11 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. Therefore, while some individuals with body dysmorphia do seek out surgery to correct the flaws, they are typically unsatisfied with the results.

      Those who do get Gender Confirmation Surgery are mostly concerned with how their genitals appear (as is the purpose of the surgery) and not too much about tweeking other parts of themselves. With Gender Dysphoria, people just want to be in the body they want. It is less about perfection and more so about getting it right. They also are usually satisfied with how they look and their self esteem gets higher.

    2. gender dysphoria, especially trans children who we should not expect to be engaged in gender deconstructive discourse at our level, to make this argument in response to claims of gender discomfort.

    3. trans-queer theory
    4. feminist theory

      The term feminist theory is an invention of the academic branch of the mid- and late twentieth-century feminist movement. It refers to generating systematic ideas that define women's place in society and culture, including the depiction of women.


    5. an acute awareness of what their physical features actually are and why those features do not match up with the gender presentation expected of the gender with which they identify.

      If a person with Gender Dysphoria has Gender Confirmation Surgery it is not the same as someone with Body Dis-Morphia. Someone who knows they are not in the body they are supposed to be is having the surgery for different reasons. This is why it is not a mental illness and why we cannot call it a "sex change" anymore. Sex Change sounds too non-nonchalant rather than the person doing the surgery for a good reason, i.e. their mental health and happiness. Gender Confirmation Surgery sounds more accurate pointed to the persons' needs and affirms that this was their gender the whole time. When someone suffering from Body Dis-Morphia has a surgery it is because they have anxiety about their body and gender has nothing to do with it.

    6. bullying in childhood

      According to Doan, the coming out process is spatial as well as social. Research has mentioned that trauma is connected to Body Dis-Morphia. As discussed in class, people who are homosexual or trans are targets for violence in their childhoods both in the home and in school.

      It could also be that holding in your true gender or keeping it to yourself is harmful for your mental wellness. Children with Gender Dysphoria could be afraid to voice their discomfort in their bodies if they are surrounded by non-supporting spaces.

    7. According to the NHS
      • genetics – you may be more likely to develop BDD if you have a relative with BDD, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or depression
      • a chemical imbalance in the brain
      • a traumatic experience in the past – you may be more likely to develop BDD if you were teased, bullied or abused when you were a child


    8. Those who suffer from body dysmorphia have a disconnection between the reality they are perceiving and how that perception is recognised in their brains.

      People are actually confusing being Transgender with Body Dis-morphia as if they are the exact same thing. It is one thing for Gender Dysphoria to be seen as a medical condition but a complete 360 to see being Transgender as a condition as well.

      "I'm starting to come to the conclusion that transgender is a delusion and is more of a body dysmorphia delusion and should be treated as such, rather than treated by appealing to the delusion." This was posted on Reddit a year ago. I do believe the public needs to be further educated on the subject.https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/7j4jca/cmv_transgender_is_a_delusionbody_dysmorphia/)

    9. According to many of the descriptions and texts I have read, it is very dangerous to allow someone with body dysmorphia to have access to surgery because it is not treating the problem and may ultimately do harm.

      If anyone knows the series Botched then they know it is about plastic surgery. Justin Jedlica, famous for his modeling, is a gay man who I believe suffers from Body Dis-Morphia due to his constant surgery addiction. He has had over 60 surgeries. While watching an episode of Botched he made an appearance and asked for another surgery. The surgeon refused, saying that it could be highly dangerous for Justin and could even end his life. Justin was peeved and complained to his then partner about how the doctors were wrong and he will just have to find another place to get it done. Being a gay man is clearly not the issue, however it possibly correlates with Justin's modeling career and the need to look perfect (or his version of perfect).

      With that being said, anyone can have Body Dis-Morphia. Their gender preference and sexual preference should not be confused for the cause. Everyone has their own idea of their perfect selves. If anything, being a gay man with Body Dis-Morphia also correlates with the gay society's vision of the perfect homosexual man (in regards to beauty) and is proof that society too has standards. If there was no pressure to be perfect either as a gay man or a straight man, I wonder if Justin (and others) would have developed this illness at all (food or thought).

    10. beauty standards have a lot to do with it

      Beauty standards can be one issue as to why Body Dis-Morphia affects the gay community. I found an article which talks about the need to be perfect and being bullied as a gay child leading to Body Dis-Morphia. It mentions "Gay men even categorize each other based on physical appearance by using words like twink, otter or bear" and The Velvet Rage book by Alan Downs, which expresses "the role that shame-based trauma plays in how gay men construct their sense of self." and also https://www.eatingrecoverycenter.com/blog/2016/10/27/body-dysmorphic-disorder-gay-males/

    11. inability to recognise

      The fact that someone who has Gender Dysphoria can recognize what is wrong should be the main difference between Body Dis-Morphia and Gender Dysphoria, as Kat Callahan mentioned, they are not wrong in how they feel and should not be treated as such. It is insensitive to tell anyone their discomfort is not accurate or to view it as a mental issue.