361 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
  2. Apr 2019
    1. Lesley Parker, OTR/L, stated, “Katelyn is able to explain the role of OT in a variety of settings and recognizes the specific role of a school based OT in a confident manner. She interacts with students, family members and faculty with confidence and compassion.”

      I think you can let the visual speak for itself. You could lead into it...my fieldwork educator provided this feedback:

    2. Robert Rabalais, LOTR, stated, “Receptive to supervisor feedback and is very dependable.”

      I don't think you need this text. Please embed the screenshots of your feedback rather than having a downloadable file.

    1. Robert Rabalais, LOTR,

      For privacy, please remove the practitioners name. Also, I'm not sure if it needs to be typed into the body since you already have the evidence available in your screenshot.

    2. Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System

      Please replace ELMHS with inpatient psych facility or setting.

    3. These clients had committed a crime, been arrested and had been then diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

      The wording of this sentence is a bit awkward. Maybe state, "Clients were diagnosed with a mental health disorder after being arrested for a crime."

    4. Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System (ELMHS)

      Remove ELMHS here.

    1. Because most of the clients I worked with did not have a strong educational background, I frequently had to paraphrase and re-explain terminology used in an evaluation or reassessment in order to increase the clients ability to understand the questions being asked of them.

      I think this could be rephrased to indicate that you used client-friendly language free of jargon. As currently written, it could be interpreted as negative like you were having to speak down to the client's level, which I don't think is the intent.

    2. at ELMHS, Robert Rabalais, LOTR

      For privacy, state my fieldwork educator rather than your supervisor's name.

    3. Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System (ELMHS) in Jackson, Louisiana

      I recommend deleting the name of the facility for privacy reasons. This information can be found in your resume, however keep the focus and intent on your content.

    4. At Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System (ELMHS), each client attended OT group sessions two times per week for a 45 minute long session. During one session, we typically allowed the clients to participate in a free-choice leisure or craft based activity. The other session was a more structured discussion or education based group. Allowing the client to choose their own activity provided them the ability to pursue their own personal interests and the freedom to participate in activities they enjoyed. Many times clients would choose to create a stamped leather bracelet or belt or participate in a woodworking project. Although these are not activities I would typically choose, these activities were of high interest to the clients with whom I worked. Since I did not know how to make a leather stamped bracelet, I asked one of the clients to show me how to create one. He was excited to share his skills and show me how to line the stamp up just right in order to create the impression on the leather. I expressed to him my gratitude and explained that since I now knew the correct way to stamp the leather, I could help other clients successfully participate in this activity. This simple interaction provided this client with encouragement and allowed me develop a positive relationship with the client. I was able to show the client I respected his choices and valued his opinion during this activity.

      I really love this example, but I'm not sure if it's the best choice for this competency. The overall impression that I get from reading this is one of humility and your willingness to learn from your client(s). I'm not sure that I see how you appreciate the influence of socio-cultural, socioeconomic, political, diversity, and/or lifestyle choices. I think this section would be better served by elaborating on how you built rapport with someone who is extremely different from you. Go deeper.

    5. Allowing the client to choose

      Same issue with wording....it sounds negative rather than empowering.

    6. Completing these chart reviews allowed me to learn about the clients with whom, I was working

      Repetitive and implied by doing a chart review.

    7. Since occupational therapists provide treatment and care to a wide variety of clientele in numerous settings, it is important that as a student and future practitioner, I be able to appreciate and accept others that are different than myself.

      This first sentence is a bit awkward to read. Read it out loud and consider revising into 2 sentence to improve the flow and clarity of the statement.

  3. May 2018

      Caitlin, Well done! Again, you took the time to really elevate your ADPE to the level that's more reflective of how amazing you are!


      Caitlin, Excellent job again. Your narratives are concise, yet powerful and thorough at the same time. Approved!


      Great job on the revisions. You were able to fine-tune the narratives "just right". Whole-heartedly approved.


      Caitlin, You did an excellent job embedding the evidence and finessing your narratives. I can truly hear "your voice" in the ADPE now. Approved!

  4. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Actively participates


    2. Actively participates in leadership or supportive roles in local, state, ​and/or ​national associations.

      Peyton, did you have any leadership experience or professional associations in school that helped prepare you for active professional participation upon graduation? I think this is a fine statement, but it would be helpful to see how you are going to carry through from student to clinician.

  5. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Modifies behavior in response to feedback; seeks opportunities ​to apply feedback

      Great adjustments! Approved

    2. Modifies behavior in response to feedback; seeks opportunities ​to apply feedback.

      Check spelling and grammar below. It's helpful to read the passage out loud to catch the small errors.

  6. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Demonstrates the ability to giveconstructive and timely feedback

      Whole-heartedly approved.

    2.    Although it was challenging to provide constructive feedback to my fieldwork educator, I knew that it was an important part of my learning process. I realize that during my career as an OT, I will be expected to provide constructive feedback to peers, patients, and even my own fieldwork students. Below is an excerpt of my ability to provide constructive feedback during my fieldwork experience.

      Strengthen your narrative by explaining what you learned from that process, how you were able to refine your skills in giving feedback....expand and reflect further.

  7. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Incorporates continued education as a lifelong​practice with the commitment to remainup-to-date and well-informed


    2. Incorporates continued education as a lifelong​practice with the commitment to remainup-to-date and well-informed. 

      You provided a fair narrative. It does read a bit general. Maybe it would be helpful to discuss future CEU interests.

    3. OCP

      Use APA principles for abbreviations.

  8. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Approved!!!!

    2.  I cannot express how much I learned from having the opportunity to help mentor occupational therapy students with varying levels of exposure to inpatient rehab.

      Peyton, I think that's what the narrative needs. Please express explicitly what you learned and how that shaped your professional development.

  9. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Applies the domain of occupational therapy in gathering, evaluating, setting goals, plan


    2. Applies the domain of occupational therapy in gathering, evaluating, setting goals, planning and implementing occupational therapy.

      Peyton, the narrative feels too general. Please add specific examples or reflections.

  10. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Integrates individual clinical expertise and patient values with the best available external clinical evidence.

      Approved...great job!

    2. patient values

      I think patient values is missing from the narrative and example. Could you expand on how you integrated patient values?

  11. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Invests in the acquisition of evidence through participation in workshops, continued education and pursuit of additional degrees

      Very powerful! I really appreciate how you discuss the identity crisis that occurs. I think few people realize that it's a celebration, but also a loss of your cohort and student identity. I have no doubt that you will be an amazing OT with a grounded OT identity. Best, JF

    2. weekly lunch in-services,

      Could you provide some examples of the in-service topics? Did any stand out to you?

  12. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. erves as a role model for honesty, integrity, and morally grounded decision making


    2. of


    3. Serves as a role model for honesty, integrity, and morally grounded decision making. 

      Too general. Recommend providing a specific example or providing more reflection.

  13. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. ​Upholds the AOTA ​Code of Ethics in practice.

      Fully approved.

    2. ​Upholds the AOTA ​Code of Ethics in practice

      The narrative is a bit general, but I'm going to approve with revisions to the first paragraph. See comments below.

    3.      Being ethical in practice is an aspect of OT that is autonomous and will be an essential part of our profession, regardless of the setting we practice in. 

      I don't understand this sentence, possibly due to the word choice of autonomous?

  14. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Functions autonomously and effectively ​in a broad array of service models. 


    2. Functions autonomously and effectively ​in a broad array of service models. 

      Too general. Narrative could be strengthened with specific examples or more reflection.

  15. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Assumes responsibility for professional behavior and growth, in accordance with AOTA standards

      Approved! I love hearing your voice in the ADPE. You are a great story teller and that was missing in the first version.

    2. mouse

      Check spelling. I don't think the clients want rodents in their hair. ;-)

    3. Assumes responsibility

      The narrative is too general. I think any and all OT students could state the same thing. The narrative would be strengthened from a specific example of where you were challenged and had to push yourself assume responsibility.

    4. Below is an excerpt of the Final Fieldwork Performance Evaluation I received on my first rotation, as well as my scores on said evaluation where I received 4's (exceeds standards) and 3's (meets standards) for each AOTA fieldwork performance standard regarding professional behavior. 

      The description here is a bit wordy. I can see that you met or exceeded standards so I don't think mentioning that is needed.

  16. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Represents the uniqueperspective of occupational​therapy when participating in inter-professional situations.


    2. Represents

      I think you did a good job on your narrative and evidence. My main concern is the description in the discussion post only talks about occupation as the end. Not occupation as the mean. The narrative and evidence doesn't really address using the occupation as the mean and end (i.e. occupation-based intervention). When I think of what separates us from PT and other disciplines, its the use of occupation.

  17. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Fulfills commitments to the professional community. 


    2. Fulfills commitments

      The narrative and evidence are fair. The membership card does not have a date on it so it doesn't really demonstrate fulfilling commitments if it's expired. The narrative is a bit generic. There's not really a clear plan or idea as to how you will engage in research. I like that you brought up the critically appraised topics from your EBP courses. The narrative can be improved with more reflection.

  18. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. ​Considers client motivation when usingoccupation-based intervention tomaximize functional independence

      Excellent example. Approved!

    2. NWB

      Use APA guidelines for abbreviations.

  19. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Collaborates with clients and caregivers in establishing ​and maintaining a balance of pleasurable, productive, and restful occupations to promote health and prevent disease and disability.

      Excellent example. Approved with spell check below.

    2. pay

      Check spelling

  20. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Appreciates the influence

      Approved with spell check below.

    2. altar

      Check spelling

  21. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Maintains values over ​self-promotion or profit.

      Peyton, again excellent example. This also reminds me of a situation I faced in practice. I think you handled it really well! Approved.

  22. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Empowers clients and team members

      I really love this one too! Check spelling on judgment. Then approved!

  23. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Uses knowledge and information in an​ innovative way

      Absolutely fantastic narrative and example. Approved.

  24. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Takes risks to ​maximize outcomes.

      Wow! So powerful Peyton. I hate that you had to let that happen, but also so proud that you let that happen. I had a similar experience in outpatient rehab and I felt like the worst OT in the world, but it ultimately helped the client understand the necessity of rehab for her safety and independence. Approved.

  25. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Maintains professional behavior, regardless of problem or situation.

      Very well stated and I'm still extremely proud of you! Approved.

  26. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Uses humor to diffuse tension

      I love it! Of course you hit this one out of the park! Approved!!!!!

  27. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Demonstrates functional level of confidence and ​self assurance

      Checking spelling for judgment. I think you did a great job with this narrative and evidence. I think the 2nd Level II Fieldwork definitely impacted your growth in this area. It's hard to feel confident after unexpected challenges with one's fieldwork educator. You did a great job overcoming everything and persevering! Approved once spelling is corrected.

  28. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Maintains balance in personal and professional​life while prioritizing professional responsibilities and commitments.

      Since I know how much you had to go through, I think the narrative and criteria are just fine. You had to overcome A LOT!

  29. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Productively

      I really like the narrative content. I think you really identified your strengths and weaknesses. Refine the last paragraph and this criteria is approved.

    2. oo much consistency

      What do you mean by too much consistency? I'm not sure I understand.

  30. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. Is a knowledgeable consumer of global research ​related to occupational therapy and utilizes an evidence based approach to practice.

      Approved. I'm glad you shared a very specific example and that example even demonstrated the importance of referral to an other facility so the client could receive the best care.

  31. peytoncaldwell.weebly.com peytoncaldwell.weebly.com
    1. I​nspires confidence in​clients and team members.

      Excellent narrative and example. Please change patients to clients and this criteria is approved.

    2. patients.

      Please use clients instead of patients.

    1. Please click the links below for more information regarding each​competency area within my Professional Development Portfolio.

      The way the ADPE is formatted is very difficult to use. I'm not able to easily navigate between criterion. Please re-consider changing the layout for easy of use.

  32. Apr 2018
    1. Maintains values over self-promotion or profit.

      I think this narrative is very close. I'm not 100% clear how it addresses self-promotion or profit. Could you incorporate that in a little more to the narrative?

    2. Actively participates in leadership or supportive roles in local, state, and/or national associations.

      Amazing! Approved with embedded evidence.

    3. Empowers clients and team members.

      Wonderful job, embed the evidence and approved.

    4. Uses knowledge and information in an innovative way.

      Excellent example. You may want remove the facility name since there is enough identifying information about the client. Approved with minor revisions.

    5. (which I bought)

      Admirable, but may not be necessary to mention. It takes away from the narrative.

    6. Takes risks to maximize outcomes.

      Great job. Whole-heartedly approved.

    7. My Fieldwork Educator from this rotation, Diane Flanagan, OTR/L, speaks on my behalf in this area on my Final Fieldwork Performance Evaluation stating "she is wise in the choices she makes and when to confront an issue or gently redirect it in other ways", "she is great with establishing rapport with patients yet maintains boundaries in a very professional manner" and "she is very professional and timely in all matters". Please see supporting documents attached.

      Embed example instead. Otherwise, approved!

    8. Fieldwork Educator

      lower case

    9. Uses humor to diffuse tension.

      Great narrative! Approved.

    10. In the general comments section, Flanagan states "She has poise and confidence in her skills as an OT. She is an excellent clinician and will make a great entry level clinician as well as be a great addition to any therapy department". See supporting document attached.

      This would be better as a visual example rather than text.

    11. Maintains balance

      Excellent job! Whole-heartedly approved once evidence is embedded.

    12. It was in my last Level II Fieldwork when I was able to get ample experience with this, both voluntary and not.

      Tara Beth, What does this mean? Could you elaborate further? Give more details on how you've honed and continue to grow in your assertiveness.

    13. Modifies behavior in response to feedback; seeks opportunities to apply feedback.

      This criterion is on the right track, but the narrative would benefit from more details. For example, select one specific instance where you received feedback and incorporated it. I think that would strengthen the narrative. Keep the evidence but embed it.

    14. to give constructive and timely feedback.            Th

      Approved with evidence embedded.

    1. continued education

      Whole-heartedly approved. I am so proud of you....you really put so much thought into your ADPE. Embed the evidence.

    2. knowledge base

      Approved with evidence embedded. Very cool opportunity!

    3. Applies the domain of occupational therapy

      Wonderful narrative! Again, just embed evidence and it's approved.

    4. individual clinical expertise

      Fantastic narrative, great job on your APA reference. Embed and approved.

    5. knowledgeable consumer of global research

      Approved with evidence embedded.

    6. Invests in the acquisition of evidence

      Same feedback for evidence. Approved.

    1. role model

      Approved....wonderful narrative! You did an excellent job.

    2. AOTA Code of Ethics

      Embed and approved.

    3. Functions autonomously

      Great job....embed and it's approved.

    4. Assumes

      Approved once evidence embedded.

    5. narrative from a discussion board post that illustrates

      Same feedback - embed.

    6. In my final Fieldwork Performance Evaluation, Diane Flanagan, OTR/L, stated "All documentation is done in a timely fashion" and "She is very professional and timely in all matters". In the same document at my second Level II Fieldwork, Cynthia Harvey, OTR/L, stated "Tara Beth shows improvements in this area evidenced by collaborating with COTA and completing documentation in a timely manner" and "Her time management is effective".

      The text gets lost in the narrative. Recommend embedding the evidence as a visual to improve the aesthetics. I think you did a good job overall, but take the extra steps by embedding examples.

    7. Advocates

      Excellent example. You were very diplomatic and used tact with the narrative. You also protected the privacy of the organization.

    8. Fieldwork Educator

      lower case

    1. Applies theory

      The narrative is missing a critical component "applies theory". Please revise to incorporate theory/FoR and embed your evidence.

    2. Cynthia Harvey, OTR/L

      Same feedback as previous criteria.

    3. Considers

      Embed example and this one is approved.

    4. Inspires

      Excellent job on your narrative. Embed the example and this one is approved.

    5. Collaborates

      Approved with minor revisions.

    6. 85 year old gentleman

      Decrease identifying information, such as age and treatment location. Instead state, elderly gentleman in a skilled nursing facility and that should protect his privacy.

    7. Communicates

      Approved. Your writing is excellent!

    8. Appreciates the influence of socio-cultural, socioeconomic, political, diversity factors, and lifestyle choices on engagement in occupation throughout the lifespan.

      Approved once evidence is embedded rather than attached and revise per recommendations. Also, rather than using bullet points, I recommend using the item #1.1, etc.

    9. , Jamie Bergner, OTR/L, OTD, CHT, COMT,

      Protect client and facility confidentiality. I would refrain from providing details about your fieldwork educators.

    1. 12.

      Approved with minor revisions for grammar and writing mechanics.

    2. Without broadcasting or expecting any recognition whatsoever, I went above and beyond to meet the needs of my patients with anything in my scope of practice, as well as many things that were not my “job” to do such as getting extra sheets/blankets if they were cold, warming up their coffee before I left the room, changing their dirty sheets. etc.

      Revise for grammar....run-on sentence.

    3. 11

      Approved with minor revisions.

    4. moving and start

      check grammar

    5. AOTA and TNOTA

      Spell out. Use APA principles for abbreviations.

    6. Empowering our clients will allow them to achieve their highest potential and be their best possible self. By empowering team members, this will allow for a stronger team bond. Empowerment and encouragement can go such a long way. It is important to always remember this day in and day out as we work as a team to create the best possible outcome for our patients. I know how it personally feels to be empowered, so I always strive to do the same for others. It creates unity and confidence.

      Too general.

    7. Throughout my level II fw rotations, I was intentional about presenting information in a way that the patients and/or family members could understand. When things get complicated, it can be difficult to explain and rationalize provided services while also providing enough information at the same time. During my rotation at Methodist north pediatric outpatient clinic, I created handouts for the caregivers explaining the evaluation process from what we look for in the child to what we can do to address deficits and treat the child. These handouts I made were put in layman’s terms in order to ensure the best understanding. These handouts were used to give to the parents of kids at the facility receiving other services such as PT or SLP that may need OT services but may not know anything about what we are able to do for their child. 

      A fantastic example, please revise for professionalism to enhance the quality of writing. Also, a visual of the handout would be great evidence.

    8. Sometimes we will be required to take risks to advocate for the best possible treatment and care for our patients. Taking risks ca2n be stepping outside of your comfort zone to maximize outcomes. One example in particular happened when I was at Methodist north pediatric outpatient clinic. I had a patient who had some behavior issues. Out of nowhere, she would spit in your face and anywhere on you that she could reach. She likes being told “no” and getting a response out of you. I can assure you that being spit on and attempting to ignore it is a very hard thing to do. I had been pondering different behavior management techniques and the next session I decided to try it. She began to spit on me and I kept my attention completely focused on the treatment activity we were doing, increasing my excitement for the activity, and doing everything I could to refocus her attention. By letting her get it out of her system and ignoring the behavior by not giving her the response she desires, she stopped spitting and began participating in the session. Had I not taken the risk of using a different approach to address this behavior issue, I would’ve been in the same boat getting nothing accomplished. 

      I think you selected an excellent, specific example. Please revise for professionalism and client confidentiality. It sounds too informal.

    9. ca2n


    10. Professional behavior is important to have in any situation. Throughout the past few months, I have experienced uncomfortable situations with patients and family members that required me to maintain professional to deal with each situation. From a family member saying “so you call this therapy?” to patients cussing me out, I have learned to master this skill. 

      Too general also too informal. Please expand on your narrative and revise for professional language.

    11. I love humor. I think humor is one of the most effective ways to diffuse tension, especially with patients as they have found themselves in a place they may not want to be. I found humor to be an excellent way to diffuse tension throughout all 3 of my fieldworks. I feel confident I have mastered this skill. I found myself using humor with children just as much as I did with older adults. One intervention in particular that I found to create much tension was working on handwriting with pediatrics. Every single one of my kids hated to work on handwriting. I got on Pinterest and researched many different ways to attempt to make it more exciting. One thing I found to diffuse the tension and decease the anger in the patients was to create humor with sentences. By coming up with funny sentences and stories, the kids would laugh, keep better attention, and be anxious to see what the next sentence would be that they were going to write. We would also take turns creating funny sentences. Humor is always a great remedy! 

      Approved. You used a very good example of how you incorporated humor and it was very appropriate for the setting. Encourage the use of client vs. patient.

    12. ​Having confidence in myself is definitely something that has developed over the last 9 months of fieldwork, as well as something that will continue to develop. The more experience I have gained, the greater level of confidence and self-assurance I have developed. It is important to have confidence and self-assurance during practice in order for your patients to be sure you know what you are doing as well as for them to be able to have

      Too general.

    13. Maintaining a personal and professional life balance is something that I prioritize daily. I am a firm believer in the importance of “balance” in order to enjoy life. I also find it extremely important to prioritize professional responsibilities and commitments. Throughout the last 9 months of fieldwork, I have given it my absolute everything to be “all-in” while I am at work, devoting everything in me and all I have to my patients and their needs. Being a student, we are also required to do additional assignments, projects, etc as asked by our supervisors. I was always devoted and willing to do anything asked for me. Outside of work hours, I prioritize time to treatment plan as well as work on school work as well. With the time I have left, I make it a priority to devote that time to all the things I enjoy such as exercise, time with friends, personal responsibilities, family, etc. I believe throughout level II fieldwork I have mastered this area.

      The narrative is on the right track. Revise to improve professional language/writing in the narrative. Re-consider the evidence.

    14. , etc.

      Avoid , etc.

    15. for


    16. Below is a comment from Level II Fieldwork B  written by my FWE Lyndie Scram "Caitlin has demonstrated the ability to adapt to constant changes in the therapy department. She is very flexible and willing to do anything asked of her."

      I'm not sure how this evidence correlates to work life balance. I don't see the connection. Please provide rationale for evidence selection or select a different example.

    17. As practitioners, we should all be aware of our strengths and weaknesses. We should never be too proud to ask for help in any situation. As early-entry practitioners we are all still learning and need to be fully aware when we may need to seek help.In addition, during the first semester of OT school, we read a book called Strengths Finder 2.0 which allowed us to identify our strengths, mine in particular being: woo, positivity, communication, include, and activator. It allowed me to better understand these areas as well as myself as a member of different therapy teams who have different strengths than my own. It has made me a more valuable member of each team I have been a part of by knowing what I do well and how I can best assist others in and outside of the classroom. 

      Too general. Need more reflection and specific information.

    18. I have found it extremely important to seek feedback in any way possible in order to apply it and continue to grow as a student and entry level practitioner. This has been a great time for me to use being a student to my advantage to ask and receive feedback from my fieldwork educators to learn from mistakes and grow. Throughout the past 3 fieldworks, I have made an effort to seek feedback, respond well to feedback to be able to apply and implement it in my practice.

      Too general. Also, it could be interpreted that you were too reliant on feedback and not able to self-reflect and participate in self-directed learning.

    19. My supervisor did not take the time to invest in me like my first 3 supervisors did.

      Caitlin, please re-read this sentence/narrative and read it from the perspective of a future employer or one of your fieldwork educators. It sounds very judgmental and disrespectful. Please revise for tact and diplomacy. She may have been very invested in you, but had a different supervisory style than your previous fieldwork educators. You were on your 3rd Level II Fieldwork, therefore the educator may have assumed that you did not need as much feedback or explanation since you already had 6 months of fieldwork. She may have intentionally pulled back on her supervision to allow you to engage in more self-directed learning, which is best practice in fieldwork education. Food for thought.

    1. ​At all 3 of my fieldworks, I had the opportunity to attend many in-services related to continued education on a wide range of topics. I feel very fortunate to have been able to attend these in-services to expand my knowledge. I have also been able to have discussions with each of my fieldwork educators about continuing education courses they have attended and what has been the most beneficial.  They have each advised to participate in as many continuing education courses as possible due to its distinct value to their practice. One of my supervisors allowed me to look through her binders of continued education on the FIM as well as lymphedema. I am so excited for the opportunity to never stop learning as a practitioner! Continued education is so important as we should always take any opportunity we have to learn and grow. 

      You're on the right track, but need to expand further. Some students have described the in-services and included hand-outs as evidence. Some students have described in-services that they put together for their sites. When revising this one, do keep in mind not to share anything that the site has not given permission for....so don't upload copies from the continuing ed binders. Rather list out the in-services you've attended.

    2. ​During my first rotation, I had the opportunity to supervise 3 COTAs as I was able to mentor and collaborate with them when assigning patients to be treated. That was a great experience for me as we were able to learn from each other. Also, on my 3rd fieldwork placement, I had the opportunity to mentor high school students observing, COTA students, as well as a student from our school on level I fieldwork. I enjoyed the opportunity to mentor these students and share advice with them to best prepare them with their future!  

      On the right track with the examples you chose, but need more information. Please elaborate and reflect on the experience.

    3. “Holistic” is one of the first words that comes to mind when I think of occupational therapy. It is important to apply the domain to gather all the information in order to treat client’s holistically throughout the whole OT process.  Using a holistic approach is what makes our profession so unique as we treat the person rather than the disease or diagnosis. I have really gained so much insight and knowledge of this throughout the last 9 months on fieldwork.

      You are on the right track with a focus on "holistic" but too general. Need more information and reflection.

    4. On my first level II rotation, I had the opportunity to help QNRC with a program development by utilizing research to promote best practice in the facility. The idea was to create “stations” to establish the best “flow” for therapists to take the patients through in order to address all goals and needs holistically. I also worked with another student to research the upper extremity/hand to give all therapists better understanding of EBP treatment ideas as well as understanding of the most common UE diagnoses. 

      I like the examples you picked but need more information. I don't quite understand the "stations" from the description. Also, what evidence did you utilize to create this program? Also, please elaborate on the hand therapy example. Need more details.

    5. Throughout the last 9 months, I really tried to incorporate knowledge and various experiences from each fieldwork despite the infinite differences between them. During each rotation, I also made an effort to apply all the knowledge I gained from didactic work into the clinical setting. For example, I was able to use everything I learned on my two-week rotation in a psychosocial setting, as well as everything I learned in the classroom about mental health and use it on my acute care rotation when I would frequent the psych unit.

      Elaborate. What specific knowledge and skills did you apply from your psychosocial rotations to the acute care setting? Need more information.

    6. working with high school students.After graduation, I have plans to continue participating in workshops and continuing education courses to gain as much knowledge as possible in order to be the best practitioner I can possibly be. 

      Rather than having a paragraph that is only one sentence, combine this sentence with the narrative.

    7. 1.

      Approved with minor revisions.

    1. t is so important for a health care professional to maintain morals of honesty, integrity, and decision making. This is especially important working in healthcare, as our patients lives are so important. Through this profession, we have the opportunity to effect the lives of our patient and help them return back to their friends/family and everyday routines as much as possible.  I believe I have met this criterion over these last 9 months due to the quality of treatment, attention, and respect I give to my patients.

      Too general. Include specifics. Increase reflection.

    2.  It is crucial for any healthcare professional to be ethical each and every day. The client is our number one priority, and we should strive to be professional and respond in an ethical way in each situation.  I have made it a priority to uphold the AOTA code of ethics throughout all rotations.

      Too general. Needs significant more reflection and content revision.

    3. ​5.

      Approved with revisions to narrative to improve the level of professional writing/tone.

    4. the drop of the hat

      Keep your narratives formal and avoid slang.

    5. I had the opportunity to see 4 completely different settings over the last 9 months of fieldwork, and I am confident it has allowed me to meet this criterion. I have had the opportunity to treat clients on a physical dysfunction level, treat fine motor/visual perceptual skills, behavior management, psychosocial needs, fears and concerns from parents to children as well as family members to loved ones in a nursing home.

      This sentence is a little long and confusing. Recommend reading the narrative out loud to ensure that it sounds correct and has adequate flow.

    6. ​As a professional, it is important to take responsibility for our actions, education, growth, and professional behavior. The last 9 months of level II fieldwork have helped me grow professionally in more ways than I thought. I am very appreciative for this experience as it has given me opportunity for growth as a practitioner. This is an area that I will always strive to improve as I become an entry-level practitioner as well as throughout

      Too general. Need more specifics.

    7. Occupational therapy is a unique and one of a kind profession within itself. It is important for us to represent our profession well while working with other disciplines. Throughout the last 9 months on fieldwork, I have seen how important it is for all disciplines to be cohesive, as well as how important it is for us to bring our knowledge and perspective to the table. Inter-professional relationships are important as it creates the best holistic treatment approach for our clients. Throughout the last 3 level II FW experiences, I have made an intentional effort to participate as much as possible in inter-professional situations through interaction of discussion about our patients best interest.

      Too general. Need more specifics.

    8. 2. Fulfills commitments to the professional community. It is important to fulfill your commitments and do your part in the professional community. I had the opportunity to assist Dr. Mitchell with research she is conducting so that she can examine how our beliefs about knowledge and knowing may have changed by the end of Level II fieldwork. By doing this, it will also help by influencing the occupational therapy curricula and help improve educational experiences for students in the future.After having some incredible fieldwork educators, I have plans in the future to fulfill commitments to the professional community by investing in students just like they did for me. I think it is important to pay it forward and give back. 

      Approved. You selected interesting examples that other students may not have perceived or understood as professional commitments. You thought outside of the box on this one. I also like that you included a goal to become a fieldwork educator.

    9. During my first rotation at Quince Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, I had a patient that I noticed to be showing signs and symptoms of depression. Through developing a therapeutic relationship and rapport with her, she opened up to me about her daughter taking her depression medication away from her when she went into the hospital after telling her she doesn’t need it anymore. The patient informed me how she noticed she was feeling more and more depressed and did not want to participate in therapy. I informed her that she would be able to talk with her nurse to let her know she wanted a psych consult. The patient informed me her nurse was extremely rude, hateful, and was not interested in her well-being as she acted like this was a hassle. I spoke with my supervisor and realized I was able to notify the social worker that this patient would like a psych consult as soon as possible. The social worker met with the patient, and was able to get her a psych consult. Through advocating for this patient, she was able to get back on her depression medication, and I noticed a huge improvement in her mood and participation in therapy! Our clients will always be our number one priority and as their therapist, we should never stop advocating. 

      Caitlin, please make sure you protect the privacy of your client, as well as the integrity of the fieldwork site. Recommend rephrasing this post to keep the very good example, but without throwing other staff members under the "bus" or exposing too much information about the client. For example, state during my rotation in a skilled nursing facility rather than the facility name and don't paraphrase the client's response to the nurse. You could state the client didn't feel like she received the response she needed from the nurse, therefore social work was utilized instead. I like the example you chose. It just needs refinement for professional terminology/writing and discretion since there are other stakeholders and a fieldwork site in the example.

    1. It is important to use occupation and adaptation to evaluate and treat clients in order to be an effective therapist. Each client deserves client-centered care, as each individual’s situation will be completely different. We also must work hard to create rapport with our patients in order to build a therapeutic relationship. Building relationships with all of my clients is something that is so important to me and something I strive to do day in and day out. I have learned over these last 9 months how closely related “occupation,” “client-centeredness,” and “therapeutic relationship” are.

      Too general and there is no mention or evidence of theory/Frames of Reference.

    2. ​In order to ensure the best and most effective treatments, the client must be motivated to make progress towards goals. The most successful treatment sessions happen when the patient is “all in.” Keeping each treatment session occupation based/client centered. Over these past few months, I have found the most effective treatments to be when the client is the most motivated during the session which typically always happens when the activity is meaningful to them. I am confident I have fully gained understanding of this concept and mastered this area.

      Too general. If you wish to use the example below, then maybe indicate the Blackboard post (that needs to be a visual) demonstrates how you integrated meaningful occupation into your sessions.

    3. Empowering my clients has been one of the most important things I’ve learned throughout fieldwork. Often times, it is easy to get discouraged and depressed when found in a very unfortunate situation with your health, home environment, or bad news. If the patient does not have the confidence or determination/motivation within, it is harder to make gains and meet goals. With some of my patients, confidence can be easily shattered. It is my job to constantly support, encourage, and most importantly EMPOWER others. I believe I have fully met this criterion.

      Too general. Give examples and reflection.

    4. "One of Ms. Cole's strengths is her ability to connect to her patients. She takes time to listen to them, know their priorities and find out the activities or occupations that are meaningful to them. In this way, Ms. Cole creates a treatment approach that is more engaging and motivating to the patients." 

      Same feedback. Make this into a visual piece of evidence rather than text. Apply this recommendation to your entire ADPE. For the sake of time, I'm not going to highlight and annotate on each one.

    5. The client should always be our number one priority. It is crucial to put the client first when planning treatments, goals, and interventions. If I put together a treatment plan without collaborating with the client and their loved ones, how am I to know it is going to motivate the client and be something they have prioritized to work on during therapy? This has been a skill I have developed over the last 3 fieldworks. This is also a huge component of working with pediatrics. It is so important to include the parents in the intervention and treatment planning process to make sure to address all of their concerns as well.

      Need to elaborate on collaborating with caregivers in pediatrics. Give a specific example. Reflect on it.

    6. "Once a month, a care plan meeting is held for each patient to discuss patient progress and future plans. The patient, along with their family members, are invited to attend. Before my first care plan meeting started, I had a chance to collaborate with the PT, nurse, social worker, and speech therapist about this particular patient’s progress and concerns we have for her future therapy. The meeting went so smoothly, and I had the opportunity to share what I had seen so far in therapy. We discussed with her husband that we have noticed signs of depression and unwillingness to get out of bed. We were able to stress to the patient and the family member that in order to reach their goals of being mobile again and getting home, consistency with getting out of bed and coming to therapy will be key. We were also able to schedule a psych consult for this patient to hopefully relieve her depression symptoms to increase participation in therapy. This was a great experience, and I always enjoy collaborating with other team members because ultimately, we all have the same goal – to improve the quality of life for our patient!"

      Make this a visual rather than text.

    7. Below is a comment from Level II Fieldwork B written by my FWE Jessica Lambert "Great communicator, friendly & approachable. Confident & clear regarding purpose/necessity of OT & collaborates well w/others." 

      Make this a visual piece of evidence rather than text.

    8. Make this a visual piece of evidence rather than more text.

    9. Too general. Recommend being more descriptive as to how your communication skills have improved and what you've learned from working individuals who have disabilities or speak English as a second language.

    10. In the healthcare field, it is important to appreciate the diversity seen day in and day out. I have seen much diversity at each facility thus far as well as in everyday life. As a therapist, we will see differences everywhere we look, and we must accept the diversity and qualities we find. We must learn to accept the qualities in others we may not agree with or necessarily like, because in the end our client is our number one priority.Below is a blackboard post from my second rotation in acute/inpatient rehab at Physician’s Regional. This post is a reflection of how I appreciated and respected the diversity of client’s coming from all backgrounds and beliefs, which is especially important to build rapport."During these last 6 weeks, I have had the opportunity to collaborate each day with those of all backgrounds including patients, families, OTs, PTs, STs, COTAs, PTAs, nurses, CNAs, case managers, and many others. I have found at this facility that they make an effort to stay in constant communication with other disciplines to ensure the best outcome for each patient. Occasionally I float up to inpatient rehab when not needed in acute care. Because I typically walk in blindly having never seen these patients before, it is crucial for me to collaborate with the other disciplines who have been working with these patients to learn the assistance needed for transfers, goals, and so much more. Typically, when I walk in a patient’s room, they have family present. I have learned to communicate with families on PLOF, current level of function, and plans for d/c, as well as their main concerns for their loved one. Each patient, family, and employee of the hospital I encounter have different beliefs and values. It is important to always show respect and put the patient's best interest before anything else."

      The ADPE needs to be very personal and individualized. The narrative needs to have a great deal of reflection rather than summary of events. Otherwise, the narrative reads as generic and something every OT student could write. I recommend going back through your narratives and utilizing this blog resource to help form a reflection: http://www.stephanielancaster.com/blog/the-dissection-of-a-reflection For example, students with successful ADPE submissions have used a specific example of where they worked with a client from a different cultural background. Some students have discussed negotiating language barriers or religious beliefs with clients. Just remember to protect client confidentiality and fieldwork site privacy.

  33. tbcunningham.weebly.com tbcunningham.weebly.com
    1. You may not want to disclose your age on a public profile, especially since it's an illegal question for companies to ask your age when interviewing for jobs.

    2. Are you a second year? May need to update this page.

    1. 4.12

      approved with minimal revisions.

    2. I would politely decline again and offer a joke about student loan debt or free labor and end my session with the individual

      I could see the joke or humor being misconstrued by external readers. Maybe simply state that you used humor to politely decline rather than going into details on this one. You could also discuss facility policy related to gifts if there was one.

    1. 4.11

      I love the pictures and your narrative was exceptional. Approved, whole-heartedly!

    1. 4.10

      Fantastic, very well done. Approved with minor revision suggested below.

    2. for the participants who have experienced a CVA

      Delete. I think the title Stroke Support Group speaks to the participants that are in it.

    1. 4.9

      Approved with minor revision to evidence.

    2. Recommend removing the comment section and let the Meditation group protocol stand as your evidence.

    1. 4.8

      Approved upon revision.

    2. Level II Fieldwork C at Vanderbilt Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute - Treatment Plan for patient session described in above narrative:

      Difficult to read the evidence. I think the narrative can stand alone for this one.

    3. to our activities


    4. Vanderbilt Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute, I had a patient who had experienced an anoxic brain injury after a suicide attempt.

      Same feedback about privacy. Decrease details to protect the client.

    1. 4.7

      Approved once content revised.

    2. Level II Fieldwork A at Circle Center Adult Day Services - Final Fieldwork Performance Evaluation

      I would remove #42 from this post since it does not closely correlate like the other objectives.

    3. During my third Level II Fieldwork rotation, two of the occupational therapists experienced vestibular migraines. On a day in which this would happen, the other OTs covered for them and rearranged the therapy schedule so they could go home and rest until the migraine passed. On several occasions I would step in and see a patient who was not familiar to me.  I have covered for both therapists who experienced vestibular migraines to maintain our patient schedule. Typically, I would distribute treatment plans for patients 2-3 days prior to my treatment session to the OT that would be supervising. However, on these days I would only have a few minutes to compile treatment plans before my new patients would arrive. By treating patients from another therapist's caseload, I not only increased my experience with other neurological impairments, but I contributed to the clinic when needed to increase productivity and patient care. 

      To protect the privacy of the therapists, I wouldn't give so much information. Maybe state that on one of your fieldwork placements, you had to cover for other therapists while they were on sick leave. Then describe how you provided coverage as a team player.

    1. 4.6

      Approved with minor evidence revision.

    2. Since the comments do not explicitly relate to humor, you can probably just remove them. Sometimes less it more.

    1. confidence

      Approved, but please keep in mind what I've shared with y'all in class. You cannot set a goal for confidence. You have to set goals for concrete objectives that will make you more confident because confidence is subjective and not measurable. Also, please remember to go in and add category headings to the comments in your evidence. Approved with minor revisions.

    1. 4.4

      Allison, you did an incredible job with this objective. You really demonstrated how you would need to handle personal challenges as a full-fledged, practicing OT. Being a health care provider comes with a great deal of sacrifice at times. You will miss funerals, weddings, celebrations, and personal time throughout your career. It will always be a challenge to determine what you can and can't miss. I think you handled the balance of fieldwork and personal life with a great deal of maturity, humility, and flexibility. Approved with minor content revisions.

    2. G

      lower case

    3. had a lot of personal problems going on at home

      Recommend rephrasing, maybe state "had personal challenges to overcome".

    4. Fieldwork Coordinator

      Academic Fieldwork Coordinator

    1. 4.3

      Approved with narrative revision.

    2. For example, for this assignment, I divided each of the four Competency Areas into a table with each Competency Skill listed below it - Table 1. I also composed a table of each Competency Skill and in the row next to each skill I listed the narrative and evidence to be transferred to this webpage for completion of my project - Table 2. As I transferred each completed Competency Skill to my webpage, I would delete the row on Table 2, and black out that skill on Table 1. If there was something missing from the completion of a skill, the skill would be highlighted in yellow in Table 1 and that missing component would be added to Table 2 in its row. This was all done to keep track of which skills were completed and which required further work. See below for a snapshot of both tables in the midst of completion.

      This part of the narrative is a bit wordy and confusing. I'm having a hard time visualizing your approach. It may have a stronger impact if you did not go into so much detail. Rather state, you created a timeline and documentation system/checklist to assist you in accomplishing a large project. Something to that effect. Then refer to your evidence below as your documentation system.

    1. I recommend that 4.2 receive a complete overhaul. For example, pick one specific instance where you received feedback and describe how you received and how you incorporated it into your practice. The narrative is very general and any OT student could write it. The evidence contains FW educator identifying information so I would remove that. Also, the evidence gives your scores, but does not speak to the internal process that needs to happen to modify one's behaviors.

    1. 4.1

      Approved. Good job protecting FWE privacy in your evidence.

    1. lifelong practice

      The narrative does not include how this will be a life-long practice. Do you intend on staying an AOTA member? If not, then what is your plan to keep up with CEUs?

    1. 3.5

      Excellent job! Whole-heartedly approved.

    2. Teaching Assistant

      Before using TA abbreviation, you need to.....

    1. 3.4 Applies the domain

      When I think of this objective, I think of the OTPF and holistic care. I don't really get that information from the narrative or examples. Recommend full content revision.

    2. Same feedback. Add category headings so the reader understand what these comments are associated with.

    3. Same feedback from previous competency. The treatment plans are a bit hard to read and difficult to understand if not familiar with the setting. Recommend removing this evidence.

    4. tweaks

      Professional terminology. Instead of "tweaks" suggest "adjustments".

    1. 3.3

      Approved with minor content and evidence revisions.

    2. Level II Fieldwork A at Circle Center Adult Day Services

      The comments are a bit lengthy. I would be more selective with the comments and make sure you include the category heading. Less can be more and being very intentional about what you want to highlight (don't throw in the entire kitchen sink).

    3. patient values

      I don't necessarily see the client's values in the narrative. Maybe including some statement regarding the client's engagement in goal setting and treatment planning would be helpful here.

    4. by helping care for my grandmother

      Recommend stating "caregiving" to reduce wordiness.

    1. 3.1

      Approved with minor content revision.

    2. bridge my Master's of Occupational Therapy degree to a Doctorate of Occupational Therapy degree

      You can state "pursue" a Doctorate of OT degree.... Bridge is not necessarily the correct the terminology. Bridge programs are for significant jumps in education. For example, OTA bridge program to a Master's or OTD.