7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. To understand this model, the vertical axis represents satisfaction, or happiness, and the horizontal axis represents time. The first stage, often called the honeymoon stage, happens right at the beginning of the journey.

      Im sure most if not all of us know what the honeymoon stage and how it works. I liked how they used this word to reference cultural shock and how it plays a major part in the beginning of the journey. I think it's important to realize that before making any huge changes.

    1. Culture shock is first and foremost an emotional response to a change in our culture environment.

      I agree with this statement because I do think culture shock is mostly an emotional response. I do think depending on the situation, that there can be physical responses as well due to anxiety. I think being aware of culture shock ad understanding how it works is very important to ensuring the least amount of anxiety. This would affect our cultures in positive ways.

    2. Culture shock refers to the anxiety and discomfort we feel when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. In our own culture, through time, we have learned the million and one ways how to communicate appropriately with friends, family members, colleagues, and others.

      I agree with this statement because we always feel anxiety when being around new cultures or areas that we may be not so familiar with. I think it's important to understand that people feel this way and have some understanding when we are in those situations. This would help the people who experience culture shock feel a little more comfortable and less anxious.

    1. People may not understand your words, but they will certainly interpret your nonverbal communication according to their accepted norms. Notice the word their. It is their perceptions that will count when you are trying to communicate, and it’s important to understand that those perceptions will be based on the teachings and experiences of their culture—not yours.

      I think it is important to understand people will communicate differently depending on their culture. I think it's also important to keep in mind that other people have different experiences and perceptions of communication. This is true especially if they are from different cultures.

    1. Different perceptions of time can vary dramatically when it comes to arranging meetings. Some Mexican American friends may invite you to a barbecue at 8 p.m., but when you arrive you are the first guest, because it is understood that the gathering actually doesn’t start until well after 9 p.m.

      I agree with this statement because it can be confusing depending on when to arrive to an event. This can apply to all cultures but some more than others. I found the example of the Mexican American friends to be very interesting because they don't start until after 9pm even though you've been invited for 8 pm. For our culture, if the party or even starts at 8pm, most people will show up around 7:30pm-8:00pm. This goes to show that arranged times can be very different depending on the culture.

    1. One of the most common forms of gestures involve greetings and departures, which have rituals that are largely nonverbal, such as shaking hands or waving. These tend to vary across cultures. In Japan, for example, it is common to bow when greeting someone, with the nature of the bow (how deep and how long) being determined by the nature of the occasion and social connection of the persons involved.

      Gestures play a very important role in nonverbal communication and I liked the examples of the handshakes and waving. I think it's very interesting how different cultures have different gestures and greetings. In the text, it gave an example of Japan and how it's common to greet someone with a bow. This is a way of social connection just how we do handshakes and waves. I found this to be very interesting.

    1. 2015, the "Boston bomber", Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was sentenced to death. He and his brother had placed bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. At the trial, his involvement in setting the bombs was not at issue; he admitted his guilt. The question was if he would be sentenced to life in prison or to death.

      This is a very powerful opening statement and very serious. It is talking about a tragedy that happened in Boston that had a powerful impact on our world. It's very sad that this happened and this passage tied into nonverbal communication very well. It also explained how nonverbal communication can play very important roles in communication.