- Mar 2019
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The Fifteenth Amendment was ratified in 1870, in the wake of the Civil War. It provides that “[t]he right ofcitizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude,” and itgives Congress the “power to enforce this article by appro-priate legislation.”
All citizens should and are given the right to vote. furthermore, no factors should come into play to deny anyone the right to vote.
And §4 of the Actapplied that requirement only to some States—an equally dramatic departure from the principle that all States enjoy equal sovereignty.
this from my understanding say that all state should be equal when it comes to voting rights. this is the beginning of states having to ask for permission to change voting laws.
The coverage formula and preclearance requirement were initiallyset to expire after five years, but the Act has been reauthorized sev-eral times. In 2006, the Act was reauthorized for an additional 25 years, but the coverage formula was not changed.
This formula seems to indicate a social/census standard from a political view. The way I understand this is that this formula depicting race as an issue base off of previous data from the 60s and 70s. This is a depiction of what area have minorities and how many vote. furthermore it seems as if they had to make sure that the precleared areas were allowed to vote.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted to address entrenched racial discrimination in voting, “an insidious and pervasive evil which had been perpetuated in certain parts of our country through unremittingand ingenious defiance of the Constitution.”
Here we are over 100 years later from equality of minorities, "the Black Man" and or slave from having rights. This is the statement of an unconstitutional act that prevented black/minorities from voting. This is still seen today in this and other forms.
- Feb 2019
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There is hope in the thought, and hope is much neede<l, under the dark clouds which lower nbove the horizon.
Like bad weather, this injustice will pass. Keep looking toward the horizon and find a better day and a better future. Eventually we will all be one and free. While there is more to this, I believe this is what FD is saying.
ShoulJ I seem nt ease, my appearance would much misrepresent me.
While he is happy to speak today, Douglas is nervous but willing to endure this to get his message across. This to me also shows some humility in that he feels that he may not be that good of a speaker then others. However, is audience knows better.
Ou the 2J of' July, 1 'l1TG, the old. Continental Congress, to the dismay of the lovers of case, nnd the worsbippers of property, clothed that dl'eatlful ic1en. with all the cuthority of national. sanction. They did so in the form of n resolution ; ::1ml as we seldom hit upon resolutions, drawn up in om <.lay, whose transparency is at all equal to this, it may refresh your minds antl help my story if I rend it.
This was an idea from the DOI that they colonists didn't want to be oppressed and under British rule. speaking to the previous comment, Douglas is saying that slaves and black Americans are no different then the colonists from 76 years ago. Americans talk about oppression as if they lived hard lives but the slave has endured more then the colonist.
Th re i;i on-ob tion in the thought, that merica ii yonng.-Great streams nre not easily tw-neu from clrnunel-i, wom deep in the cour e of ag .
America is still young. It will take time to be great and we will have bumps and buses along the way. In time we may all be one and show an appreciation for the times and tribulations that America has gone through. good or bad it is our history and we must learn from that.
have been able to throw my thoughts hastily an<l im11er-fcct1y together ; and trusting to your patient a.ncl gen-erous indulgence, I 11,,fil proceed to lay them lJefore you.
He says that he is going to say something quick and lay out a plan for is topic. However, It is in eloquence that he says this that he will be concise and detailed. At this time it may have been fast but we have lost this eloquent oration in how we address our fellow man. He ask for patients. this is to say that he is going to extend and olive branch and start speech of "A meaning of the 4th of July"
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For what reason then, other than tofeed the self-righteousness of the enforcer, should my right tocomplain depend on having voted?
The vote is a solution while granted, its not the absolute one but its something. We as Americans can have a voice but the "boo" is not a solution. complain all you want but have a good plan to back it up. if the other side doesn't agree find a solutions so everyone can get along in agreeance.
Fights for su"rage andenfranchisement feature heavily in the progressive narrative ofAmerican history.
This is what the vote is. We need to fight for what we believe in. This to me says that we should stick to the values and beliefs of the states and the nation. We should stick to the platform and be bipartisan in our government. we should try to find a common ground in rules of law and not make our voting system a popularity contest.
The institution of Voting, afterall, has a kind of holy aura in American civic life.
I believe in this but for some reason I want to fight against this statement. The vote is powerful but we have retarded it to something meaningless at the national level. We as Americans want people to run our government for us our way. and when they don't we complain. We wont stand up and say, "I will run". why? politics has become too complicated. Is the vote still holy?
ater that evening, this time in a speech onbehalf of Virginian candidate Ralph Northam, the Presidentserved his catchphrase yet again: “Don’t boo, vote!” The crowdfaithfully roared in agreement.
This strikes me because here we are 2 years later with Northam not living up to his potential. While this is crucial in what is said, how can he be trusted now? The quote is now just political utterances from someone who has skeletons in his closet. we put our faith in those who run as "just people"
The illusory e"ect remains no more than amisinterpretation within our mind. It does nothing to actuallyalter objective reality.
just because someone says something is true doesn't necessarily make it so. This to me is an indication that we must collect all the information first then find out the facts. All the information can be collected on something but not all of it make be true.