31 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Those of us who work in digital learning or IT organizations need to recognize (1) how educational technologies perpetuate and exacerbate inequity and (2) the need for justice-oriented work in this area.

      I believe that it is important to do extensive research on technological tools before first exposing children to them and making sure it is inclusive and respectful for all students

    2. Design justice, meanwhile, is design work that centers and prioritizes people who have been marginalized by design.

      I see how this is similar to inclusive design, but different because it is more so targeting issues that are already present and helping people who are already oppressed

    3. Inclusive design is "design that considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference."

      I love this idea and do not understand just how all of these things would be implemented

    4. As I say these two phrases—inclusive design, design justice—I struggle to understand why some in our country are against these principles, these methodologies, when our creed states our government should be one of the people, by the people, and for the people.

      I have never heard of this topic mentioned before and think that is something important to note before diving into this text

    1. We have to understand that all of us carry that power and privilege and we must use it as a tool to confront and dismantle inequities so all students have equal opportunities to learn.”

      I see this as using your privilege or platform for something good, for a call to change

    2. When differentiation is combined with the practices and principles of UDL, students have opportunities to reflect, make choices, and build ownership of their learning; they also benefit from more explicit support when necessary.

      It is important to note that these terms are different, but that they go together

    3. UDL creates a learning environment that is the least restrictive and most culturally responsive, trauma-informed environment for all students.

      I am so glad they have a system in place, I just wish it was abl to do more

    4. The bacon/egg/cheese saga represents the one-size-fits-all scenarios we often see in our classrooms:

      The one size fits all cannot be true unless quite literally it fits all. Finding something that can accommodate every signal nutritional need at the school is probably difficult and would not taste very good.

    5. Their breakfast served a single option—a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich on a biscuit. No substitutions.

      This does not accommodate for SO MANY nutritional limitations in people's diets

  2. Apr 2024
    1. But strangely there are no similar legal protections for browsing the internet even though when your computer visits a website, it is essentially a phone call to another computer seeking to obtain the information on that webpage—a very similar idea to the content of a phone call.

      While I do not believe anyone should have access, I think the government overrules internet browsing sites and they should have a legal protection on them as well

    2. The report also stated that “a significant number” of the internet providers surveyed shared users’ real-time location data with third parties.

      This is very dangerous because the people that are working for these companies may stalk people or be hacked by someone that would then stalk these people

    3. There’s a famous phrase about the internet that you’ve probably heard: “When you don’t pay for the product, you are the product.”

      I have personally never heard of this phrase

    1. underlying costs of using “free” tools

      I don't love the way they are calling these tools free but there are underlying costs because that makes it seem like they cost money as opposed to a metaphorical cost, I just think it could have been worded better

    2. protects a student’s personal information and educational records from unauthorized disclosure.

      I did know this information however I think a lot of places do not comply and try to find ways around it

    3. The Terms of Service

      I almost never read these and just click agree every single time without thinking

    4. creating a profile with your data to sell to other companies.

      How is this legal?

    5. “full access to your Google account. That means the developer of Pokemon Go, Niantic, may have access to your emails, Google Drive, calendar, contacts, photos, Chrome browsing history, search history, Maps data... and, well, anything else linked to your Google account”

      I did not know this and that is very scary and overwhelming that they have access to so much information.

    6. personally identifiable information, like your name, email address, age, and/or gender.

      I feel like because this isn't bank information or your social security number, people don't mind sharing personal information because they don't think anything could happen

    7. explore how educational technology (edtech) tools are constantly collecting, using, and sharing personal information

      This is such a good topic! I have discussed it in other classes and I always find it interesting because everyone has a different take on it

  3. Mar 2024
    1. In education, we must identify ways to remove barriers and provide support to ensure all students can succeed.

      This exact thought was brought up in another one of my classes and I cannot agree more

    2. Unfortunately, many tools and apps do not provide accessibility information. Even worse, many tools and apps have not been designed with accessibility in mind

      I think that this is very unfortunate and now that I think about it is very true

    3. CAST developed three guiding UDL principles to assist educators in developing accessible learning experiences:

      I think these principles are very useful

    4. When a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally integrated and equally effective manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use.

      This is such an interesting way of looking at it

    5. Interactive, multimodal user instruction that is easy to follow and understand.A simple, easy to navigate user interface.Sharing capabilities and multiple output formats.Accessibility across devices and platforms.Diverse character selection and multilingual interface.

      This is a nice and concise summary of the article

    6. Canva

      My group used this tool for our project

    7. Generally speaking, user experience is the interaction between the user and the tool, including the user’s thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the product or outcomes (Tullis & Albert, 2008)

      I like this definition of user experience because it is easy to understand

    8. five key features to help you identify the best tools for maximizing learning and minimizing technology frustration.

      Excited to learn what these key featers are

    9. The students were frustrated and stressed and too much class time was wasted on figuring out the tool rather than using the tool for learning.

      This is very unfortunate and the teacher needs to overcome it

  4. Feb 2024
    1. How ever you approach your PLN you must keep the key principle in mind; it needs to be Personal.

      I have never thought of PLNs in this way before. I completely agree that it needs to be personal.

    1. Trace Claims, Quotes, and Media to Their Original Content.

      I do not think that I have ever even thought about doing something like this but it does seem very important.

    1. Affective growth refers to changes in emotions, dispositions, and attitudes

      I think that this type of personal growth is not talked about enough and is so important, especially with young children growing up and developing who they are.