20 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. su12z17A7as02¢)

      What is this word- after looking it up I feel silly for not knowing this word. But you learn something new everyday huh?

    2. uoNHedwi09 oy) ys1/OqD

      Higher GDP countries monopolizing on states resources, not caring who they affect

    3. A;Odouour 0} Aduapual & spooiq UoTMad wood ]ye “ysuLy"

      Countries wanting to nationalize agencies in order to preserve their independence or uniqueness is all about ownership and undermining control

    4. JM, {gt oaey asnw J,

      this correlates with the experience of addiction

    5. 9f0Yo INO jo anew e AJayeUTNIN axe YstIaYy am sanqea au ‘a0uNOS B YONs W

      Unfortunately values can be negatively reinforced in people that suffer traumatic events or unhealthy relationships etc

    6. 9I0YD Jo a8urs Taup st spin ay ‘saey ajdoad i9mod

      Those with billions of dollars have the choice to donate or to do greater things with their wealth- but don't

    7. ‘OASTaI spud Yons ayeul yor sueou ayy Surpueuw0D

      while considering the social impact

    8. aisindurod st uonoe aanoayy

      Umm Trump?

    9. suOIsvap ayoul

      Rationalizing with oneself- going back to the communities discussion, one could say that communitites don't rationalize with oneself but rather conform

    10. ‘papsedaisip 3q pnd saourjsumo.ty)

      Oh I see.. there is always a choice and or excuse with some sort of explanation... but what does this mean in terms of power and social change

    11. ‘aures dy} poureusas ‘s10}Oe Jy} JO SIANOUI 9yy PUL ‘UOgIE Jo saouEIsUINIIID aUp Jl WaAd arom Aay 1eYM WoO JUdIaYIp aq Pinos suonoe ueuNyy

      This is a loaded statement and confuses me

    12. “2dI0YyD B peYy Sem WF UONSE ssOyM uosied ay) pur ‘uonoe s,auosUIOS sem UTefdxa 0} YSIM 9M JAAD 3T) yep 1O¥J

      cool interpretation of what an explanation is- explanations as excuses

    13. ‘Jappe] [eoTyoses91y oy jo sBuns JayZiy ay} 0} Jamo] ay Woy ssed 0) 1yZNO UONEULIOJUT

      Clear and comprehensible information is important to continuing on with the orgs mission for those stepping into power

    14. Aoyod jouuosiad ayy YIM adajsoqut 01 PaMmo]le Jou pue 1IN09 jo Ino parepap AyfeoneYydura aq ysnuI (‘12 *xas ‘2081 ~ ‘gyat7aq snortjas 40 jeontod ‘uisL0 uviaqa|d 10 ajqou)

      Majority of the time people in power or those with the most capital have gotten their due to an unfair advantage

    15. nos pue Apog,

      People in communities can play roles as well. Being a part of an organization is ultimately working towards an intended goal or "job" but communities are belief based and can have specified roles

    16. sayns euoneziuesso op Aq opiqe jsnur sraquiou atP YSIYM Ul Svare ay LeIOp YOTYM sainje}s USL

      Yes but I think the comparison between communes and organizations is a stretch

    17. ‘uogednss0 jo aotoyo ay 10 ayty Apruey at ‘kes ‘\noqe Buneysisa] Woy UII P[NOM PUL UODIIOSIP UMO IID} 0} - SdAl] SIIQUIDUT JI) JO ISo1 ay) DAB] prnom Asyy

      This makes me think of Trump supporters and how they choose to negate all of the horrible qualities and attributes of Trump and his lineage

    18. snous jueZoue ‘sjooy 10 ‘sopedausr ose Aap ojo ‘BZuNyed say ‘srojsaoue oy jo Azowaur ‘omnjeu uMO sap Aenaq ye UE YONs JUUIOD OYA

      this is what's wrong with religion- saying if you don't follow the parameters of what god would want you to be then you aren't "normal"

    19. ayty jo sap.Qs qussayjip sonovid oym sdnoid s9ypO Jo s1aquiow Aq pausia aie 10u ssoejd sayjo OUT sINjQUdA JaypIIU OYyM

      Once again- cult? I understand what the authors saying but I feel these are the extremes of a community

    20. “sdaquisu AyUNUIUOD Te Jo Ayyeas peangeu ‘Areutid ayy aq 0} pouinsse SI ‘99138 0} SSOUIPeII JU] ISI] Iv JO QUOWaDIZY

      That's an interesting point- community members may agree to the ideas/thoughts of other members just because they are a part of the same group (cult)