fact: the structural elements in the body of the text describe the arrangement of the text in verses and stanzas. Since the project does not focus on this type of problems, in the markup the use of some attributes and elements of the previous proposals were reduced (for example, rhymes were not codified). However, not all attributes related to metrical-rhyming aspects were eliminated, in anticipation of the possibility of future reuse of TEI-coded texts in a project where the presence of such data is relevant. Els Thant

  2. Apr 2023
    1. abiertoradical

      Crreo que me falta un contexto un poco más ampliio del AA radical. Cómo se ha venido insertando en el AA "más tradicional" no comercial? semejanzas? diferencias? varía según la región, más o menos aceptación?

    2. existenotrasposibilidadesdelistadosabiertosquepuedanseractualizadosporacadémicosyacadémicas,asícomoporotraspersonasinteresadasenlos archivos académicos?

      en algún punto LatinREV lo es.

    3. datosabiertaonocomercial,

      No será abierta o comercial? no entiendo la afirmación. Es más difícil entrar en una BBDD comercial que en una abierta.

    4. magazines


    5. Asuvezhayqueconsiderarquesehareconocidoquelacienciaylaculturasonderechoshumanos,yqueparagarantizarlosesesenciallaconstruccióndeherramientasabiertas,colaborativas,libres y accesibles

      Dónde se explicita esto? Sugiero evitar las afirmaciones impersonales en la escritura académica

  3. Mar 2020
    1. Steering Committee

      There is only one representative from Latin America. If we are reaaly thinking of Open and Global maybe this Steering Commitiee should show more diversity

  4. Dec 2019
    1. Descripción breve del sitio.

      Recursos digitales para el estudio de la poesía medieval

  5. Jun 2016