4 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
    1. It is supposed probable that a building of somewhat more size in the middle of the grounds may be called for in time, in which may be rooms for religious worship under such impartial regulations as the visitors shall prescribe, for public examinations, for a Library, for the schools of music, drawing, and other associated purposes.

      I find it interesting how such deep planning is taking place for the construction of the school. I cannot help but to think that the rooms for religious study, is what would later become the Chapel across Alderman Library. The exert shines light on how much that they were trying to prepare for any situation that may take place at the school. They thought about religious areas, a library, and areas where people could visit. Grace O. Gyamfi

    2. It is supposed that such pavilions on an average of the larger & smaller will cost each about $5,000; each dormitory about $350, and Hotels of a single room for a Refectory, & two rooms for the tenant necessary for dieting the students will cost about $3.500 each.

      This exert is very insightful for me. Considering how much it costs to go to school nowadays to see the different prices is still very mind-blowing. The pavilions' price is closer to what prices living on campus are now, but the dorms are much cheaper, compared not only to the pavilions but also to the current price of dorms now. I think it is insightful on how different and similar two different time periods are. Grace O. Gyamfi

  2. Oct 2017
    1. And generally to form them to habits of reflection, and correct action, rendering them examples of virtue to others & of happiness within themselves.

      From what is being said, the writers of this document wanted the students to have some level of moral responsibility. They also wanted them to find happiness within themselves. This could mean that they wanted them to do something that brings them happiness, not for others, but for themselves. It can also be assumed from this statement, that they wanted the students to have some form of a moral compass. "Correct action", means that they were expected to do what is right. The University wanted to set a standard of happiness and good moral actions.

  3. Sep 2017
    1. To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express & preserve his ideas, his contracts & accounts in writing.

      I find it interesting how "himself" and "he" were used. Even though large steps are being made to ensure some level of education amongst the primary schools, it is very evident that women were not considered in this. The granting of knowledge is leaning towards male students of the time. It could be an over reach to say that women were not considered for these kinds of schooling, but it is heavily implied. Other than that, I am impressed by the actions that they are taking to allow for each student to be independent. They want the students to rely on themselves by using the knowledge that they have received.