13 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Some packages contain C and C++ code which needs to be compiled during package installation if packages are installed from source. CompilationConcurrency

      This may be what prevent R from installing xgboost.

  2. May 2022
    1. tagQuery()

      tagQuery( ) allows one to change the structure of a html object without having to but much concern about how it is nested.

    2. tagAppendAttributes() adds a new attribute to the current tag
    3. tagRemoveAttributes()

      This is a function found in the golem package.

    4. tagSetChildren() creates children for a given tag

      How to set children, but remember that this function replaces the all children.

    5. A shiny tag is defined by: A name such as span, div, h1 …, accessed with tag$name. Some attributes, which can be accessed with tag$attribs. Children, which can be accessed with tag$children. A class, namely shiny.tag.

      Shiny tags are stored in R as a list with three name values: name ( name of tag), attribute (list of key pairs), children (other html components inside), class usually R object class shiny.tag

    6. nterestingly, if you want to convert raw HTML to R code, there is a Shiny App developed by Alan Dipert from RStudio, namely html2R, shown Figure 2.3. Non-standard attributes (like data-toggle) are not correctly processed, but there are solutions. This will save you precious time! A more recent approach is developed in Chapter 21 and has been used internally to develop some of the RinteRface templates.

      This may be useful for FIGMA to shiny conversion.

    7. We strongly recommend using R as much as possible and avoid mixing HTML with R.

      AVOID inserting raw HTML and use r functions like div( ) instead.

    8. W3C has an online validation tool

      This tool can be used to check is a custom created tag is valid.

    9. When building custom templates, you will be writing a lot of tags. It might seem too much work to always write tags$<TAG_NAME>. There exists a function called withTags(), which allows you to get rid of all tags$. Hence, the whole code is much easier to write and read:

      withTags( ) looks to be a easy way to avoid using tags$<TAG_NAME> too often.

    1. Two good places to start are https://blog.r-hub.io/2020/08/25/js-r/#web-dependency-management and https://unleash-shiny.rinterface.com/htmltools-dependencies.html.

      Resources for how to incorporate html and css to shiny

    2. good place to start are the HTML and CSS basics tutorials by MDN.

      These are link for HTML and CSS tutorials