3 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. Sometimes an argument asserts that there are only two or three options, when in fact there may be others. This is often called a false dilemma or false choice fallacy.

      False dilemma/false choice fallacy is when an argument present options when multiple options or resources are available.

    2. An assessment could critique this argument for not acknowledging that.  However, there may well still be enough examples of teachers expressing political beliefs

      General statements may have exceptions. While we can critique weak spots, some arguments can present broad examples or evidence that can withstand criticism.

    3. If we see a general statement, we should ask ourselves whether it is always true or whether we can identify any case that doesn’t fit the pattern

      Based on my understanding. Generalization is a statement that is not always true, or presents a weak statement and sounds plausible.