16 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. Affirmative action is defined as a set of procedures designed to; eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants, remedy the results of such prior discrimination, and prevent such discrimination in the future

      affirmitive action

    2. Affirmative action has been a contentious measure to address equity.

      affirmtive action

    3. Studies across the nation show that Black women have higher mortality rates while giving birth, and Black children have higher infant mortality rates. Some of the mortality rates among women tie to the lack of quality healthcare, doctors that have a bias against them as Black women, and more.

      this pargargh is about trusting midwives more than health care providers

    4. New Jim Crow (2010) chronicles the great systemic issue of incarceration that disproportionately affects communities of color, especially Black people. Michelle Alexander names statistic after statistic that demonstrates how white youth, for example, are criminalized way less and less harshly compared to Black youth (pp. 95-99). Cocaine is criminalized less than crack, as there are harsher penalties for being caught with crack.

      new jim crow laws talks about crack and cocaine

    1. he city was a testament to Black communities’ capacity and a centralized hub of intellectual and financial capital. It became known as Black Wall Street due to its economic, political, and social significance

      black wall street

    2. “one drop” rule was applied to mixed-race people, meaning that if you had even one drop of Black blood, that made you legally and socially considered to be Black

      one drop rule

    3. Jim Crow era. This was a time when public institutions actively established racial segregation.

      jim crow era

    4. d Black Codes, were laws that created restrictions on Black people’s abilities to own property, conduct business, lease land, and move freely through public spaces. These regulations worked to keep separate the established white society from the lives of Black people.

      black codes

    5. three-fifths compromise was a decision in the 1787 U.S. Constitutional Convention that determined that while enslaved people were not eligible to vote, they would be counted toward the population when determining the number of representatives from each state, but only at 3/5th the rate of the free, white population

      three fifths compromise

    6. chattel slavery meant that not only were individuals enslaved, but their descendants inherited the quality of being enslaved as wel

      chattel slavery

    7. double consciousness symbolized the psychological impact of living in a racist society for African Americans in the years following the end of slavery.

      double consness

    1. Panafricanism became the foundation for the idea of Blackness and Black identity, which brings together the experience of people of African heritage


    2. Black Power is a movement and political belief system that emphasizes building Black-serving institutions and leaders

      black power

    3. Black Nationalism is an ideology emphasizing pride in being Black, economic self-sufficiency, and Black separatism.

      black nationalism

    4. Two political frameworks that are important for understanding Garveyism and Black Studies are Black Power and Black Nationalism.

      orgin of gravism

    5. Panafricanism. His ideology emphasized pride, empowerment, and economic prosperity for Black communities, and is so widely studied and documented it came to be known as Garveyism
