4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. primary variable for cluster was popinc

      The merging criteria was for "area with most similar ratio of X to Y", where X is the primary variable and numerator and Y is the secondary variable and denominator. So we have popinc/pop, which is just income - we want MCDs with similar income to be grouped together.

    2. pop >= 30000, "30k_50k"

      Just a heads-up that 30k isn't really a meaningful number in the grand scheme of things. We just used it here to sort of classify "small-medium" to "medium-large" MCDs

    3. roughly 30k (to confirm)

      ...that are generally between 10k-50k population

    4. HAL to clarify (these are shown in red)

      ...because they make up a tract, and our mortality/temperature data is at the tract level. (Let me know if you need more details)