- May 2017
www.poemhunter.com www.poemhunter.com
Good Hotdogs
Here is a link to a video that illustrates young people acting out the poem. This multimodality helps students develop schema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl-yiwqHOLA
Fifty cents apieceTo eat our lunch
Question/Connection: What can you get for 50 cents? A dollar? 5 dollars? To think of an experience that only cost 50 cents seems like an unlikely possibility. However, this is an idea to get students to make a connection to a time they made an experience memorable with little monetary resources. To reiterate, this allows the reader to read through a writer's eye...how does one build an experience as simple as this into something so elaborate, exciting and energetic?
We'd eatyou hummingAnd me swinging my legs
Connection to...: The joy of such a simple and likely common experience is easily relatable and helps writers access those smaller memories to create a bigger picture and more elaborate depiction of that experience through writing.
Everything on the hotdogsExcept pickle lilyDash those hotdogsInto buns and splash onAll that good stuffYellow mustard and onionsAnd french fries piled on top allRolled up in a piece of wax
Visualization: Descriptive language is so beautifully used in this poem; when teaching this text with my students they were able to visualize the hotdogs and the overall experience, which made their analysis more detailed. This type of writing is extremely beneficial to read when creating a picture in such a brief piece of text. Here you can smell the hotdogs, build the hotdogs with all the fixings and enjoy the experience of eating them.
We'd runStraight from schoolInstead of homeTwo blocksThen the store
Craft Techniques: This poem is set up to reflect the order of events that the speaker and their friend/sibling/companion/etc. experience as they leave school to get their hotdogs. As far as the writing process, Cisneros could have created this poem from the first steps to the last and all that happened during the experience. This chronological order establishes a writing process for those reading to understand her process.
Quarters on the counter
Connection: I remember saving up every bit of cash that I could just to buy something from the book fair. It usually was a box set of a certain series I enjoyed or pointless yet amazing erasers or other school supplies like that. Just a small purchase like this of my own money made me feel powerful and in charge of my own life. This connection to the text could be similar to that of one of my students.
Good Hotdogs Poem by Sandra Cisneros - Poem Hunter Home Poems Poets Member
This website may not be the immediate source for poetry, but it does have a wide range of texts that provide more material for writers to access.
Poems by Sandra Cisneros : 5 / 16
There are other Cisneros poems available to read and analyze. This potentially could establish a well regarded writing style for readers especially since Cisneros does not just write poems.
Straight from schoolInstead of home
A relatable experience for adolescents; getting a taste of rebellion and freedom. Cisneros is a well renowned Latina writer that students of the same identity can connect to.
- Apr 2017
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
Poem Categorization Subjects Relationships, Family & Ancestors, Social Commentaries, Gender & Sexuality, History & Politics, Race & Ethnicity Holidays Kwanzaa Poet's Region U.S., Southern School / Period Black Arts Movement
This website is great with including the context and "categorization" for readers. Readers have a baseline for understanding the poem and it's category, while writers have the chance to build on their experiences in their writing.
Poems By Maya Angelou
Students have access to other works written by Angelou and can create a collection in their minds.
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
A greater understanding of where Angelou is coming from; her history, her story, her promising future and dream. This line in itself sets a tone for the poem, which can be broad but still understood for students.
like dust,
Figurative language (similes) used throughout the poem; could create an activity on figurative language or the importance of diction from this poem.
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Ways to expand the text to other platforms and medias.
Related Content Discover this poem's context and related poetry.
Provides background about the poem and the poet. Gives the chance for the reader to develop more context surrounding the poet.
youngwritersproject.org youngwritersproject.org
Check out NEW issue of YWP's showcase mag: The Voice -- Go. Read. Comment.
Opportunities for writers to be published in an offline source. For some the materialized publish may be more rewarding than just uploaded a piece on the web.
It's Poetry Month! YWP Poets Wow Poem City
Different medias available for students (and website visitors); lets thinking be visible and heard aloud.
Writers can read and write on this page.
The website is divided into pages on types of writing, which is great for students to reference while crafting their own writing style.
Daily Read Apr 27
An alternative text that is updated regularly and frequently; there is an established system which can create comfort and reassurance that material is so common to see and read.
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
Browse Poems
Endless ways for readers to access poetry. They can search for poems and poets or even an entire collection of poems by an author.
Poetry News
News about poets and their work. I find that poetry is a very personal and often isolated form of writing, so this makes poets more accessible and also well regarded by those who would have not known them before (i.e. students with little poetry experience).
Articles Poetry magazine Poem of the Day Harriet: News & Community Audio Poem of the Day Glossary Term of the Day
Ways of expanding the website's purpose.
Network Find us on Facebook Poetry Foundation Poetry Foundation Children Follow us on Twitter Poetry Foundation Poetry Magazine Poetry News Poetry Now Follow us on Tumblr Poetry Foundation Follow us on Instagram Poetry Foundation
Connections to other mediums/platforms; creates a bit of unity between social media and a "safer" website (meaning that social media is such a broad platform and this focuses on poetry). Establishes a broader poetry community.
The search bar creates that sense of freedom for writers/poets to explore specific genres or read more from a poet they admire.
www.teenink.com www.teenink.com
Today's Top Voted Poetry
These sections highlight the amount of material found on the poetry page alone. Writers have the opportunity to explore lists or enter in an online discussion about certain texts should they desire to.
Subscribe to monthly print magazine Current issue | Past issues | Free sample Submit to Search articles, art, books & videos
Makes submitting and subscribing to Teen Ink accessible and easy. There is a higher chance that a teen who stumbled on this page will submit writing.
written by teens since 1989
A platform written by teens can inspire other teens to connect with writing (with poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and other forms of expression). Creates authenticity to writing and a sense of community for students.
www.teenink.com www.teenink.com
Subscribe to monthly print magazine
Makes submitting and subscribing to Teen Ink accessible and easy. There is a higher chance that a teen who stumbled on this page will submit writing.
written by teens since 1989
A platform written by teens can inspire other teens to connect with writing (with poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and other forms of expression). Creates authenticity to writing and a sense of community for students.
- Feb 2017
This kind of rigor goes into a lot of my decisionmaking
Reading strategy: Using this statement to make connections to personal life: I think in so many parts of our life, probably starting in high school, decision making becomes a way of life. We think we have to think critically about our choices, from college choice, apartment choice, roommates, friends, etc., so this influence trickles down into every manner of life, like dinner choices.
- Apr 2016
www.personalizelearning.com www.personalizelearning.com
I think it is important to make it clear with students that there really is a whole village that supports them, and not just with school related issues/matters. Classrooms should also be flexible considering that everyday will bring new challenges. For this reason I appreciate the "learning environment" section.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject
theelearningcoach.com theelearningcoach.com
Integrate their learning:
I think that teachers have a big responsibility to make modifications based on student's learning styles to thus make their PLE be most effective. Like see what self-directed/environmental tools will be most beneficial for how a student learns.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject
connect.ala.org connect.ala.org
That is why lifelong learning is such a crucial part of the education conversation and why modeling a learning lifestyle is one of the best things that teachers can do today.
This is such a big reason to why I want to teach and came here to St. Edward's to study education. The idea of promoting students to be "lifelong learners" is literally in the school's mission statement, and that is expected of each of us here. I think in reference to this article, working with PLNs and other aggregators is going to be playing a huge role in the future of education, and how we can use these tools to influence students.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject
The central tool for dynamically maintained asynchronous connec-tions is the RSS aggregator.
I had to look up what RSS stood for on this website: http://www.whatisrss.com/
I learned that "RSS" is a Rich Site Summary, so it is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. I can see how Aggregators play a role in education, like using these online tools in lesson plans or outside the classroom, and that they can be used differently each year since they change.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject
images.pcmac.org images.pcmac.org
Can be written for any curriculum area
This could also beneficial for the entire school to incorporate if students and teachers are having difficulty communicating curriculum expectations in a specific class, but are doing fine in others. As in, all teachers are on the same page on how to get students involved, and to know what's expected of them.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject
Can be used to support all learners
This is a good strategy for incorporating all learning styles that are present in our classrooms.
educ2332 #spring2016 #inquiryproject