52 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Rational access contrasts with a broader conception of intentional access that takes a mental state to be access-conscious if it can inform goal-directed or intentional behavior including behavior that is not rational or done for a reason


  2. Jun 2024
    1. Saks更改了免运费政策:不再支持 Shoprunner(一个免运费服务)、而且免运费条件变成金额至少 $100 了(感谢美卡论坛 qhhuyanzhuo 发文提醒)。白金卡的福利是每半年给 $50 credit,因此这就非常尴尬了。以后要么承担$10的运费,买的东西尽量贴近$40的价格;要么买到$100以上(Saks卖的东西偏贵,很容易被反撸);要么去线下实体店买$50的实体 gift card 留着以后用了。

      Just spend all GC in one go

    1. You can also use Bash in the Azure Cloud Shell to connect to your VM. You can use Cloud Shell in a web browser, from the Azure portal, or as a terminal in Visual Studio Code using the Azure Account extension. You can also install the Windows Subsystem for Linux to connect to your VM over SSH and use other native Linux tools within a Bash shell.

      the Azure portal streamlines the process so there is minimal overhead during deployment

    1. When connected via an applicable platform such as Thunderbolt 3 or later Windows 10 machines, you can expect maximum frequency rates up to 40 Gigabits per second (Gbps) when transferring data through aUSB4cable

      Good for nothing?

    1. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors This chapter has a value in itself.

      Eigen as in characteristic

    1. This conception of the “objective reference” of sense experience is grounded in a phenomenology of perceptual constancy

      Perceptual cosntancy

    2. every mental phenomenon is “of an object” in the intentional sense

      One reductive claim

    3. one might also hold that content only determines satisfaction conditions relative to context. This seems especially plausible when we consider thoughts expressed with indexicals or demonstratives. (When I think, on multiple occasions, of multiple objects, this is F, what makes what I think true may differ with context, but what I think of each this (and how I think of it) on each such occasion may be just the same


    4. Perceiving, fearing and believing. How humans evolve

    5. the non-existent just discussed is closely associated with the potential for falsehood, error, inaccuracy, illusion, hallucination, and dissatisfaction

      Semantically grounded

    1. the intentional-object theorist accepts, whereas his critic rejects, the validity of the rule of existential generalization for both intentional and non-intentional relations, whether the relata of the intentional relations are concrete particulars in space and time or not

      Rephrase as

  3. May 2024
    1. google/gemma-7b-it

      as compared to Phi-3 and LlaMa3, and even Gemini Flash

      up there we have GPT4 and Claude Opus

    1. The mouse was developed by Apple, but designed by Hovey-Kelley (renamed IDEO in 1991[7]), who built hundreds of prototypes and conducted exhaustive testing with focus groups in order to create an ideal shape for the Lisa mouse.[8] The Lisa mouse was subsequently used as the foundational design for Apple mice, until the introduction of the multi-button design on the Mighty Mouse in 2005.

      and it has all-direction ball below

    1. Research is a time-intensive process, often requiring hours of reading and analysis. SciSpace streamlines this process by offering quick summaries, related papers, and highlighting future works.

      Quick summaries get you up to date with preprints or in-press articles

    1. Using Apple’s trade-in system is also often one of the best ways to maximize the return on your investment, as Apple often offers the highest prices for its products

      Best Buy do price match these days

    1. By forward chaining through contrasting citation statements or looking at recent studies that have both a high support and contrasting citation count you will easily be able to surface on-going debates

      Too optimistic, only feasible in active fields

    1. the focal synthesis note is instantiated as a page. The observation note about secondary attack rates is transcluded into (via block reference, and therefore a part-of) the synthesis page. The context snippets are linked to the observation note via indentation in the outline as well as via hyperlinks to their block references, all of which create explicit bi-directional links in the underlying database between the items.

      Kinda hard to implement in Obsidian natively no?

    1. Parallelisation can be a powerful tool, if used properly, however, the development and de-bugging time can often outweigh the computational gains.

      We call it premature optimization

    1. In a world where pauses and breaks are ever shorter, if present at all, both Nietzsche and Han stress the importance of stepping back and the need to develop the ability to resist the multitude of available attractions (saying no to all the shiny new books, perhaps…).

      You own obsession with new shiny object

    2. Dem neuen Menschentyp, der dem Übermaß an Positivität wehrlos ausgeliefert ist, fehlt jede Souveränität.  Der depressive Mensch ist jenes animal laborans, das sich selbst ausbeutet, und zwar freiwillig, ohne Fremdzwänge.  Er ist Täter und Opfer zugleich.

      He who unknowingly or willingly exploit himself

    1. frame of reference and non-ideal thermodynamic effects nearly offset each other for highly charged samples

      all very wrong

    1. Unlike document editors such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, LaTeX separates the process of writing your content from the process of formatting it

      That is plain untrue

    1. This affects several important property calculations including conductivity and transport number, which are related to the weighted sums of diffusion coefficients of all species

      Coupled via NE relation

  4. Apr 2024
    1. Cubic dependence of permselectivity on charge density

    2. Previous modeling efforts to rationalize this observation, notably by Yip and co-workers, have produced complex systems of equations underpinning the trade-off relationship. (6,9) However, these modeling efforts have not achieved an analytical expression for the upper bound relationship in the same instructive manner as in Freeman’s seminal study for gas separation membranes.

      Shading is 大忌 you have been cancelled

    1. once you have more than a few cases, comparison becomes computationally difficult, and the use of mathematical expressions becomes key in arranging data in ways that let us see the signal in the noise.

      No, setting up the proper metric may or may not be qualitative work after all

    2. Quantification is ultimately linguistic: it is a form of translation. Most of our descriptions start as ‘ordinary language’, and in some cases, we ‘code’ those descriptions using numbers rather than words

      So you do not think physical quantities exist out of our mind?

  5. Jan 2024
    1. application of electricity offers an enormous opportunity to enhance selectivity in separations that involve charged solutes, even if the membrane material itself has poor selectivity.

      I don't think so

    2. Separations in the uncharged/charged category, such as water desalination by RO or PV, permeate the uncharged solute (e.g., water) and reject the charged solute (e.g., NaCl = Na+ and Cl–). The membrane charge enhances the performance of uncharged/charged separations that are driven by pressure, which is a major reason this category features higher selectivity than the others

      Membrane charge has little to do with rejecting charged solutes in RO

  6. Dec 2023
    1. We conclude that this simple capacitor model successfully captures the main physical reason behind the low dielectric constant ϵ⊥ of water in nanoconfinement

      Could it be more wrong

  7. Apr 2023
    1. code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code—changing the factoring—without changing its external behavior. Refactoring is intended to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software (its non-functional attributes), while preserving its functionality. Potential advantages of refactoring may include improved code readability and reduced complexity; these can improve the source code's maintainability and create a simpler, cleaner, or more expressive internal architecture or object model to improve extensibility


  8. Mar 2023
    1. 战役暴露了明军诸多问题,最大的有两点:其一是丁酉之战明军兵员素质较壬辰之战时大幅度下降,战况利则一拥而上,不利则一哄而散,反映了明军精兵较少,冗兵较多的现实问题;其二是各部缺乏配合,如果此战中后军坚守阵线不退,则可以稳住前军军心以图再战或者至少将损失降到最低而不至全军溃败沦为鱼肉。


    2. 最终,明廷认定:“倭寇之图朝鲜,意实在中国,而我兵之救朝鲜实所以保中国”,因而答应让李昖渡过鸭绿江寻求庇护,居住在明境辽东半岛的宽奠堡,同时出兵援助朝鲜


  9. Jan 2023
    1. Way too obtuse and seem to simply parrot Adorno's original text

  10. Dec 2022
    1. Modulation, the shifting from one key to another, was a driving principle in both harmony and sonata form, the primary Western large-scale musical structure since the middle of the 18th century. Modulation maintained harmonic interest over an extended time-scale, provided a clear contrast between musical themes and showed how those themes were related to each other.


  11. May 2022
    1. lower hydrated ionic radius for the same valence offers higher ion exchange selectivity

      Often means going down the group in periodic table

  12. Mar 2022
    1. 歌德老师和黑格尔老师都会同意,一定信息粒度以上的人类历史就是天才史,或者说精英史。什么叫精英?选出人类最重要的一百种活动——比如文学,数学,政治之类——每种选有史以来前一百强,这一万名精英创造了精神意义上的人类历史的90%+甚至99%+,其余的几千亿人都是时代背景,模型变量而已


    1. 任何信仰、故事、或命題,只要它們起作用的方式跟古老故事對原始人起作用的方式是一樣的,都可視為神話。換言之,任何我們用來解釋萬物為何如此的事物、或者任何被我們當作行為典範的事物,都可以視為神話。

      belief is not neccessarily truth

    1. 以《老子》比附黑格尔的辩证法就像以算盘比附计算机一样是历史错位、牵强附会。黑格尔的辩证法恰恰建立在对以往经验主义科学扬弃的基础上


  13. Feb 2022
    1. What is notable about WhatsApp is that the key identifier is not your account, but rather your phone number; any sort of technological lock-in has completely disappeared

      the push for openness in the SaaS vs the opposite trend in hardware

    1. Evidence cannot verify a theory. It cannot even select a theory

      This is a grossly wrong take on the relationship between theories(being not as predictive and widely applicable as laws) and evidence. Plausible theories sufficiently similar should be grouped together(therefore 'infinite number of theories' is a not helpful description), and evidence that warrants further examination are often those that COULD select one theory, or at least refute another, thereby refuting its hypotheses.

    1. What I believe happened this weekend was a uniquely American solution to the problem of Trump’s refusal to concede and attempts to incite violence: all of corporate America collectively decided that enough was enough, and did what Congress has been unable to do, effectively ending the Trump presidency. Parler, to be honest, was just as much a bystander casualty as it was a direct target. That the tech sector is the only one with the capabilities to actually make a difference is what makes the industry stand out.

      Unique in the sense that Tech companies channel the majority of the traffic

    1. any other app with user-generated content. The goal is not to pick out the hits, but rather to attract as much content as possible, and then algorithmically boost whatever turns out to be good

      The reversal of recognition mechanism

    2. Assuming that advertising revenue is a reasonable proxy for attention, it turns out that humans like pictures more than text, and moving pictures most of all; so it has gone on the Internet.

      The increasing user base means lowering level of literacy.

    1. the Internet: by removing friction it removes the need for folks in the middle, and the result is that value will flow to the edges. In the case of publishing that is aggregators on one side, and focused, responsive, and differentiated 5 writers and publications on the other.

      A bit too optimistic, but individual-hosted newsletter are indeed trending up.

    1. the change in droplet shape does reflect processes occurring at the interface, and as such are a good proxy for the polymerization kinetics

      is it so

    1. 年轻一代的学生自己要决定这个辩论的价值在哪儿。当你看他们两位在争论甚么问题的时候,你可以考虑这对你自己有甚么启发,让你想到甚么,让你更想知道甚么,从而让你想找一个更好的回答。我这么想,如果真能达到这个效果,那就算是成功的争论。

      Dynamic process of refining and redefining an issue

    2. 革命不是要追求一个终极的没有矛盾的天堂,那是不现实的。革命其实是要你醒着,不要睡觉,让你看到矛盾、看到丑陋、看到问题就够了,然后你要不断地去斗争。斗争之后,可能又会有新的问题、更严重的问题出现,没有关系。只要你醒着,知道问题,继续斗争,这就是一切,这就是意义。


  14. Jan 2022
    1. The jargon employed in this article belied the seriousness of the discussion.

      The author simply argues against an disengagement policy for multi-national companies operating in China, but rather adapting to the market demands while leveraging new organizing schemes(and some help from rule-of-law countries) to prevent IP leakages, and be more precise in exploiting market opportunities

    1. It thus leads to a relative reduction in the benefits of trade for those close to ports or origin locations and a relative increase in these benefits for those far away.

      bad incentive for sourcing locally

  15. Dec 2021
    1. those that are disunified – are rejected (or not even considered) whatever their empirical success might be

      Another horrendous mistake, and one should recall Kuhn's concept of paradigm shift which describes the often painstaking process of displacing old theory with new, in light of new evidence.

  16. Aug 2020
    1. But, then, the existence of books, no matter how grim the tale, is itself a sign, evidence that humanity endures, in the very contagion of reading.

      The fables about contagion thus speaks on two front, in the narrative one is forced to see how contagious disease stripped away tolerance,compassion and reciprocity, the best qualities in human nature, leaving behind animal instincts, as they fall for the insurmountable death anxiety. Or at least it is so in the middle ages, when knowledge about science is so meager people resort to superstition. On the ontological side, these fables are the very proof humans will not succumb to the force of nature, and that there is always something more sublime than survival.