10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. f public documentary

      poises itself as representative

    2. "whipping boys" of fairly recent publicdiscourse concerning African-Americans and national policy,

      cultural events transcribed into the physical

    3. At a time when current criticaldiscourses appear to compel us more and more decidedly toward gender "undecidability," itwould appear reactionary, if not dumb, to insist on the integrity of female/male gender.

      resisting gender essentialism

    4. Daniel Patrick Moynihan's celebrated "Report" of the late sixties, the "Negro Family" has noFather to speak of- his Name, his Law, his Symbolic function mark the impressive missingagencies in the essential life of the black community, the "Report" maintains, and it is, sur-prisingly, the fault of the Daughter, or the female line. This stunning reversal of the castrationthematic, displacing the Name and the Law of the Father to the territory of the Mother andDaughter, becomes an aspect of the African-American female's misnaming

      the absent patronymic

  2. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Sentimentality, unlike other revolution-ary rhetorics, is after all the only vehicle for social change that neitherproduces more pain nor requires much courage


    2. The desire for unconflictedness mightvery well motivate the sacrifice of surprising ideas to the norms of theworld against which this rhetoric is being deployed. What, if anything,then, can be built from the very different knowledge/experience ofsubaltern pain? What can memory do to create conditions for freedomand justice without reconfirming the terms of ordinary subordination


    1. When postcards of cross-dressed people are included in a sexuality collection, isthere a presumption that cross-dressing can or should be treated as a sexual identity?Does the HSC imbue these postcards with specific evidentiary value, as objects thatare “document[ing] historical shifts in the social construction of sexuality,” whenthey may have more relevance for other historical phenomena?

      definitional power of archives


  3. Nov 2023
    1. A man shall perhaps rush by and trample down plants as high as his head, and cannotbe said to know that they exist, though he may have cut many tons of them, littered hisstables with them, and fed them to his cattle for years

      dead labor