- Dec 2019
www.migrationpolicy.org www.migrationpolicy.org
A significant share of unauthorized immigrants in the United States entered with a valid visa and then simply never left, overstaying the terms of their visa.
i dont remember where but i read most undocumented immigrants come from over stayed visas than actually crossing the border
What remains to be seen, however, is how long they will stay up.
this is a deeper message. you can build as many walls as you want but will they be effective? there is no way to prove these are the best methods until the results are seen
If walls did not work in the past and today only work to divert, not prevent, migrant flows—while simultaneously having a grave human cost—why have so many gone up in the past 30 years? T
crossing the mexican american border is only one form of illegal entrance but there are other ways which most likely why it has gone up
If walls did not work in the past and today only work to divert, not prevent, migrant flows—while simultaneously having a grave human cost—why have so many gone up in the past 30 years?
This makes sense because for example the great wall of china was built to keep the mongols out but they still managed to cross over. as well as the berlin wall
theintercept.com theintercept.com
The young men testified to crossing the desert and tossing their food and backpacks when they were chased by immigration agents. They eventually made it to a gas station outside Ajo, where “a gringo” drove them to second gas station in town.
Gringo is spanish slang for someone from America with fair skin. This word helps distingush the kind of people who were helping them and directing the conspiracies
The migrants who were held as the government’s material witnesses described Warren as a figure who was hardly present during their short time in the U.S., beyond giving them permission to eat, sleep, and drink at a property he did not own, after they showed up with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Yes this is breaking federal law, but it is also breaking ethical laws. At the end of the day they are still humans in need regardless of their legal status. I dont think someone should be punished for simply doing what any good person would.
features.propublica.org features.propublica.org
The lost property isn’t just money; it’s also identity
Many indivuals take pride in what they have, especially land. It has history behind it which impacts who they are. Money is one of the factors but losing something so signfigant to them is not only profit but who they are losing a piece of history.
- Sep 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
As recently as 2010, they find, differences in the level of racial segregation, homeownership rates, home values and credit scores were still apparent where these boundaries were drawn.
when i read this line, I immediately thought about these lyrics from this song i heard called "I'm not racist" by Joyner Lucas (I think you and anyone else should listen to it) it gives two different perspectives from someone who is African American and someone who's white. It have very explicit lanaguage but they mention something about theres a cycle of the government to keep them under and exposed to low income households and how the country is raised by whites
By then, she hopes to be in the United States, free of the poverty, violence and suffocating confines for women in Guatemala.“Here in Guatemala,” she said, “justice only exists in the law. Not in reality.”
This is an example of how the government acts like they care but never do anything about it.
But violence against women, and domestic violence in particular, is a powerful and often overlooked factor in the migration crisis. Latin America and the Caribbean are home to 14 of the 25 deadliest nations in the world for women, according to available data collected by the Small Arms Survey, which tracks violence globally.
I myself am a Mexican American, so i'm very familiar to the term we often use thats called "Machismo" which means a strong sense of masculine pride: an exaggerated masculinity. I know in a lot hispanic countries unfortunately this is a big thing where women are seen as objects to men and suffer domestic abuse
www.migrationpolicy.org www.migrationpolicy.org
The Tucson, Arizona coroner’s office saw a substantial increase in the number of migrant deaths in the years after the hardening of the border, as migration routes shifted to the more dangerous deserts.
It's very dangerous. These people are risking their lives to come seek a better life. This shows how desperate they are and how us who are more fortunate need to be understanding and put ourselves in their point of view.
The United States has found 150 tunnels under the U.S.-Mexico border since the 1990s, some of which are quite sophisticated with ventilation systems and even rails to quickly move carts. Israel has begun construction on a subterranean wall on its border with Gaza in order to address the dozens of tunnels it has discovered.
I feel like the phrase "build a wall" is only used to support the idea of excluding specific groups of people but again, i dont think it will stop immigration. It's gonna continue to happen and tunnels are another way of how they always find another way
Border walls also became a central issue in the U.S. presidential race, with Republican Donald Trump emerging from a crowded field of rivals in large part because of his promise to build a “beautiful wall” on the remaining 1,300 unfenced miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. Meanwhile, deaths of would-be asylum seekers and migrants in transit have been on the rise worldwide, reaching 5,604 in 2015 alone, according the International Organization for Migration.
I remember reading something online that the majority of illegal immigrants who come to the United States don't cross the border but instead come from overstayed visas.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Chinese women to have abortions or undergo sterilization operations.
Because of their laws it kinda forces women to do something they may not want. It strips away their rights and instead of the male going through an operation it's only on the women
For decades, China harshly restricted the number of babies that women could have. Now it is encouraging them to have more. It is not going well.
China has a Communist government and because of their over population they created this one child policy and now it is kinda backfiring because their population is decreasing at a quick rate
- Aug 2019
crisisofenclosure.com crisisofenclosure.com
They were heavy, shoulder-borne devices and not well suited for casual use. It was not until the invention of digital videotape in 1995 that home video became a practical possibility. Editing was still an expensive and difficult proposition until the introduction of programs like Apple’s iMovie in 2000. And now you can shoot and edit HD video on your phone and post it to the Internet.
This explains how dramatic the change in videotaping or editing and really ties into how our world is changing and is pretty interesting to think about. We dont really notice the time and enegery that goes into making these changes, it's really cool
The planet itself is changing before our eyes. In 2013, carbon dioxide passed the signature threshold of 400 parts-per-million in the atmosphere for the first time since the Pliocene era about three to five million years ago. Although we cannot see the gas, it has set in motion catastrophic change. With more carbon dioxide, warm air holds more water vapour. As the ice-caps melt, there is more water in the ocean. As the oceans warm, there is more energy for a storm system to draw on, producing storm after ‘unprecedented’ storm. If a hurricane or earthquake creates what scientists call a ‘high sea-level event’, like a storm surge or tsunami, the effects are dramatically multiplied.
Although we as humans have developed a highly advanced society, we ignore where these resources come from. We are oblivious to what is around us.
Today, the world is young, urban, wired and hot.
As we begin to advance in technology, society and in the economy the younger generations have become more accustomed to this lifestyle and makes me wonder if we're out of touch with how the world was before all these advances.