- Sep 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I don’t even remember the moment they drove away. I’m told it’s one of those instances you never forget, that second when you realize you’re finally on your own. But for me, it’s not there — perhaps because, when you’re the first in your family to go to college, you never truly feel like they’ve let you go.
I felt the complete opposite, my family rarely checked up on me, when my aunt left i cried a little only because she was the only person to actually go help me. I felt like they all knew i had grown up alone (in the sense that i took care of myself), and just figured i would be fine.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“It’s something that colleges love to brag about,” said Brian Taylor, managing director of Ivy Coach, a New York counseling company, noting that many colleges list their first-gen statistics in their brochures.
Again like in many of the other articles, i think the majority of schools use these things to their own advantage.
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
Emerging from the University’s long-standing commitments to teaching, learning and social justice, the new strategic plan is anchored by five core University values: Courage, Life of the Mind, Equity, Community and Resilience.
are these like the 4 pillars ?
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
SF State is a major public urban university, situated in one of the world's great cities.
okay, they are tooting their own horn with this one..
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
Many classes require you to go beyond the ideas presented. Instead of just understanding the basics of an idea, you need to apply it to different situations, or solve logic puzzles that might otherwise be difficult.
I feel like this is exactly what the hidden curriculum is! Go beyond the ideas presented, so basically do something you didn't ask me to do, the unsaid expectation.
www.edglossary.org www.edglossary.org
How schools recognize, integrate, or honor diversity and multicultural perspectives may convey both intentional and unintended messages. For example, some schools may expect recently arrived immigrant students and their families to “assimilate” into American culture—for example, by requiring the students to speak English in school at all times or by not providing translated informational materials or other specialized assistance. Other schools, however, may actively integrate or celebrate the multicultural diversity of the student body by inviting students and parents to share stories about their home country, for example, or by posting and publishing informational materials in multiple languages. In one school, non-American cultures may be entirely ignored, while in another they may be actively celebrated, with students and their families experiencing feelings of either isolation or inclusion as a result.
I think most of the time schools use either one to their advantage, more than for the students.
if biased or prejudicial behaviors and statements are tolerated in a school, students may embrace the values that are accepted or modeled—either explicitly or implicitly—by adults and other students.
this is one route but at the same time if the students dont agree then they will rebel against the rules
It should be noted that a hidden curriculum can reinforce the lessons of the formal curriculum, or it can contradict the formal curriculum, revealing hypocrisies or inconsistencies
Of course the hidden curriculum will contradict the actual mission statement. Its something people rarely speak about yet all know is there.
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
No more late nights reading and re-reading your notes until you feel like you’ve paid your academic dues. Get specific. Then get it done.
People who dont live at home, or come from low income or working class families have a harder time with this. They work one if not two jobs, still go to school full time, and have to stay up late nights, its not an option for some.
Taking stock of everything that’s on your plate can be scary, but it’s also crucial for maintaining control over your life. It provides the foundation needed to build intelligent plans and it eliminates the toxic stress generated by disorganization.
For many this is hard, we see everything that needs to be done and can't focus on the most important thing, what should i do first, what class should i get an A in ? How do we help students get control?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The question is how to enable more working-class students to do so. “It’s really the way democracy regenerates itself,” said Ted Mitchell
We should do more research on the people that came from lower-income families. See what helped them want more for their selves & family. See how we can get others to want and do the same.
as frequently happens with low-income students — was not willing to leave home at age 18 for an unfamiliar world. “I just didn’t feel like I was ready to go out to college on my own,” he said. “So I decided to stay home and save money.”
This was something i heard from a lot of peers in high school. Most did stay home and said it would be cheaper, its what my parents wanted me to do. Instead i did what i wanted, i wanted to get out of my home town and see greater things. I am glad i did even though i struggle like everyone else due to the cost of college, I see how much better everything can be. My parents always told me to do better for myself and i am, but i do it for them as well. So, i guess my point was that if you want it bad enough if you work for it, you can do it. No matter where you start out.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Fleming zeroed in on how it is that people like to be presented information. For example, when asking for directions, do you prefer to be told where to go or to have a map sketched for you?
I think people have many preferences as to how they want to be told or taught something but i think the best way to actually know is to have all the tools and ways so that you have a clear understanding as to what you are learning. I had an experience with this when in my high school class my teacher knew different people needed different ways of seeing something so she would have a quote on the board and always have a discussion on what they all thought it meant, this way everyone put in their perspective and everyone saw it from different angles. Later everyone talked about again but came to similar understandings.
Fleming did not return a request for comment by press time, but his own papers seem to warn against getting too carried away by VARK. “I sometimes believe that students and teachers invest more belief in VARK than it warrants,” he wrote in 2006. “You can like something, but be good at it or not good at it ... VARK tells you about how you like to communicate. It tells you nothing about the quality of that communication.”
I respect the quote "You can like something, but be good at it or not good at it..." because, i like singing, that doesn't mean i am good at it. So, i agree that you like a certain style and not actually learn that way. I dont think that this should be the only way that you can learn, it could be a mixture of visual and audio, or none at all and it just matters the way you interpret what you learn.