20 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. who was related to theMing imperial family

      bc he was in the qing

    2. three great religions

      islam, buddhism, hinduism


  2. Feb 2024
    1. Again, this isn't an argument for government intervention. The goal is for companies to adopt a European-model hate speech policy, one not aimed at expunging offense, but


    2. Some people argue that the purpose of laws that ban hate speech is merely to avoid offending prudes.


    3. France, Germany, The Netherlands, South Africa, Australia, and India all ban hate speech. Yet, none of these countries have slipped into totalitarianism. In many ways, such countries are more free

      claim of policy: censoring hate speech is not reducing fredom, but allows freedom

    4. Those who try to remove this hate speech have been criticized from left and right

      counter: censoring hate speech is futile, dangerous, "pet issues" over reacting??

    5. The truth is that such speech does not democratize speech, it monopolizes speech.

      counter: non censorship is free speech

      rebuttal: should be some restrictions of free speech; free speech actually oppressiv not freeing

    6. Other countries merely go one step further by banning speech intended to intimidate vulnerable groups

      claim of policy: should imitate own/other counties policies that allow for restrictions of harmful content/speech

    7. ree-speech jurisprudence relies upon the assumption that speech is merely the extension of a thought, and not an action.

      counter: speech is just speech, no actual effect

      rebuttal: speech is harmful and impactful

    8. American


    9. We would not argue that we should sit back and wait for this kind of speech be “outspoken” by positive speech, but that it should be entirely banne


    10. My argument is not that these should be taken down because they are offensive, but rather because they amount to the degradation of a class that has been historically oppressed.

      claim of value/policy: need to be censored (policy) bc they effect already oppressed communities

    11. he negative impacts of hate speech cannot be mitigated by the responses of third-party observers, as hate speech aims at two goals

      claim of policy/value: hate speech carries negative impacts, need to be strictly dealt with

      evidence: 1. give other bigots recognition, reinforcement 2. intimidate those targeted

    12. The map's existence draws into question the notion that the “twittersphere” can organically combat hate speech. Hate speech is not going to disappear from twitter on its own.

      counter: hate speech is dealt with through social media communities that fight against it, no need for platform restrictions rebuttal: hate speech is not gonna disappear without restriction evidence: 150,000 insults detected -> claim of fact

    13. expunging


    14. Stricter regulation of Internet speech will not be popular with the libertarian-minded citizens of the United States, but it’s necessary

      limit: US counter: liberals rebuttal: necessary

    15. social networking websites should not tolerate hate speech and, in the absence of a government mandate, adopt a European model of expunging offensive material.

      claim of policy

    16. Facebook took a small step two weeks ago, creating a feature that will remove ads from pages deemed “controversial.” But such a move is half-hearted.

      counter + rebuttal claim of value; "half hearted"

    17. Censoring Hate Speech

      claim of policy: hate speech on social media should be censored