7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. For many of our students — those who have had to be almost perfect to get accepted into a school like Smith — failure can be an unfamiliar experience. So when it happens, it can be crippling.”

      Why it is important that Smith College tries to destigmatize failure.

    1. Code meshing blend dialects, interna tional languages, local idioms, chat- room lingo, and the rhe-torical styles of various ethnic and cultural groups in both formal an ti informal speech acts.

      defines code meshing

    2. Tea chin speakin and writin prescriptively, as Fish want, force p eo ple into patternsof language that aint natural or easy to understand. A whole lot of folk could be writin and speakinreal, real smart if Fish and others stop using one prescriptive, foot -l ong ruler to measure the languageof pe e ps who use a yard stick wh en th ey communicate

      Young argues that people would be talking and writing way better in their own natural form of language rather than being forced to follow one form of language.

    3. It 'sATT ITUDE S. It be the way folks with some power perceive other people's language.

      The attitude of people in power create prejudice, not the people being oppressed.

    4. Th e two be intertwined.

      Racial differences are intertwined with language differences.

    5. cuz this man sho tryin to take the nation back to a time when\Ve were le ss tolerant oflinguistic and racial differences.

      This is what Young argues back.

    6. Cultural critic Stanley Fish come talkin bout- in his three- piece New York Tim es "What ShouldColleges Teach?" suit- there only one way to speak and write to get ahead in the world

      Stanley Fish argues that there is only one correct way to use the English language in this modern world.
