8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. using it for non-therapeutic and enhancement purposes,

      This is very scary implications.

    2. the patients affected by the edits are the embryo and future generations

      Doesn't this put cell lumps/hypothetical people above the human and sentient women that are expected to deliver them?

    3. there is concern that genome editing will only be accessible to the wealthy and will increase existing disparities in access to health care and other interventions.

      This is a very good point!

    1. tag     (in biology) To attach some rugged band or package of instruments onto an animal.

      can heavier nucleotide bases act as a tag?

    2. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.”

      Why would it be useful for bacteria to have these palindromic repeats?

    3. At first, that meant anything that involved cutting DNA. CRISPR/Cas9 in its original form is a homing device (the CRISPR part) that guides molecular scissors (the Cas9 enzyme) to a target section of DNA. Together, they work as a genetic-engineering cruise missile that disables or repairs a gene, or inserts something new where the Cas9 scissors has made some cuts. 

      So is the CRISPR part controlled by scientists?

  2. Jan 2018