6 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2018
go.galegroup.com go.galegroup.com
It is anticipated there will be an increasing demand for workers with computer skills.
libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org
areas that are losing a lot of department store jobs may not be the ones gaining online retail jobs.
Since early 2013, department stores have eliminated roughly 80,000 jobs, on net, while nonstore retailers have added roughly 100,000.
online retailers are getting the jobs department stores had
department stores have seen steeper job losses than other types of retailers in recent years and may be among the most vulnerable to the rise of online shopping.
First, let’s look at trends in online retail sales over the past two decades. As shown in the chart below, online sales have grown strongly, with their share of total retail sales increasing from 2.5 percent in the mid-1990s to around 5 percent in the mid-2000s, then doubling again to exceed 10 percent today.
exponential growth
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Employment attributed to electronic shopping firms has doubled
does this make employment in actual retail stores decline?