8 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2019
localhost:4200 localhost:4200
If the vehicle is closer to the launcher, carrier or interfacing system than the minimum safe distance for engine firing, there shall be at least three independent electrical inhibits that control the opening of the flow control devices. The electrical inhibits shall be arranged such that the failure of one of the electrical inhibits will not open more than one flow control device.If the isolation valve will be opened under the conditions of paragraph, prior to the vehicle achieving a safe distance for firing a large thruster, three independent electrical inhibits shall control the opening of the remaining flow control devices for the large thruster system.
position of a mechanical flow control device
I was able to make the CTA below match the Material theme using the config object 'branding' object
normally closed
This is another Public annotation, however - if the last annotation was 'private' to the user, then that user needs to re-select Post to Public
The annotation is triggered from a selection of text within a different part of the page
works-dev.sae.org works-dev.sae.org
This is an example of a "Page Note" which seems to be a 'global' comment/annotation of sorts
works-dev.sae.org works-dev.sae.org
second annotation on TOP of the first one
independent electrical
This is a sample annotation that is 'Posted' to Public