91 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Testing Locally

      Change title to "Secure Tunnel for Local Testing". The documentation draft for this updated behavior can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZzciut0QwU_ver_Xx-_VoaYQRZ1zVZ9x8X7t1ywhYY/edit?usp=sharing

    1. Firefox Edge Internet Explorer

      Remove these browser bullet points. However, add a section underneath that includes them plus iOS and Android for UFG integrated users.

    1. Enter the environment URL and click Add Environment.

      This screenshot will need to be updated with the new tunnel changes. TBD - should be available this coming week. Additionally, we should add a link to the new local-testing documentation.

    1. Use Global Defaults

      Need a screenshot to show Chrome only for non-UFG integration users. Users that either do not have Eyes integration or Eyes without UFG. This same screenshot can be used to show UFG integrated users.

    2. To Define the Default Browsers and Screen Sizes

      Need a screenshot to show Chrome only for non-UFG integration users. Users that either do not have Eyes integration or Eyes without UFG. This same screenshot can be used to show UFG integrated users.

    1. Select one or more tests from the All Tests page by checking the checkboxes.

      This screenshot needs to be updated with the latest UI.

    1. Click on a test to view each test run and its results.

      Add a note here stating the screenshots displayed are accounts that have Eyes + UFG integration enabled. Otherwise , only Chrome would be shown.

    1. The All Tests page displays the following information:

      We should make a note here that the screenshots displayed are for accounts with Eyes & UFG integration enabled. Otherwise, only Chrome browsers and screen sizes would be displayed.

    1. Click Browsers & Screen Sizes and define the default browsers and screen sizes.

      New screenshot is needed to show only Chrome for non-UFG users. This screenshot can be used to show users that have an Eyes + UFG integration enabled.

    1. To record localhost, install ngrok.

      Lets remove this bullet point.

  2. Oct 2023
  3. Mar 2023
    1. .
    2. Troubleshooting

      Actually, I think it will fit better as the last item in the Getting Started section. Under "Design and Implementation History" and above the next section "Administration.

    1. To add a project from a Figma page:

      Add a bolded NOTE above this. "Centra will only accept invites that are sent with "CAN VIEW" permissions only. Permissions sent as "CAN EDIT" will be ignored. If you mistakenly sent an invite with editor permissions, you can change the permission to "can view" and then select "Resend invite"."

      I will send you a screenshot to add to this note.

    2. "can view"

      Can you make this BOLD and Underlined. It needs to be more obvious as users are sending editor permissions.

  4. Feb 2023
    1. Figma project public

      Add: "project public "Anyone with the link" and ..."

    2. is private

      Add: "is private "Only people invited to this file" ...

    1. Comparisons

      Perhaps a better name would be "Getting Started". WDYT?

    1. On the list of thumbnails on the right, there is an icon to indicate images that have an Impelmentation or Design image that is new or has been updated and has not been viewed by the current user.

      Hi Michael - we need to add bubbles for the comments indicator. e.g. (8) can mean there are 8 open comments or opened issues. Also need to add a bubble for "has implementation" icon. The icon is bolded when an implementation exists. Can we also add a different image as the "Has implementation" toggle switch is misaligned in this screenshot.

    1. Project has at least one Implementation or Design image that is new and has not been viewed by the current user. If the user opens the image, the New icon will no longer be displayed for that user, but will still be visible for other users.

      Actually, NEW means it's a new project. It will instead display an updated label if a new image is added to the project. We also need to change the text in the bubble below to reflect this too.

    1. image will still see the relevant label.

      Didn't we have a bullet point list of what the labels mean? e.g. Updated on a frame can mean two things. Either the design or implementation was updated. The updated label on the project will appear whenever there is an update on any frame in the project.

      Also, is the text in the bubbles placeholder text? Only say that because they are kind of obvious so wasn't sure if you meant to add more to it. Maybe you can add the difference on updated inside one of the frame updated bubbles?

      Finally, can you add a bubble for the filesystem icon?

    2. Knowledge Center

      Can we rename this to "Learning Center" as that is what it's referred to in the tooltip in the app.

    3. Project and Image Status

      Lets move this above "Keyboard shortcuts".

    1. Approve Implementation area.

      We should add more details on approving and rejecting. e.g why/when someone will want to use these buttons. Also, that the approve/reject labels are reset whenever either a new design or implementation image is added.

    1. Synchronizing Figma Projects

      Hi Michael - this topic should be moved outside of "Adding a project". Perhaps the next topic after and above "Updating a Filesystem project"

    1. CTRL+Mouse Wheel

      Please remove this one for now. It was disabled in Centra.

    1. Using the Chrome Extension

      Lets move this below the "Adding Implementation Images" topic.

    1. comment on.

      Need another sentence or paragraph explaining the difference between comments and issues. Let me know if you want me to provide this for you. Thanks.

    1. Best Practices for Figma

      Can we move this under "Adding a Figma Project". Also after that put "Synchronizing Figma Projects" so these are grouped together.

    1. tag team members

      add at the end. "by using @".

    2. Click on an existing comment and type your response.

      Actually, this is slightly different than how it works. Lets change the text to: Click on an comment and respond to team members by tagging them using @. The users tagged will receive an email notification of your comments.

    1. After you install the Chrome extension

      Change to: After installing the Chrome extension, click the extension icon to capture a screenshot of your website to your clipboard. Additional settings can be found in the browsers context menu by right-clicking on the page and selecting Applitools Centra Screenshot Capture . The capture options are as follow:

    1. ou can upload one Implementation image for each design image.

      For consistency sake, can we add a screenshot of a design without an existing implementation image? That will then make the following bullet points make sense.

    2. use our Chrome extension to easily capture full-page or viewport screenshots of your application. For details about the Chrome extension, see the video.

      We need to make this it's own section that can I can link to from the Centra design viewer. e.g. "Use our Chrome extension to capture screenshot. Learn more". The "Learn more" will link to this content.

      Additionally, we need bullet points to cover these topics.

      Screenshot capture options - Screenshot options are in the context menu by right-clicking on the webpage. - Available options: - [Default] Full-page screenshot (Captures the entire page). - Viewport screenshot (Captures the viewable area on the page). - [Default] Stitch with CSS (Captures screenshot using CSS transition and removes duplication of fixed position elements. i.e sticky headers/footers). - Stitch with scroll (Captures screenshot using standard Javascript scrolling).

      Known limitations - Saving an image to the system clipboard only works on HTTPS or local HTTP sites. - Users need to allow the extension to copy images to clipboard per domain they use it on.

    1. Check the share permissions for the file you are trying to access.

      To be consistent. We should use the same content for this in this section. https://devtst.applitools.com/docs-rvw-4/bestpractices

    2. Note:

      Can we make this a note block similar to the other notes (in yellow) to be consistent?

    1. added

      "is added to a team (Welcome email and Verify email are sent)"

    2. In the current version of Centra, it is not possible to disable email notifications or specify which notifications are received.

      We can remove this. Centra now has unsubscribe capabilities per team. We need to add a section for this on this page with screenshots. FYI - unsubscribing or disabling email notifications only stops the grouped email notifications for sending. Those emails include the first 4 bullet points. It does not include the notifications in the last 6 bullet points. Perhaps add a note about this.

      Take a look at these Trello cards. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks.

      https://trello.com/c/uNH6UuNY/284-unsubscribe-link-in-grouped-email-notifications https://trello.com/c/jkDorHsu/278-disable-enable-notifications

    1. Jira Integration

      Let remove/hide this section for now. Don't delete it so we can add it again later.

    1. click the Delete button

      can we add a note section after this stating: "Deleted users will be removed from the team and can no longer access the team. You can re-add these users again at any time or other team members can invite them with admin approval."

    1. window to:

      Lets add a note section after this. e.g. This option will be disabled or not displayed if you do not have admin permissions for the team you are viewing.

    1. Without Jira Integration

      Remove for now.

    2. and click Create.

      We need to show comments in issues (after creation). It will be similar to Adding a comment but users should know this exists. e.g. 3. After creating an issue, you can open the issue again and tag team members you wish to collaborate with on this issue. <add screenshot>

    3. If Centra is not linked to Jira,

      Need to remove this part for now.

    1. Opening an Issue with Jira Integration

      Lets remove/hide this section (Jira) for now as for EA and perhaps early GA will not have it. I don't want to delete it so what ever can be done to hide it for now would be best.

    1. Best Practices

      I don't think this section should be under Getting Started. Perhaps it would be better under the "Comparisons" section after "Adding a Project"

    1. all you need is a free account.

      For early access, lets switch this to "all you need is to join our waitlist." waitlist should be hyperlinked to https://applitools.com/centra/

  5. Jan 2023
    1. Designers

      We should be more agnostic as it might not always be the designer doing this.

    2. image

      change to "implementation"

    3. Designers

      Switch to "A team member uploads ..."

  6. Dec 2022
    1. png

      change to PNG

    2. is able to connect to your Figma file annd import images.

      change to: "is able to accept your invitation. After that is completed, you will then be able to upload your Figma page.

    3. If a Figma project is private, you need to give read-access to centra@applitools.com

      "can view" permission to centra@applitools.com. Can you add a copy/paste button next to this for the user to copy it to their clipboard?

    4. project


    1. Synch

      Add a note above. e.g. Note: Figma projects in Centra can only contain entities from Figma. Meaning you cannot mix and match both Figma designs and designs uploaded from your filesystem into the same project.

    2. do not have any comments associated with them

      change to: "and the previous revision comments and issues are removed.

    3. Sync frame with Figma.

      Can we add a screenshot for this?

    4. images

      Change to: "When syncing your project, previous design images can be viewed in the ..."

    5. You can also synchronize individual images without updating an entire project.

      I'd move this below the image as it is a separate topic to project syncs.

    6. with comments

      change to: with comments and issues

    7. Synchronizing Figma Projects

      This should be a section under "Updating a project". We should have two sections, one for "Filesystem" and one for "Figma".

    1. A team member requests access for a new user

      A non-admin team member invites a user to the team. (Admin only).

    2. aeparte


    3. Images are added or replaced in a project

      change to: "A project is updated with added or replaced design or implementation images".

    4. bug

      change to: comment

    1. Approving or Rejecting an Image

      We need to add more content to this section as to the meaning or why Approving or Rejecting is for. I'd also say this should be a separate topic and not under collaborating.

    2. enter the Jira ticket

      I will slack you a screenshot we should add to show users what to copy from Jira to add to this textfield.

    3. , in the format AA-1111

      Remove the format.

    4. To create a new Jira ticket, click Open an issue in Jira. Centra opens a new browser tab with the Jira Create Issue page preloaded with information about the current Implementation image.

      Is there a bullet point or number missing?

    5. in the format AA-1111

      Lets not add the formatting here and below since it could be different for different Jira accounts.

    6. Bugs are opened on Implementation issues.

      change to: "Issues can be added to implementation images only." bold and underline only.

    7. all comments.

      Add after the period: "The default option is "Unresolved".

    8. comments linked to

      change to: "previous comments and issues by opening the REVIEW HISTORY and viewing each revision.

    9. it will not have any comments or issues associated with it

      change to: "all previous comments and issues will be removed."

    10. and


    1. Use the Chrome extension to take a screenshot of an application open in Chrome.

      Change to: "Or use our Chrome extension to capture screenshots of your web application." Add hyperlink with placeholder link for "our Chrome extension"

    2. Upload the image using one of the following:

      Can we add a screenshot for both? One with implementation and one without.

    3. use our Chrome extension

      Make this a hyperlink with a temporarily placeholder link for now.

    4. png

      upcase to PNG

    1. Adding new Design images to a project

      We need to specify this is only applicable to "Filesystem" projects and not Figma projects.

    2. marked as Updated a

      Do we show an example and explanation of a project that is updated?

    1. is able to connect to your Figma file annd import images.

      change to: "is able to accept your invitation. After that is completed, you will then be able to upload your Figma page.

    2. read-access

      change to: "can view" permission to centra@applitools.com. Can you add a copy/paste button next to this for the user to copy it to their clipboard?

    1. These members then receive an email stating that they have been invited to join a team

      A little bit of a reversal in order. Invitations sent by non-admins (Editors, Viewer-only) will first be sent to an Admin to approve. After the admin approves the request, the invited users will receive a "Welcome" email including the person who originally invited them. Also, Admins who invite users the invited user will receive a Welcome email right away without the need for approval via the "Pending requests".

    2. here.

      We might want to temporarily remove the hyperlink. Marketing is going to gatekeep who can signup so we don't want to expose these links publicly, and the same for the registration link.

    3. Administrators can approve or deny the request to all users who have been invited on the Pending Requests tab.

      We should put this under Administration. But provide a link on this page to direct the user to there.

    1. A typical workflow could be as follows:

      Please center the text inside the images below. Teammembers should be two words (last image).