- Mar 2019
I’m telling her “I feel like we’ve drifted apart.” What I really want to say is “What could I have done to make you stay?”
I'm confused as to why they want them to stay instead of being happy for their friend that they found something to make their life better and peruse their career.
“I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but since this is the last time we’ll be hanging out for a while, I feel like we have drifted apart over the last year. Is there something I did wrong? Is there something you want to tell me? You know, before you leave?”
What could've happened for them to drift apart after being so close for so long.
- Feb 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In fact, the boy was first gen, at least according to the Higher Education Act, which says that, for federal programs, only the education level of parents who regularly live with a student should be counted.
I agree with this and do believe that this shouldn't have even been questioned in the first place. He had lived with him mom and only ever knew his mom, he had no involvement with his father whatsoever.
To me, that boy was first gen all the way. He wasn’t raised by his father.”
I do believe that this boy and all students who were raised by a single parent and have no involvement with the other should be able to qualify as "first gen students".
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
More recently, these universities have seemed to struggle, with unprepared students, squeezed budgets and high dropout rates.
I can’t say i’m surprised by this because now a days colleges are so expensive many people do not have enough money to attend college or even a junior college. Also people do are able to attend college may realize that it is more expensive than they thought which explains the drop out rate.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The growing consensus is that casual disregard for sleep is wrongheaded — even downright dangerous.
I feel as if people don’t realize or understand the importance of sleep and how it effects your overall physical and mental being. Getting a good amount of sleep is needed for well beings.
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
Inspired by the diversity of our community that includes many first-generation college students, and the courage of an academic community that strives to break down traditional boundaries
SF state encourages everyone no matter their race, sexuality, gender, or religion is they encourage everyone and are open to everyone attending to SF state and to being open minded.
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
linguistic, cultural and social diversity of our students, faculty and staff to advance our mission and education goals.
The main and overall goal of SF state is to make sure everyone feels as if they belong here and to include that into their education.
This statement is allowing staffs and students more opportunities.