- Nov 2016
eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.com eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.comCave19
comply to rules
Further studies by Baumeister and colleagues have linked a diminished belief in free will to stress, unhappiness, and a lesser commitment to relationships.
benefits for believing free will are not being stressed so much, be happy more often, committed relationships
one thing affects or depends on another
“all human actions follow from prior events and ultimately can be understood in terms of the movement of molecules,
plaese help
to make less
weaker belief in free will were less likely to volunteer their time to help a classmate than were those whose belief in free will was stronger
why is this the case isn't just the case of being a good person rather then how much you believe in free will ?
state of being determined
hose who believed more strongly that they were in control of their own actions showed up on time for work more frequently and were rated by supervisors as more capable
Also doesn't this not make sense as these workers are kinda not in control as they are require to go to work on time, hence they have no free-will
Those who believed more strongly that they were in control of their own actions showed up on time for work more frequently and were rated by supervisors as more capable
what about those workers that don't believe that they are in control of their own actions?
they act less responsibly and give in to their baser instincts
so its better to believe in this false narrative of having free-will as it makes us more sophisticated human beings?
deliberately created
Yes, indeed. When asked to take a math test, with cheating made easy, the group primed to see free will as illusory proved more likely to take an illicit peek at the answers. When given an opportunity to steal—to take more money than they were due from an envelope of $1 coins—those whose belief in free will had been undermined pilfered more. On a range of measures, Vohs told me, she and Schooler found that “people who are induced to believe less in free will are more likely to behave immorally.”
this paragraph is evidence for Cave's argument
baser instincts
key base instincts for this situation are Greed and selfishness
It seems that when people stop believing they are free agents, they stop seeing themselves as blameworthy for their actions.
is this saying that when people believe in this they can do anything they desire even if its moral wrong and not have a guilty conscience?
free agents
a person who does not have any commitments that restrict their actions.
violating moral principles
the willingness to take bold risks
Spread throughout
Free Will
The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate, the ability to act at one's own discretion.
- Oct 2016
eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.com eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.comLeonhardt16
Is college for everyone? Surely not. Some students are even less well prepared than Mr. Escanilla and won’t thrive as he did. Others would rather not spend four more years in school and can find rewarding, well-paying work as a medical technician, dental hygienist, police officer, plumber or other jobs that require a two-year degree or vocational training.
connecting this back to my friend he is perfectly happy where he is at the moment knowing he doesn't have to go back to school
Its graduates have managed to complete adulthood’s first major obstacle course. Doing so helps them learn how to finish other obstacle courses and gives them the confidence that they can, so long as they stay focused. Learning to navigate college fosters a quality that social scientists have taken to calling grit.
i completely agree here it takes a certain level of maturity to go to college.
A question that has always hung over these findings is whether college itself deserves any credit for the patterns. You can imagine a scenario in which college graduates would thrive regardless of whether they went to college, because of their own skills and drives. By this same logic, helping more people become college graduates might not necessarily benefit them. But the new findings are the latest, and maybe strongest, reason to believe that college matters. Much as staying in high school is generally a better life strategy than dropping out, continuing on to college seems like the better plan for a great majority of students.
why does Leonhardt use this paragraph to object to what he is saying in the paragraph above?
The skills and knowledge that they gain from more time in school are certainly part of the explanation. Mr. Escanilla thinks that, at 15, he was not mature enough to take school seriously. A few years later, he understood that dreaming of rock stardom wasn’t a career plan. “I fell in love with learning,” he recalls. With his parents suffering financial problems, he worked almost full time while in college (mostly as a barista at Starbucks, which gave him health insurance and a free pound of coffee every week). Finishing college took him almost six years, but he graduated with a degree in liberal arts studies. He chose it over more utilitarian majors because he enjoyed studying subjects like literature and psychology. After a few years of working as a salesman for Bell South, persuading small businesses to buy high-end telecommunications equipment, he realized he wasn’t thrilled with his work. He had thought about going to graduate school after college but felt intimidated by it, as a first-generation college graduate. By the time he was a married 28-year-old father of two, he was no longer intimidated, and enrolled in a psychology program while working. Today, he is a psychotherapist at a local high school and also counsels adults as a professional coach.
why does Leonhardt go back to this story?
Yet the new research is a reminder that the country also underinvests in enrolling students in four-year colleges — and making sure they graduate. Millions of people with the ability to earn a bachelor’s degree are not doing so, and many would benefit greatly from it.
this connects to my point above, about the government go for the "cheap" option
Many policy makers, for their part, prefer to emphasize an expansion of community college rather than four-year college.
community colleges and four-year colleges are different animals why is the government focusing on the lease expensive option rather then trying to lower the cost of four- year colleges to help with those students who struggle financially?
On both the political left and right, experts have taken to arguing that higher education is overrated
in what sense is college overrated?
More broadly, a long line of research has found that education usually pays off — for individuals and societies — in today’s technologically complex, globalized economy.
again connecting this to myself and all of us, we are all lucky we made it in to SCSU because i know of people that didn't and now are studying at community colleges. i also have friends who simply don't want to further their education and are now working at Walmart.
Perhaps most important, the data show that the students just above the admissions cutoff earned substantially more by their late 20s than students just below it
This statement isn't new to me but, however as someone who is in a four year college it makes me want to the best in college knowing i am lucky to be where i am to day.
The benefits were concentrated among lower-income students, both studies found, and among men, one of them found.
can someone please help me used stand what Leonhardt is saying here? the wording here is confusing me
When people talk about four-year colleges not being for everyone, the teenage Carlos Escanilla is the sort of student they have in mind. He seemed to be a much better fit for a job, a vocational program or a community college.
this paragraph is an explain of an "they say"
the passionate expression of grief or sorrow
draw out or evoke
Growing up in Miami in the 1990s, Carlos Escanilla was a lot more interested in hanging out with friends and playing music than in school. The son of immigrants from Chile, he slogged through high school with a C+ average and scored about 900 out of 1,600 on the SAT. “I was convinced I was going to be a famous rock star,” Mr. Escanilla, now 36, said. When people talk about four-year colleges not being for everyone, the teenage Carlos Escanilla is the sort of student they have in mind. He seemed to be a much better fit for a job, a vocational program or a community college. Yet on a summer night in 1997, a friend persuaded Mr. Escanilla to try to enroll at nearby Florida International University. The college was growing and might be willing to take a chance on a marginal student. And, Mr. Escanilla began to realize, he didn’t have anything better to do. “I didn’t have a band, I didn’t have a way to tour,” he says. “I didn’t have any prospects.” Two months later, he was sitting in classes at Florida International.
i like how Leonhardt is using a story for his hook to connect to his central argument
To keep doing something even though it is difficult or boring
- Sep 2016
eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.com eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.comNesteruck11
definition- the ability to judge
But liberal education can do more. Significantly, it affects not only our skills as producers, but also our discernment as consumers. When it works, it changes for the better the satisfactions we seek.
how can a liberal education change our discernment as consumers?
definition- grants
I see it’s becoming harder as an already overly commercialized culture becomes even more so.
everyone wants to be part of the norm these days, from trying to dress or act like a famous actor/ model. some blame can be cast on social media and TV as it promotes these actions.
definition- fascinating
the key to happier lives is spending more of our resources on inconspicuous goods, those marked by our lesser capacity to adapt. Because increased spending on such goods is more likely to foster our subjective well-being, we are here better able to get our money’s worth.
why don't we see people using there wealth to avoid commutes or to leave that stressful job they hate rather then everyone using their wealth to be part of the norm?
Under this process, as people generally buy bigger houses, the social norm for house size increases. Adapting to this rising standard, we need to spend more to get a house we can regard as acceptable.
The human need for acceptance.
liberal education
i would like to define this as the essay is about the benefits of getting a liberal education. Definition - learning that empowers individuals, prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change
liberal education offered me increased possibilities not only of money, but significantly, of happiness.
is this the thesis?
When, as a lawyer-turned-professor, I consider my own liberal education, I can see how it did much more than enhance my career prospects. In fundamental ways, it helped me connect my career aspirations to a meaningful, satisfying life. Looking back over 25 years now, I see how at its best my liberal education offered me increased possibilities not only of money, but significantly, of happiness.
I Say; Nesteruck here is explains why you get a liberal education, this is a personal anecdote
Nowadays, many liberal arts colleges promote the economic value of a liberal education. They boast that the impressive careers of liberal arts graduates offer an excellent return on students’ tuition investment.
They Say ; Nesteruck here is giving the argument of what others think why you should get a liberal education
eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.com eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.comKirp4
Every university needs to do its homework, identifying and eliminating the major roadblocks to graduation, including everything from droning-lecture remedial math classes to short-term financial woes. And when students reach out for help or mentoring, it must be readily available.
Universities as a collective need to improve, they have to make sure that every student is on a same playing field when they come to college in terms of financial problems being taken care of so that does loom over the student or having each student having access tools for success
A follow-up investigation, still in the works, finds that in the initial stage of their careers these students are faring better professionally and personally.
with the information Kirp gives us above i am very interested to see if this follow-up investigation has been completed
In a large-scale experiment at an unnamed school I’ll call Flagship State, incoming freshmen read upperclassmen’s accounts of how they navigated the shoals of university life. The accounts explained that, while the upperclassmen initially felt snubbed by their classmates and intimidated by their professors, their lives started turning around when they reached out to their instructors and began to make friends.
yes, this is what everyone here tells you i mean once you feel comfortable with your surroundings, opportunities will emerge
many freshmen doubt that they have the necessary brainpower or social adeptness to succeed in college. This fear of failing hits poor, minority and first-generation college students especially hard.
i can just think to last week and yea i was feel the same exact way
eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.com eng110scsuannotations.wordpress.comDweck7
It is not surprising, then, that when we have followed students over challenging school transitions or courses, we find that those with growth mind-sets outperform their classmates with fixed mind-sets—even when they entered with equal skills and knowledge
theses kids are pushing themselves and showing even though they have a challenge to overcome they are not letting it get in their way
Our research shows that educators cannot hand students confidence on a silver platter by praising their intelligence. Instead, we can help them gain the tools they need to maintain their confidence in learning by keeping them focused on the process of achievement.
yes, we can't have educators keep praise students for their intelligence but instead have them give theses students the tools they need so they can challenge themselves to do better and better making them a better individual at the end
discovering that the brain has more plasticity over time than we ever imagined (Doidge, 2007); that fundamental aspects of intelligence can be enhanced through learning (Sternberg, 2005); and that dedication and persistence in the face of obstacles are key ingredients in outstanding achievement
we shape your brains from what we learn and pushing yourself we achieve more in life. this is the basic gist of this phrase
discovering that the brain has more plasticity over time than we ever imagined (Doidge, 2007)
not for nothing but this is a mistake right? it states this twice in the text
When students believe that they can develop their intelligence, they focus on doing just that. Not worrying about how smart they will appear, they take on challenges and stick to them
very true statement!. intelligence is something you have to work towards and put effort in to achieve and if your not challenging yourself your not pushing yourself to new levels that you can achieve
Praise is intricately connected to how students view their intelligence. Some students believe that their intellectual ability is a fixed trait.
i'm having a difficult time understanding how this can be true
Praise is intricately connected to how students view their intelligence.
important point, thinking back to elementary school we were reward if we got a question right
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