- Sep 2019
www.edglossary.org www.edglossary.org
The values promoted by schools, educators, and peer groups, such as cliques, may also convey hidden messages. For example, some schools may expect and reward conformity while punishing nonconformity, whereas other schools might celebrate and even encourage nonconformity.
I disagree with this so much. Conformity is the worst thing that can happen in any form of society. Conformity eliminates originality and It ruins our ability to express who we truly are as individuals. The worst time to teach conformity is in school because in school students are trying to find and express the person they really are inside. The good thing is at SF state everyone is allowed to express their beliefs no matter what they are.
The hidden-curriculum concept is based on the recognition that students absorb lessons in school that may or may not be part of the formal course of study—for example, how they should interact with peers, teachers, and other adults; how they should perceive different races, groups, or classes of people; or what ideas and behaviors are considered acceptable or unacceptable.
I think the standard of whats "acceptable" does not happen only in the classroom. There is always standards of whats acceptable in many different places in life. The only standard I believe in is to always have respect. This reminds me of the novel " The Catcher in the Rye" when the whole novel the main character tries to rebel against the standards that society believes are acceptable.
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
Never “study.” The word is ambiguous and tied up with too many emotional connotations driven by guilt and what you think school work should feel like (e.g., tiring, boring, painful). While you’re at it, never “write a paper” or “do a problem set” or “read an assignment.” These phrases are all too vague!
I partially agree and also disagree with this statement at the same time. I think the word "studying" and "school work" only causes anxiety to people when they cram work and studying creating pressure. If you study and do work in short small bursts it will make it much less stressful and more knowledge will be gained. I have read many articles in the past that talk about studying in small bursts of time is much more efficent.
If you can satisfy these four goals — regardless of what specific strategies or systems you use — you will ace your courses.
I think that these four pillars of learning success are great things to do and work on to succeed in a class. In the past when I have followed steps similar to these I have done very well. These pillars connect to ways we have discussed in class.
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
Develop structures to create learning opportunities for students to engage respectfully with diverse views
The best learning environments are ones where all students and instructors feel comfortable. At SF state I think that all classroom environments are comfortable and excepting for everyone.
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
Inspired by the diversity of our community that includes many first-generation college students, and the courage of an academic community that strives to break down traditional boundaries, SF State equips its students to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
SF state does a great job of helping and supporting first-generation college students. There are many resources given to help them succeed to their highest potential.
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
There are a few principles to successfully executing a near-zero studying time A+.
I don't believe this is fair. I think that instructors should form new testing styles so that you actually have to do the work in the class to receive an A on the final. I think you should have to do some form of studying to receive a good grade on a final, instead of learning new tricks to do well without studying.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“First gen” may be the latest buzz phrase in higher education but its import is not just academic.
I feel as if "first gen" students benefit this country so much. Everyone in this country should receive an education from a university. I think It would make people in the work force much stronger than they already are.
With so many variations on what constitutes higher education and even more assortments of family structures, it’s no wonder there are lots of ways to slice and dice the label.
I think everyone should at least receive a chance at an opportunity to get a higher education. I don't think income should play a role in whether or not someone gets to go to college or not. I think there should be more help for students who come from a lower income families financially so that paying for school is not an issue.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I was a first-generation college student as well as the first in our family to be born in America — my parents were born in Cuba
First-generation college students are inspiring to me. Being a student myself I can't even imagine how hard it is do be a first-generation college student from a foreign country. Personally I don't think I could go to a college in a foreign country.
My mom didn’t ask outright what grade I earned — she eventually stopped asking about assignments altogether — and I learned from my peers that grades were something that I didn’t have to share with my parents the way I had in high school.
This statement really stood out to me a lot. It stands out to me because I think it is something all college students should live by. I feel you should be the only person seeing your grades because it teaches you independence. Also they are grades that you earned... not your parents.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“There are a lot of people who would not go to college at all, and would not get an education at all, if they had to go through some selective criteria,” said Erik Pavia, a 2010 graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso, known as UTEP. “UTEP opens the doors to people from all walks of life.”
I think this a problem that we can correct in this country. I feel as if people high up in education do not emphasize enough the importance of attending some form of college is. I also think a way to fix this problem is make college cheaper. A big reason why people do not attend college is because it is too great of an expense. With lowering the cost of college we will have more educated people in this country and it will benefit this world greatly.
To take just one encouraging statistic: At City College, in Manhattan, 76 percent of students who enrolled in the late 1990s and came from families in the bottom fifth of the income distribution have ended up in the WB_wombat_top three-fifths of the distribution. These students entered college poor. They left on their way to the middle class and often the upper middle class.
I think that city colleges are truly a great route for people who come from lower income families. Unfortunatley not everyone can afford to go to a 4 year university. I think people should push harder for young students to attend a city college if they can not afford to go to a 4 year school. The base knowledge that they will receive at a city college is way more than if they do not attend at all.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
He wasn’t the first to suggest that people have different “learning styles”—past theories included the reading-less “VAK” and something involving “convergers” and “assimilators”
Ever since I was young I always believed that people had different ways of learning things. I have always thought that this statement is true because I have always noticed how I have learned things differently from other students. I will keep this statement in mind if this question of the way people learn is ever brought up in a discussion.