3 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2018
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
n the latter half of the 20th century, youth participated in social movements?from the Civil Rights Movement to the recent WTO demonstrations (McAdam, 1988; Tarrow, 1998). However, the lack of a recent social movement that follows previous models of focusing on a single, monolithic issue may be linked to what Foucault (1994) describes as the diffuse and dispersed ways in which power and oppression operate in the current period. P
I think the youth has started to find their voice again. we're being heard. we just need to be listened to.
- Aug 2018
www.ed.gov www.ed.gov
the maximum Pell Grant covers only about 30 percent of the cost of a four-year public college education
To put this in perspective, the yearly cost of an in state student is $9410 (collegeboard.com). So $9410 a year times 4 years equals $37640. Then you're on the hook for 70% with the MAX grant which has you paying 37640 x .70=26348. That's $26,348 for one student with grants, and there are often multiple children, so this amount can be a real strain on families, even if they're somewhat well off.
brightspace.ccc.edu brightspace.ccc.edu
We do not think that she has a rich inner life or that God likes her or can even stand her. (Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.)
this part is funny.