8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Gram-positive bacterium

      Gram-positive bacteria lack an outer membrane but are surrounded by layers of peptidoglycan many times thicker than is found in the Gram-negatives

    2. adsorption

      the adhesion of atoms, ions or molecules from a gas, liquid or dissolved solid to a surface. This process creates a film of the adsorbate on the surface of the adsorbent

    3. ubiquitou


  3. Mar 2024
    1. Intimate objectivity signals a relationship of opencuriosity that does not precategorize the other - aliens, underwater cit-ies, monstrous sea creatures, indigenous deities - ahead of time, into thegenres of science fiction, fantasy, or the folkloric, nor does it disqualifythem as "unrealistic" or threatening outright; instead, it cultivates a prac-tice of listening to the other as a precondition for working toward com-mon pursuits, like cleansing the ocean of oi


    2. n this article, I claim that Adaora models a kind of intimatin which marine biology calmly confronts the elements of thethe fantastic. Because Lagoons scientific intimacy remains opeprise of the folkloric and fantastic, aligned with the novum, ipractice of resistance against western paradigms of scientificare centered around the control and domination of nature bdered forms of "knowing" carnally and cognitively (Keller 1This content downloaded from70.171.96.145 on Mon, 15 Jan 2024 16:57:45 +00:00All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms


  4. Oct 2023
    1. The history of English is not asneat as it is often packaged

      our anglo-saxon background of english is more complicated than it seems

    2. Britons, the Picts and the Scots

      people living in britain

    3. language itself cannot be separated from the people who useit.

      people make language
