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  1. Nov 2020
    1. I don’t know. We used to think that the biggest threat we faced as a species was nuclear war. Now it looks like it’s global warming

      Those innovations are threat to our lives. With advancement in technology we prepared the things that can vanish us in fraction of time like nuclear chain reaction.

    2. The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling,” a story about life-logging, or using technology to record every second of our experience, raises interesting questions about the way tech can quite literally change the way we think. Do you see that happening at present? In the near future?

      I think with recording everything, we are loosing our ability of writing. Earlier we always try to write the things just to memorize the special events.

    3. Optimism is relative. I try to look at both positive and negative aspects of new technology; if you are used to hearing only about the negative aspects, an approach like that will come across as optimistic. By contrast, if you are used to hearing only about the positive aspects, then that approach will seem pessimistic.

      Right, we have to look at both the aspects of technology. Moreover, its depend upon us how we are using the technology.

    4. , I think the biggest change has been the rise of social media

      now we have friends only on social media and in actual we have no one in your priority list.

    5. What are the most significant ways you feel our culture’s relationship with technology has changed in that time?

      this is the same question sometimes I asked to myself. How technology changed our lives. We were happy and simple earlier and we had trues friends earlier too.

    1. But that era is coming to an end. Remem is merely the first of a new generation of memory prostheses, and as these products gain widespread adoption, we will be replacing our malleable organic memories with perfect digital archives. We will have a record of what we actually did instead of stories that evolve over repeated tellings. Within our minds, each of us will be transformed from an oral culture into a literate one.

      In that way we are actually loosing our ability to memorizing the things naturally.

    2. Little by little, over repeated instances of recall, I’ve created a happy memory for myself.

      In that way we can use our natural memory ability to recall the events through pictures that were taken on those special events.

    3. Rather than thinking of an event from her past and seeing it with her mind’s eye, a child will subvocalize a reference to it and watch video footage with her physical eyes. Episodic memory will become entirely technologically mediated.

      I guess then they will be in revenge every time and they will never forget anything and never forgive anyone.

    4. writing helps me decide what I want to say

      words have more power in comparison to any weapon. You can do anything with the power of your words.

    5. Forgive and forget" goes the expression, and for our idealized magnanimous selves, that was all you needed. But for our actual selves the relationship between those two actions wasn’t so straightforward. In most cases we had to forget a little bit before we could forgive; when we no longer experienced the pain as fresh, the insult was easier to forgive, which in turn made it less memorable, and so on. It was this psychological feedback loop that made initially infuriating offences seem pardonable in the mirror of hindsight.

      According to me the words related to your insult are hard to forget. In my personal opinion its hard to forgive and forget.

    6. Anyone who has wasted hours surfing the internet knows that technology can encourage bad habits.

      If you are just lying on bed and surfing the internet and doing nothing then you are just wasting your time. Respect the time and its effects n your health too.

    7. But if you’re the type of person who’s constantly trying to prove that you’re right and your spouse is wrong, then your marriage is going to be in trouble whether you use Remem or not."

      This is right, never blame your partner for everything. If you want to built a strong relationship then stop blaming each other.

    8. but I knew what marriage counselors said: pinpointing blame wasn’t the answer. Instead, couples needed to acknowledge each other’s feelings and address their problems as a team.

      I agree with this statement. Blaming each other is not a solution. Just sit and talk to each other.

    9. You correct me in front of our friends all the time. You’re telling me I can’t do the same?"

      Lol...this type of moments are sometimes embarrassing when you need to correct your partner in front of their friends or relatives. I think we should have to avoid these situations.

    10. There’s no denying the usefulness of software that can actually answer the question "where did I put my keys?" But Whetstone is positioning Remem as more than a handy virtual assistant: they want it to take the place of your natural memory.

      I agree with that technology is actually taking away our powers of memorizing the stuffs. we are now completely dependent upon new software. We donot remember anniversary, birthday and phone numbers. We are literally dependent upon all that stuff.

    11. But take away the assistive software and give her nothing but a keyboard like the one I remain faithful to, and she’d have difficulty spelling out many of the words in this very sentence. Under those specific circumstances, English becomes a bit like a second language to her, one that she can speak fluently but can only barely write.

      This is basic problem of every kid of this generation, everyone can speak and read too but they have problem with writing

    12. t might no longer be necessary to teach children how to read or write, because speech recognition and synthesis would soon render those abilities superfluous.

      This is true that technology is everywhere and we are completely dependent on technology and we are getting lazy with time. I remember once I literally forgot the spelling of beautiful because of technology

    1. There are other risks. Catastrophic conflicts involving nuclear and biological weapons pose real and possibly higher risks now than when the weapons were controlled by Cold War powers; the risks of terror-ism and the newly added risk of cyber warfare are also real and so is the risk of antibiotic-resistant infections. We may lay the blame for all of these concerns at the feet of modernity, globalization, inequality of wealth, unemployment, too little education, too much entertainment, tliversity, and the radically paralyzing speed and ubiquity of digital communication.

      Everything came with advantages and disadvantages. Modern tools are risk on the human lives too.

    2. Fortunately a good number of the current efforts in the expanding world of AI and robotics are aimed at creating not humanlike robots but devices that do things we humans need to have done competently, economically, and faster if possible. The emphasis is on smart action programs. It does not matter at all that the programs do not pro-duce feelings, let alone conscious experiences. 9 I am interested in the "sense" of my robot, not in her "sensibility

      This is a good idea but still Roberts cant think like humans. They need command for every activity.

    3. There is plenty of evidence that artificial organisms can be designed so as to operate intelligently and even surpass the intelligence of human organisms. But there is no evidence that such artificial organ-isms, designed for the sole purpose of being intelligent, can generate feelings just because they are behaving intelligently. Natural feelings emerged in evolution, and there they remained

      Artificial organisms still going to be artificial only because they are going to be operate by humans only and they need command for every activity.

    4. Woody Allen once joked that he wanted to achieve immortality by not dying. Little did he know that one day the idea of doing away with death would not be a mere joke. Humans have now figured that the possibility is real, and they have been quietly working toward that goal. And why not? If indeed it would be possible to prolong life indef-initely, should one forgo the option?

      Well this is a good idea but personally I dnt want to be immortal.

    5. Examples include artificial retinal implants for blindness and the development of prosthetic limbs controlled by self-driven mental events, namely, the intention to move a limb. Both examples are a current reality and will be perfected in the near future

      Imagination will come into a reality. Retinal implants give eyes to the blinds.

    6. Just think of read-ing glasses, binoculars and microscopes, hearing aids, walking canes, and wheelchairs

      these inventions are appreciable

    7. What on earth are parents trying to guarantee or avoid? What is so problematic, for a developing human being, about facing the luck of the draw and defining his or her own destiny by combining willpower with whatever gifts or flaws one is born with?

      This is literally is stupidity to decide the destiny and looks of unborn child

    8. The once fatal ravages of infections have been controlled by the development of antibiotics or vaccines or both. The battle is never ending because new infectious agents appear on the scene or because old ones change so much-often as a result of antibiotic therapy-t

      This is true, as we have seen covid is advance version of other communicable diseases and is behave more badly then the previous one.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. Ultimately, dating apps are developing based on our prurient interests in finding the best possible mate for our current market value in the dating market. Some apps help to give people the best chances for achieving that, while others may make it easier for those with the most desirable qualities to be selected at higher rates than ever before. However, like most markets, in time there will be more parity as new tools emerge for connecting different types of romantic partners.

      I think that's the personal choice, if you want to settle down in your life then so find a perfect mate through online sites too.

    2. With over 1,500 dating apps on the market, many have come to the conclusion that the romance of courtship has been replaced with fantasy and heavily-edited Instagram photos.  Along with driving this increase in dating apps, the millennial generation is also delaying marriage and moving away from conventional religious practices. Because of this, many popular magazines and TV shows suggest that hook-up culture dominates contemporary pursuits of love. Right-swiping, label free, highly educated, and technologically savvy, today’s young people appear to pursue sex frequently and do so on their own terms. There also appears to be much more equal footing between genders than ever before.

      This is true, young generation does not want to bound themselves in a permanent relationship tag because now they have lots of options due to dating apps.

    1. Not sure what the laws are? Panda Security has an infographic (featured below) on 7 types of online harassment and their legality. The visual also gives advice on how to handle or prevent the types of harassment.

      That information is really helpful.

    2. While online harassment can happen to any age group, it’s common in adolescents and teens because they’ve grown up in the age of the Internet. It was reported that over half of them had been bullied online.

      The best way to avoid those things is to never allow your kids to use internet privately. I think they do not need internet at the early age.

    1. “When all of this started happening with the pandemic, we decided to accelerate our plans,” says Plenty of Fish CEO Malgosia Green. “It became really great timing for us to get the feature out there to people stuck at home who aren’t able to meet people the way they’re used to.”

      Basically internet helping a lot in pandemic, couples can still connected with each other.

    2. Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd has directly encouraged users to date virtually and avoid meeting in person, writing in a public blog post that “we want to help you stay connected, even when physically apart.” She hopes people will use Bumble’s in-app video chat feature (launched without much fanfare last year), another tool for its female-centric audience to gauge a potential date. With more people at home, Bumble saw use of this function spike 93% between March 13 and March 27. The average call was nearly 30 minutes long.

      My family is in India, so I was using whatsapp and messenger to contact them. Basically Covid doesnot change anything for me.

    3. “While we are socially distant, we definitely aren’t disconnected,” says Tinder CEO Elie Seidman, who reports daily messaging activity among the app’s American users has risen by 10% to 15% across the country. “More than ever, having someone to talk to can make a world of a difference.”

      This true Covid age increased the internet users.

    4. Humans are immensely adaptable—especially when driven by something as primal as companionship. For that reason, the coronavirus lockdown is also changing how we date, likely shifting our habits permanently.

      This was the interesting experience during lockdown. Even we are experiencing the same situations right now too because covid is still here.

    5. Talking up someone at a bar—let alone finding someone through friends, family or work—can seem as quaint as a love sonnet or waiting for marriage to have sex. As online dating has become the new norm, a $6 billion-in-sales global industry has sprung up around it.

      I guess this a perfect way to meet someone in Covid age.

    1. Some people get very upset with the idea that new technologies will create new harms and that we willingly surrender ourselves to these risks when we could adopt the precautionary principle

      I think this is somehow true because the face to face interaction is reducing with time due to the invention of apps.

    2. Another app on my phone, Google Lens, can also see discrete objects. It is already smart enough to identify the breed of a dog, the design of a shirt, or the species of a plant. Soon these functions will integrate.

      I didn't know about this app but this is really insteresting.

    3. When shoppers try such a service at home, they are “11 times more likely to buy,”

      I agreed what this point. Online shopping creates more chances to buy.

    4. Eventually, everything will have a digital twin. This is happening faster than you may think. The home goods retailer Wayfair displays many millions of products in its online home-furnishing catalog, but not all of the pictures are taken in a photo studio

      I guess online display saves time and its easy to do shopping online as well.

    5. The first big technology platform was the web, which digitized information, subjecting knowledge to the power of algorithms; it came to be dominated by Google. The second great platform was social media, running primarily on mobile phones. It digitized people and subjected human behavior and relationships to the power of algorithms, and it is ruled by Facebook and WeChat.

      This is absolutely right, internet and social media connect the people together.

    1. Nearly all slept with their phone, putting it under their pillow, on the mattress, or at the very least within arm’s reach of the bed. They checked social media right before they went to sleep, and reached for their phone as soon as they woke up in the morning (they had to—all of them used it as their alarm clock). Their phone was the last thing they saw before they went to sleep and the first thing they saw when they woke up

      this is true, everybody does that. Even I am doing the same thing too.

    2. These more dire consequences for teenage girls could also be rooted in the fact that they’re more likely to experience cyberbullying. Boys tend to bully one another physically, while girls are more likely to do so by undermining a victim’s social status or relationships. Social media give middle- and high-school girls a platform on which to carry out the style of aggression they favor, ostracizing and excluding other girls around the clock.

      social media is exploiting teens in actual and the reason behind the suicides is social media too.

    3. “I’ve seen my friends with their families—they don’t talk to them,” Athena told me. “They just say ‘Okay, okay, whatever’ while they’re on their phones. They don’t pay attention to their family.” Like her peers, Athena is an expert at tuning out her parents so she can focus on her phone.

      This is true because they don't believe in real friends, may be the fear of getting hurt. They are more dependent on phone and have no interaction with real world.

    4. The teen birth rate hit an all-time low in 2016, down 67 percent since its modern peak, in 1991

      This is positive point because they need to focus on themselves.

    5. After two teens have “talked” for a while, they might start dating. But only about 56 percent of high-school seniors in 2015 went out on dates; for Boomers and Gen Xers, the number was about 85 percent.

      I guess due to technology they have more options or they might get lazy and prefer chat instead of date.

    6. There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives—and making them seriously unhappy.

      I agreed, these devices are creating voids in the relationships. The reason behind loneliness and depression is technology because we are more dependent on social networking sites instead of friends.

    7. today’s teens are physically safer than teens have ever been. They’re markedly less likely to get into a car accident and, having less of a taste for alcohol than their predecessors, are less susceptible to drinking’s attendant ills.

      I dnt agree with this statement because now teens are more involved in car accidents due to phones. They are frequently using phones while driving and I guess social networking sites they are much more involved in drugs.

    8. She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. “We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.”

      I feel bad personally for her because she needs real friend instead of phone. She needs to play with other kids of her age and real games help in the physical and mental development of kids.

    1. For me at least, Facebook would have crossed a moral red line if it had, for example, intentionally sold the data of its users to Cambridge Analytica with the full knowledge that company would use the data subversively to influence a democratic election. Likewise, Facebook would have crossed a red line if it had intentionally assisted in the dissemination of hate speech in Myanmar. But the evidence indicates that Facebook did not intend for those things to occur on its platform.

      I agreed that Facebook is selling the personal information. Personally I dnt like to read any news on Facebook because I Know that most of them are fake.

    2. A significant amount of fake news can be found on Facebook, and for many users, Facebook has become a large echo chamber, where people merely seek out information that reinforces their views.

      I dnt trust social networking sites, sometimes they are selling the personal information and lots of crime happened due to social networking sites because its really easy to get the information of any person.

    3. For one thing, Facebook can be time-consuming and addictive, to no fruitful end. In addition, as researchers have demonstrated, Facebook use can worsen depression and anxiety.

      Even I thought lot of times that Facebook is not worth. It just time consuming. I think its not only Facebook, all other social networking sites are just time consuming that's it.

    1. Historically, gig workers like Julie have not been eligible for unemployment benefits. But in March, the federal CARES Act extended Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to independent contractors such as gig workers (an outcome that Uber lobbied for). Julie added, “I don’t feel it would be anyone’s responsibility for my finances except myself. I am so grateful for the help, but I feel absolutely awful for having to take it. I would much rather be out driving people around and pointing out all the cool stuff and history of Cincinnati!”

      Cares act basically helped a lot. Everyone got unemployment money through this act during the pandemic. Even I got unemployment money too and that was a lot for everybody because everyone got more in comparison to their basic earnings.

    2. Given the unemployment landscape we’re facing, however, we need to acknowledge and plan for the reality of a rapidly expanding gig economy. Instead of hoping in vain for gig employers to reclassify their workers as employees, we should accept that the gig model will only become more entrenched, and as such we should focus on expanding the temporary gains gig workers have seen during the pandemic into a permanent social safety net. This will likely necessitate corresponding changes in how companies that rely on gig workers, such as Uber, pay into that system. Uber has signaled their willingness to make compromises, such as supporting portable benefits, so if policymakers can meet them in the middle with a new model for taxing employers, it could create a more stable foundation for all gig businesses.

      I guess they have to make some policies for the job security and for the other benefits for gig worker. Companies like Uber and lyft are basically relying on the gig workers.

  3. www.pages.drexel.edu www.pages.drexel.edu

      I agreed that overwork, I mean the work load and looking for stable job is the main problem of our society right now. For those who dnt have any skills they can not get any stable job.


      In this era of competition, I guess target based jobs are ruining our lives. We dnt have time for our family. 24*7 we are busy on our devices.


      Personally I feel people during preindustrial era were more satisfied, humble and simple. Industrialization and modernization took our simplicity from us.


      This is interesting to know that Cajal had done so much research on neuro science and had three hundred articles on them too.

    1. "These companies have pocketed millions of dollars by leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. That's unacceptable," Herrera said. "There is no rule that prevents these drivers from continuing to have all of the flexibility they currently enjoy. Being properly classified as an employee doesn't change that."

      I agreed with Herrera statement. Uber and lyft are making money but they dnt want to give any benefits to those who are making money for them basically.

    2. The judge said Uber and Lyft have refused to comply with a California law passed last year that was supposed to make it harder for companies in the state to hire workers as contractors, so gig economy workers such as drivers for the ride-hailing companies would receive health insurance, workers' compensation and paid sick and family leave. As independent contractors, Uber and Lyft drivers are not provided these benefits.

      This is really a appreciable step towards uber and lyft drivers benefits. They are working for a company so company suppose to treat them properly by giving them the benifits.

    3. Superior Court Judge Ethan Schulman ruled Monday that Lyft and Uber's thousands of contract drivers should be given the same protections and benefits under labor law as other employees of the ride-hailing companies.

      I guess, this is a good idea to give benefits to the Lyft's and Uber's driver. I remember during the lockdown Uber and Lyft's driver got their unemployment money too.

    1. Things were about to get stranger still. Distinguished psychiatrists and scientists began to suggest, with considerable enthusiasm, that the program could play a valuable role in actually treating the ill and the disturbed. In an article in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, three prominent research psychiatrists wrote that ELIZA, with a bit of tweaking, could be "a therapeutic tool which can be made widely available to mental hospitals and psychiatric centers suffering a shortage of therapists."

      People who are not mentally stable and they needs psychiatrists, i guess for them ELIZA app is beneficial. You dnt need insurance and no need to pay fee for your visit, so this is a good idea.

    2. If a person typed the sentence "I am very unhappy these days," the computer would need only know that the phrase "I am" typically comes before a description of the speaker's current situation or state of mind. The computer could then recast the sentence into the reply "How long have you been very unhappy these days?" The program worked, Weizenbaum explained, by first applying "a kind of template to the original sentence, one part of which matched the two words 'I am' and the remainder [of which] isolated the words 'very unhappy these days

      I am not in favor of that kind of programming application that we are using instead of human friend. Siri, Eliza all those kinds of apps are basically reducing human interactions

    1. “It’s a busy, busy road,” said Perrin, who’s lived in the neighborhood for more than 50 years. “It’s difficult getting across the street. I have to be sure that I can part the Red Sea, part the Cobbs Creek, to get across, it’s been very difficult.”

      I dnt know why people do not follow the traffic rules. Thank god boulevard put speed cameras. This is good start to control the speed limit but I think we should have to follow the traffic rules too instead of blaming government and traffic department authorities for everything.

    2. After his 25-year-old daughter was struck and killed in a hit and run last weekend, Cobbs Creek resident Cravante Reynolds wanted to fill the sky with her favorite colors

      Pain of losing your loved one, especially the young one is unbearable. Time goes but the pain will never ends. I lost my younger brother in an accident a week before the starting of this semester and its really hard to recover from the of untimely demise of your loved one. My brother was only 24yrs old

    1. First, I will propose an account of how technology impactsor“shapes”society. This account will be based on some of theprevailing views in science and technology studies (STS) and thephilosophy of technology. Second, I will analyze how such impactscan be related to the goodness of society. I will argue that thegoodness of society can be defined in terms of a number of values orideals, and that impacts of technology can be analyzed as eithercontributing to, or detracting from, the realization of such values.Third, having established that technologies can positively ornegatively affect the realization of values,

      In this article we studied the role of technology in our society. Basically, technology shapes our society by leaving positive and negative impacts on our society, the key for the goodness of society is wellbeing and justice. Next, the technology for the good society is that will provide fundamental support for well being and justice.


      Secondly, internet, especially the World Wide Web that www made computers more useful for every single person. Andreessen with the collaboration of Bina made the history by inventing Mosaic web browser.


      nobody would image that every single person in future is going to use the computers. The invention of GUI, or graphical user interface made computers friendly and interesting


      This is basically the introduction of computers. How computers became the part of our daily life. Computers were developed in between 1940's and 50's and they were very large in size,

    1. Emoji originated in Japan in the late 1990s. Broadly inspired by manga, Chinese characters, and street signs, emoji were proposed as “a better way to incorporate images in the limited visual space available on cell phone screens” [16]. Developed by technical designer Shigetaka Kurita for the Japanese mobile company NNT DoCOMO’s I-mode mobile internet, 176 12 x 12 pixel images were released in 1999 and would become the foundation of what are now referred to as emoji (Galloway, 2016; Negishi, 2014)

      The concept on emoji is really interesting and emoji is a better way to deliver your message on the social platform like Instagram, Facebook, twitter and snapchat in the form of picture. I didn't know that the origin of emoji is Japan and is inspired by Chinese character and street sign 'manga'. Emoji in other words is representing your emotions.