3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. I love getting better and better at things.  The process of finding out how an endeavor works, and then moving through limitation and frustration to build skills and knowledge, and being able to operate at ever more challenging levels - I love that.

      Being able to do things with barely any effort makes things feel easier. When I'm good at something I feel successful in a way. I also tend to gain more confidence on moving onto the next level. Its almost like a game, once you pass a level you go onto the next. **

    1. People may become disengaged and demotivated at work if they don't understand, or can't invest in, the "bigger picture."

      This statement does to be true. I do lose motivation on assignments that take too long or tend to be very difficult. I give up at any point I get stuck on. I feel like anything a human is assigned to do should be easy because then they will be more accomplished and stress free.

  2. Sep 2021
    1. Goal 1:"More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation, to name a few." I think donating cans of food, clothes, water, and house furniture would definitely help those who are in need. Food and water is a big nee of water and there may be days where they aren't able to hunt for food. Clothes are needed for warmth n cold days and on hot days they can use tank tops and shorts. Furniture can be used for when they build their shelter and they're able to have bedding or a couch to sleep in.