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  1. May 2016
    1. Psychosis is defined by hallucinations, delusions and irrational behaviour, and while most patients recover from the episodes, some go on to develop schizophrenia.

      this will not only affect them but will effect their communities and people around them.

    2. Estimates suggest that deterring heavy use of cannabis could prevent 8-24% of psychosis cases handled by treatment centres, depending on the area.

      studies show that 8-24% of psychosis can be avoided if people avoided use of Marijuana.

    1. The suggested donation for a quarter-ounce of Sour Kush, for instance, was $55. Asked whether such an operation could be legal,

      They said they were delivering free pizza with marijuana but accepted "donations". So this allowed them to bend the law to sell Marijuana even when it's illegal

    2. Billygoatgreen—which, despite the reference to medical marijuana in its name, served anyone 21 or older, not just patients with doctor's recommendations—was not selling pot; rather, it was delivering pot for free while inviting the recipients to make "suggested donation[s] towards researching [marijuana] and improving our cultivation operation."

      they gave marijuana out for free then asked for donations from their customers. which is actually selling it but to bend the law they said the marijuana was free.

    1. I had to be colorful with the way that I opened my account," Davis said. "I don't feel great about having to toy with the truth, but it's essential for me to have banking. I'm a business."

      Davis had to lie in order to open up a marijuana shop to sell under his own vision which can allow him to sell whatever and to whoever he wants.

    1. The most common crime committed around the world is theft.

      according to Amber Gilbert the most committed crime in the u.s. is theft.

    1. Smoking pot can increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to 3 hours. That’s why some people have a heart attack right after they use marijuana.

      many people use for stress but it can harm them in the long run.

    1. It Is an Entitled Right

      if you say marijuana should be legalized because its our "right" then why would you complain when hings go south and marijuana starts to negatively effect communities.

    1. THC, is the ingredient in marijuana that fosters dependence and leads to cravings with chronic marijuana use.

      Many people can get addicted to marijuana after medical uses due to the substances inside if marijuana.

    1. There's overwhelming evidence that marijuana can safely relieve pain, nausea and vomiting caused by various illnesses.

      marijuna can do this but it will ware off.

  2. Apr 2016
    1. The prospect of employees under the influence of marijuana raises concerns about absenteeism, productivity and workplace safet

      employers are afraid of changes in employees behavior and worry for their safety.

    1. We cannot ignore the negative effects that legalization would have on under-age use and addiction, highway safety, treatment costs, mental health problems, emergency room admissions, workplace accidents and productivity, and personal health

      Many negative dangerous reasons not to legalize marijuana.

    2. In the last 30 days, 52 percent of Americans 12 and older used alcohol, 27 percent used tobacco and only 7 percent used marijuana

      Since alcohol and tobacco are legal it's easier for adolescence to obtain. If marijuana was legal kids will get it easier.

    1. Legalization of marijuana could result in advertising campaigns for its use, some of which might be directed toward adolescents.

      Many kids will try and get marijuana because they think it would be cool and ok since its legal.

    2. During 2003, 47.5% of 12th graders reported using alcohol in the past 30 days and 24.4% reported smoking cigarettes in the past 30 days.31

      Just like alcohol and cigarettes marijuana will also be easily obtained by adolescents.

    3. baseline marijuana use was higher in states that changed their laws compared with states that did not

      Many more people will use marijuana which can cause more ppl to get addicted.

    1. So, any time marijuana use is made legal, the drugs accessibility to children will increase.

      Many more kids will be able to get marijuana easier when it is legalized.

    2. In fact, study shows that weed is one of the most prevalent illegal drugs found in fatally injured and impaired drivers.

      By leagalizing marijuana more people are at risk to get injured due to driving under the influence. marijuna messed with your mind

    3. This means more people will be free to use the drug for its believed health benefits.

      More people who really need marijuana for medical purposes will have an easier access to it

    4. Colorado, analysts recommend that taxing the drug could raise millions of dollars each year.

      Legalizing marijuana will help make more money.

    1. In an effort to slow the diminishing water supply, farmers agreed to voluntarily curb water use.

      Marijuana growth in California has been legalized and and now there is a serious drought so they need to conserve water for other crops.

    2. marijuana growers also avoid Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act regulations.

      Legalizing marijuana will bring harm to the society and the growers would not care.

    3. Legalizing the cannabis industry would give states “the ability to track these things and understand how they are affecting the overall environmental picture

      if it were legalized then they would be able to monitor the bad things going on to grow it in a good place.

    4. The $31 billion marijuana growing business is draining local streams and allowing pesticide runoff to poison fish and wildlife, and it’s “high time” to include environmental regulations in the legalization conversation,

      California has legalized marijuana and now local streams have been drained allowing pesticide runoff to poison fish ans wildlife.

    1. If marijuana is legalized, the marijuana producers will be under the eye of the law, and what they grow will be solely marijuana plants. Users buying marijuana from a legal producer will not fear it being laced with any such chemicals. Thus, it will be much safer if marijuana is legalized.

      legalizing marijuana would make it more safe because they will not be laced and it would be what they expect.

    2. The legalization of marijuana could help this country get rid of some of the debt we have accumulated.

      many people will buy marijuana and we will have more money to pay off debts

    3. By allowing the legalization of marijuana, the funds used to fight marijuana can be used to focus on health care and substance abuse counseling for harder drug users.

      legalizing weed would mean more time for other serious drugs.

    4. he health benefits from the drug are temporary, and the downsides, such as addiction from its use, could eventually harm an individual.

      the medical benefits of marijuana are only temporary and is too dangerous to use because is their is a high risk of an individual to get addicted and harmed.

    5. While it may be debated, marijuana can be used as a stepping stone drug to harder and stronger drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth and phencyclidine (PC

      gateway drug to other drugs that can be worse and more dangerous.

    6. marijuana users are four times more likely to develop signs of depression and triple the chances of forming psychotic symptoms.

      even though marijuana can be used medically their are many horrible side effects.

    1. Legal gambling sets the stage for illegal gambling just the way legal marijuana would set the stage for illegal marijuana trafficking.

      thier will always be people who wont want to fokllow the specific rules and will bend them doing illegal things.

    2. if marijuana was legalized, the increase in users would be both large and rapid with subsequent increases in addiction.

      more people would be addicts and it would make the city more dangerous.

    3. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. and around the world

      many people abuse marijuana

    4. If the U.S. were to legalize marijuana, the number of marijuana users would increase.

      Their would be more people who get addicted

  3. Nov 2015
    1. Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful

      it just shows an image of what it see's. if anyone gets mad at what they see its not his fault he"s just showing them the truth.

    2. meditate

      Think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

    3. preconceptions.

      A preconceived idea or prejudice.

    1. trudge

      trudge is to Walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.

    2. feeble

      feeble means hard walking, slowly because you are tired