5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. A research study found that spouses of suicide or accidental death victims who did not communicate about the death with their friends were more likely to have health problems such as weight change and headaches than those who did talk with friends (Greene, Derlega, & Mathews, 2006).

      This cannot be healthy at all to hold stuff in, especially if you lost someone. Please make sure you find someone to talk to, whether it be a therapist, a friend, grief counseling, or even write in a journal. Holding all the pent up emotions during a stressful time can do harm on your body and mind, I love self help books and they have a book for everything. That can always be another option, but please just let your emotions out and communicate with someone

    2. Communication is very important, and we really have to be careful who we're talking to and watch what we say how we say something. Words hurt, and some things we can never take back. When people ask to start over it's because they know something got messed up along the way, whether it be them or you. and just like the text says, it's irreversible most times, your mind will be made up and communication can stop after that

    3. I love how the conversation says, "generic greeting response" and "generic question"! It's pretty funny and it does make you wonder why we do this? But in the end, maybe we just want to talk to someone, even if it is a "hello" or just to talk about the weather. Sometimes when I'm feeling in a talkative mood I will strike up conversations with random people, and some will respond to me and others will just smile and ignore me.

    1. In the beginning of a relationship there will be some sort of love bombing, and it may not be all the time but it will happen. You can try to ignore red flags in a person, but in the end they will always come back up as a problem when you tried to push it away in the beginning to choose a relationship over what you really stand for, it's sad but it happens to much, if you don't communicate what you like, don't like, your wants, and dreams. You could be wasting time with someone, communication is a big key in relationships

    1. trapersonal communication is communication with oneself using internal vocalization or reflective thinking

      When I read this and see that intrapersonal communication is the name for speaking with yourself, I feel like that's really interesting to know this whole time that's what I was doing. Not in a weird way, but we all speak to ourselves. I am always trying to cheer myself on, or when I wake up in the morning when I want to lay in bed longer than I should. Talking to ourselves is just a normal thing. And I fell like I'm doing it now, as I write this