5 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
entitled to be judged by our knowledge and character, and not by what race we happen to have been born into
I somewhat agree with this statement, everyone can have an opinion about someone or something, but it shouldn't be about someone's race.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
may require a full-year course in ethnic studies at its discretion.
I feel that more schools should require a year of ethnic study courses.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The model curriculum shall be developed with participation from faculty of ethnic studies programs at universities and colleges with ethnic studies programs and a group of representatives of local educational agencies, a majority of whom are kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, teachers who have relevant experience or education background in the study and teaching of ethnic studies.
I enjoy the fact that they are asking of those who have a background in teaching ethnic studies to develop the curriculum.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Assembly Rule 63 suspended
What is rule 63 and why was it suspended?
www.ethnicstudiesnow.com www.ethnicstudiesnow.com
We will be loud. We will be heard. We will win.
It's amazing to know that students are determined to fight for what they believe in and that they are ready to help people of color in their school.