11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2016
    1. Eltek Ltd. (NASDAQ:ELTK) is a printed circuit board manufacturer (PCB) headquartered in Israel.

      Try using a more engaging hook to introduce the Eltek Ltd. company to the reader.

  2. Jan 2016
    1. With the contract, they get to decide to what extent this is true for them. If one of the things that students learn from using the grading contract is that they value sleeping in several times a semester rather than attending class (and earning a higher grade), I’m happy to help them achieve that self-knowledge.

      I know the writer was trying to use humor to convey a point, but I think it went over my head here. Sure, there are students who work hard and proficiently and can self-examine their efforts to grade themselves honestly. But to those who are the polar opposite, how will grading themselves help them? Pardon my language, but a contract such as this would not give those people a kick in the ass they need. It would possibly further inhibit laziness for the most part. Perhaps there would be a few who would be in this position of grading themselves and would come to realize they haven't put in much effort to deserve a certain grade. My question here would be to what extent does the professor have in seeing the reflection and determining the final grade? They have a pretty good idea about a student's performance so do they get a say in that matter? A person who does not attend class or do the assignments shouldn't be honored with the privilege of getting to decide what their grade should be.

    2. my commentary can go to diagnosing the problem in the student’s writing process and focusing the commentary where it might be most helpful.

      In most of my college courses, I haven't faced this problem. Most (if not almost all) of my professors had a grading sheet and wrote their comments about what could be improved. They also balance it with what I have done well. And it's not as though students aren't allowed to approach their professors and have them clarify something they are uncertain of or had difficulty with. Not all of the professors are unapproachable. If this is the case with a certain professor, seek advice from another professor in that area of expertise and perhaps they could provide feedback.

    1. Even if students are encouraged to create online portfolios or to use services like Google Apps for Education in order to store all their work, they don’t actually get to take that work with them when they move or graduate.

      I was not aware of this; how Google Apps don't always have a place to store work to make it portable.

    2. These legislative efforts stress the need to protect students when they’re online, safeguarding their data from advertisers as well as from unscrupulous people and companies.

      As far as I am aware, a Google Doc is safe from advertisers and other companies as it excludes those who are not in the selected group of emailers. Unless this is in reference to being able to keep a blog that other students can post on.

    3. Domains initiative enables student to build the contemporary version of what Virginia Woolf in 1929 famously demanded in A Room of One’s Own — the necessity of a personal place to write.

      I did not know the website was founded based on Woolf's idea. It's very clever and the website does follow that intended goal.

    1. And that’s why a Domain of One’s Own matters, that’s why it’s incredibly innovative — because it’s so wickedly subversive about the whole notion of tech and ed-tech “innovation."

      I find this very ironic because I had to download Google Chrome then the Hypothesis application in order to read this article and write comments. The Hypothesis app is honestly helpful since the text becomes more engaging for the reader. Both Domain of One's Own and Google count as innovations in my book as they can both be used for educational reasons.

    2. What’s magic: the ability to connect to other people — and connect in deeply meaningful ways — even though separated by physical space.

      This is very true of the internet. It can connect us to the world with easy access and we can have the opportunity to communicate ideas to those in any part of the world.

    3. Love letters reduced to a status update, love songs, their associated metadata. Human communication as a transaction, not an expression.

      Although the idea of human connection has been changed because of technology, that doesn't always mean that it can't evolve or contain emotion in its own way. Emotion and opinions can be expressed through the Internet, maybe not in the same way as a face-to-face interaction, but it is not entirely lost on the screen. Personally, I think that a letter and a status can hold the same kind of emotion through the way that words can still reach us, written in pen or typed. Any time I have ever written a more heartfelt post online, it seemed to have reached many of my friends on Facebook and their friends if the post was shared. Words on any given platform do have impact and the Internet and the way we use it has evolved to better articulate what we are experiencing or feeling and it can be seen by many. However, there can be times when there are problems with reaching an audience based on the time you post or when others are online. This can diminish one's desire to express emotion if there isn't commentary or "likes" on the post, allowing the poster to think that their work or words are unappreciated. This does, in turn, make people rely on validation from others on the internet to feel that their words matter and this inhuman interaction or lack of can inhibit negative feelings such as this.

    4. the company positions its products as a benefit for educational institutions, but Google is not really of educational institutions. Google clearly brands itself as a tech innovation, a Silicon Valley innovation, even though you could argue it’s surely a Stanford University-born one.

      Although Google may not have been initially geared towards educational uses, that doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be a useful tool in that field outside of technological innovation. The way an application can be utilized depends on the user and if it is helpful to them then what exactly is the problem?

    5. “Deep Learning” this is called.

      This is a very interesting section. It's the first time I've ever heard of Google X and its projects. Are most of their projects underground or secret since they are still in the process of development or would there be another reason behind that?