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  1. Mar 2023
    1. Distrust in research also has other consequences, and as recently as 2021 has been cited as a contributing factor for the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on minority communities

      Unfortunately I agree with the distrust in the health care system because of these sorts of trials done performing studies on people and being dishonest.

    1. Recording from one area ignores what is happening everywhere else in the brain.

      This is a serious downfall in single cell recording. We need to be careful when collecting information from only one area verses other parts of the brain.

    1. TMS is able to explore neural plasticity, which is the ability of connections between neurons to change. This has implications for treating psychological disorders as well as understanding long-term changes in neuronal excitability.

      I would like to learn more about how this stimulation can help disorders. To me it seems to be a retraining of the mind and reactions to things.

    1. Glucose and oxygen, two key components for energy production

      Getting enough oxygen is so important for over all health. This is why going outside getting sunlight and exercising is so vital to overall body function and mental health.

    1. Direct imaging techniques are extremely useful ways to measure electrical brain activity in a non-invasive way. Both EEG and MEG are most useful at identifying differences in timing patterns of electrical activity.

      I love that both EEG and MEG are non invasive. I would love for both of them to be widely available for use even though MEG is more expensive.

    1. MRIs have found a thicker frontal cortex (Carper & Courchesne, 2005) and a thinner temporal cortex (Hardan et al., 2006) in patients with ASD.

      The frontal cortex involves decision making, personality, expression, etc... Temporal cortex is in charge of memory, language, and sounds. So it does make sense that people struggling with ASD have a harder time communicating as well as behavior.

    2. Whether this is particularly dangerous is still being debated (McCollough et al., 2015).

      How long does it really take to debate on wether this is dangerous or not? Seeing the effects on a person before and after CT's and through research and statists I believe we have enough information to decide this. Obviously money plays a huge role in this area as well.

    3. however, X-rays are capable of damaging cells and initiating changes that can lead to cancer. This danger of excessive exposure to X-rays was not fully appreciated for many years after their widespread use.

      Overall I think X-rays are a safer option, but I still get worries personally when I am asked to get an X-ray every 6 months at my dentist office. I love being able to trust doctors but in the back of my mind this truth always seems more prominent to me.

    1. Functional imaging techniques allow researchers to learn about the brain activity during various tasks by creating images based on the electrical activity or the absorption of various substances that occurs while a subject is engaging in a task

      This would be interesting as to tell a certain memory that would be triggers to someone. This can help with how effected a person feels when they remember events that were traumatizing. Such as patients with PTSD.

    1. Gage became irritable, irreverent, rude and profane, aspects that were not part of his way of being. His mind had changed radically.

      I can't imagine not being this way after this terrible accident happening to me. I can not help but think their could be more reasons that he was acting this way.

    1. The problem with PET scans was that an individual receiving a PET scan had to drink or be injected with a mildly radioactive substance, called a tracer.

      This scares me I could not imagine being willing to drink a radioactive substance.

    2. a person, the heart was saved and buried with the individual but the brain was discarded

      Wow, this is new information to me... I am kind if in shock in how they treated a dead body vs their beliefs.

    1. determinism--the belief that all events in the universe have prior causes and that these causes are external to the human will.

      My beliefs say that we have free will. I do believe that your up brining has major effects on your behaviors and actions but we are not a slave to them. We can change and progress thats why some seek therapy and counseling.

    2. With advances in research methods, more complex topics such as language, reasoning, decision making, intelligence, and consciousness are now being studied intensely by biological psychologists.

      I am a terrible decision maker and I would love to learn more about this in more depth and complexity.