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  1. Oct 2024
    1. Psychosocial deprivations also seem to be a cause of gambling-like behavior in both pigeons and humans

      Dopamine is the brain's "reward" chemical, and it gets released when we expect something good, like food or positive social interaction. When someone experiences social deprivation, such as a lack of maternal care, the brain compensates by releasing more dopamine to motivate the person to seek rewards or comfort elsewhere. This increased dopamine release drives people to find other rewarding activities, sometimes leading to risky behaviors like gambling, where they continue seeking that dopamine-fueled reward, even when the outcomes are uncertain

    2. but the attractiveness of uncertain rewards is so widespread in the animal kingdom that this tendency should have an adaptive origin. Here we suggest a hypothesis

      In nature, animals can’t always predict when they’ll find food or other important things. First, resources like food are spread out randomly, so animals have to keep trying until they find what they need. Second, cues that signal rewards, like fruit trees, aren't always reliable because the trees don’t have fruit all year. When animals face this uncertainty, their motivation kicks in to keep them going, even when they keep failing. This explains why unpredictability, like in gambling, can keep people engaged even when they’re losing.

    3. his result is compatible with other findings showing that persistent gambling behavior is more likely to occur in individuals that experience unpredictable environments and gambling situations early in life

      which kids are now adays :/

    4. Recently, we have shown in adult rats that an initial exposure (8 days) to conditioned cues predicting highly uncertain rewards sensitizes responding to those cues in the long term (for at least 20 days) despite a gradual reduction in the level of uncertainty


    5. monetary wins are conceived as the opportunity to extend the duration of play, rather than the game's main objective.

      OMG like my rumikub lmaoo

    6. several payoff schedules (slot machines, roulette, and dice game of craps) have a probability of winning close to 50%, so that they are expected to elicit maximal DA release and, therefore, reinforce the act of gambling.


    7. . A predictable game is dull, just like a detective novel for which the identity of the murderer is known in advance.


    8. PG, accumbens DA is maximal during a gambling task when the probability of winning and losing money is identical—a 50% chance for a two-outcome event representing maximal uncertainty


    9. Current evidence therefore suggests that losses contribute to motivate gambling more than gains.


    10. Possibly related to this phenomenon is the evidence that, compared with gains, the amount of monetary losses has limited effect on the extent to which probabilistic (and delayed) losses are discounted in humans

      people are less concerned with their REAL losses than they are with their POTENTIAL gains

    11. This finding that DA release is higher in PG losing money than in PG winning money is consistent with the evidence that “near misses” enhance the motivation to gamble and recruit the brain reward circuit more than “big wins”

      OMG WTF

    12. “PG are not hyperdopaminergic per se, but have increased DA susceptibility toward certain types of decisions and behavior”


    13. Dopamine release in the ventral striatum, however, was more pronounced for the losses in PG relative to HC


    14. they found no difference in dopaminergic responses between PG and HC who won money.


    15. the more PG lose money, the more they tend to persevere in this activity—a phenomenon referred to as loss-chasing


    16. Although the traditional view is in agreement with neuroscientific data, it fails to explain why people often describe gambling as a pleasant activity rather than as an opportunity to gain money


    17. During gambling episodes, PG report euphoric feelings comparable to those experienced by drug users


    18. For example, Joutsa et al. (2012) showed that DA is released in the ventral striatum during instances of high- but not low-reward, in both PG and HC, and that the severity of symptoms in PG is associated with larger DA responses.

      . In people with PG, the more severe their gambling symptoms, the larger the dopamine release. This suggests that heightened dopamine responses in reward situations may be linked to the severity of gambling problems.

    1. rewarding stimulus is provided, a phasic dopaminergic firing mainly leads to the activation of D1 receptors in NAcc and D2 receptors in VTA, thus generating a positive reinforcing signa

      !!!! phasic dopaminergic firing= bursts of activity in dopaminergic neurons that occur after activation

    2. core regions

      the ventral tegmental area, the nucleus accumbens, the cerebellum, and the insula,

    1. his information gives an “illusion of control” regarding the outcomes of random events and encourages gamblers to identify patterns that do not exist.


    2. Gambling operators also encourage gamblers to engage in faulty thinking that increases gambling behaviour. A good example is digital display boards posted next to roulette wheels in casinos.


    3. Previous outcomes have absolutely no bearing on future outcomes.


    4. modern slot machines operate on a random number generator such that the outcome of a bet is determine the instant a bet is made and the “closeness” of the end result is inconsequential


    5. “near misses” which is when the outcome of a bet is made to appear that it was close to a win but is a loss.


    6. Gambling operators seize on the vulnerability of gamblers by manipulating aspects of their games to increase their addictive qualities.


    7. a variable ratio schedule, the behaviour typically persists as the organism is testing whether another response might do the trick just as a gambler believes that “one more bet” might be the winning one.


    8. Skinner found that the rats that had experienced variable-ratio reinforcement were far more likely to continue pressing a lever in hopes of receiving a reward long after food pellets had ceased being allotted.


    1. most gamblers do not visit a casino because they believe it to be a sure-fire means to paying the rent. They visit the casino because it is exciting. The excitement is derived from the possibility that they might win some money, and from the arousal that the activity of gambling elicits.

      so super important

    2. the researchers point out that even when a player recognises that losses disguised as wins are really just losses in disguise, if arousal itself is what is positively reinforcing, the player may still find slot games with losses disguised as wins more enjoyable, or potentially more addictive (if the player is a problem gambler).


    3. skin conductance responses

      DEFINITION: The skin conductance response (SCR) is a change in the skin’s electrical and sweat gland activity in response to stimuli that are physiologically arousing

    4. lights and sounds will also be played if any of the lines win, even if the net amount collected is less than the total amount wagered


    5. net losses involving some winning lines are experienced in the same way as net wins due to physiological responses to the accompanying sounds and lights


    1. Early signs from Nower’s research in New Jersey suggest that people who engage in sports betting appear to develop gambling problems at particularly high rates and are at higher risk for mental health and substance use problems compared with other kinds of gamblers. About 14% of sports bettors reported thoughts of suicide and 10% said they had made a suicide attempt

      oh my

    2. As many as 90% or more of people with gambling problems never seek help

      Oh no!!

    3. The prefrontal cortex, which regulates impulsivity and decision-making, is particularly late to develop, especially in boys.


    4. inked gambling disorders to variations in a variety of brain regions, particularly the striatum and prefrontal cortex, which are involved in reward processing, social and emotional problems, stress, and more.


    5. Seeing parents, siblings, or other members of the household gamble also normalizes gambling for kids


    6. And the earlier kids get exposed to gambling through online games and other avenues, studies suggest, the more severe their gambling problems are likely to be later on


    7. shown that teens who play simulated gambling games for points are at higher risk of having gambling problems later on


    8. and that the connection is strongest in adolescence.

      because frontal lobe hasn't developed??

    9. They continue even as rewards become less and less frequent and even stop entirely.”


    10. exploits a cognitive distortion that makes a player or gambler view each loss as one step closer to a win and can lead to very rapid adoption of a behavior that can then be hard to extinguish,


    11. may deliver a big payoff, but payoffs come at random intervals

      this is the Variable Ratio Reinforcemnt!!