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  1. Oct 2015
    1. Software is thus woven through rhetorical action. It is the result of rhetorical action, since it uses computation as an expressive medium.

      Wendy Chun problematizes this point, and I think successfully, in "On 'Sourcery,' or Code as Fetish," where she points out that code

      "does not always nor automatically do what it says, but does so in a crafty [viz., rhetorical] manner. To state the obvious, one cannot run source code: it must be compiled or interpreted. This compilation or interpretation—this making code executable—is not a trivial action; the compilation of code is not the same as translating a decimal number into a binary one; rather, it involves instruction explosion and the translation of symbolic into real addresses."

    2. Mitt Romney’s infamous remarks at a fundraiser

      Though this isn't to suggest that hospitality and awareness of open rhetorical networks means contextual consistency, right? If we grant that the rhetor is as rhizomatic as the network itself, then identifying a momentarily situated ethos—speaking to a particular audience in a particular way—is the very mark of hospitality. Would the intrusive collapse of such immanent spaces, of the ad hoc rhetorical situation, not be inhospitable on the part of the fly on the wall?

    3. I connect to the Internet, and I invite a multitude of others. I have, in connecting to the network, entered a hospitable space that welcomes many others.

      What horror, how closely do we approach the Real, when we log in and find no one, when we post and receive no engagement? Where is the hospitality when we enter into an empty room and hear only our own spectral echo?

    4. a certain kind of dwelling.

      A dwelling for authors, but also for readers—publication as public-occasion, the ad hoc mediation of a language community.

    5. the Czechoslovakian Communist Party’s ability to make people vanish: “The communists, of course, were particularly adept at forgetting.”

      Oh, that's not hyperbolic in the least...

    6. We might also

      We might also consider the digital divide in terms of what websites and platforms we visit once we go online, reified spaces of gender and race ("Men are from Reddit, Women are from Pinterest"). Hospitality is split from the inside, with no real hope for unicity, with no iteration of the law that might fully escape being inhospitable.

    7. how often new users can post comments

      Or we might consider how recent changes to the algorithm that decides which posts make it to Reddit's front page and which get lost in the deluge enact specific political and ethical aims on the part of the admins. By slowing down what makes it to the top, what gets left behind? What is avoided or occluded?